do you take anything?

Have you tried any supplements or anything to help you lose weight?

I was considering hydroxycut, but the research scares me. I am not sure I want to go that route, but I am stuck in a bad plateatu right now and I am so frustrated! I need to get out of it soon!

I was wondering if there was anything that works and is safe to take that could help boost metabolism and get over this weight-plateau point?


  • kao708
    kao708 Posts: 813 Member
    I haven't because I'm nervous about any side effects. I figure my body isn't in the best shape right now so anything artificial could be even worse for it. No sense spending the money if I can do this the right way. Good luck! :smile:

    Regarding your plateau, do you normally eat the same number of calories and do the same workouts each week? You might try to switch things up and do a different type of workout if you can.

    Also, if you alternate your calorie intake each day it can give your metabolism a little jolt and get it moving again. At least it has done that for me in the past. Stay around your daily calorie goal but go over or under it on varied days by a couple hundred if you can.


    I'm not a professional but I know this has worked for me and others in the past to get things moving again!
  • ChefJenn
    ChefJenn Posts: 350 Member
    alli is the only FDA approved product you can get OTC.

    I took it when it was still a prescription and it did help me to lose an extra pound or two each week during a 3 month trail of taking it.

    It also lets you KNOW when you eat something that you shouldnt. ( meaning have a bathroom near by)
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    I would stay away from all of those products. None of them are regulated, none of them are a permanent solution, and all are invitations to throw your money away.

    What does your exercise plan look like?
  • carriej82
    carriej82 Posts: 123 Member
    Yeah I won't try Alli.... that SCARES me the most! LOL

    I was searching old posts and I saw this

    Thermo CLA from GNC

    I am not really sure exactly what it is, but it seems to have gotten pretty good reviews? I am not knowledgeable enough to know if it is a diet pill or a supplement?
  • carriej82
    carriej82 Posts: 123 Member

    What does your exercise plan look like?

    I have been switching it up, I run about 3 times a week. I do a step aerobics class 1x a week, cycle class 1x a week, body pump (strength class) 1x week and stretch and strength (20 minute strength class) 1x week

    some days this week I have even gone back and done the eliptical for an extra workout
  • jineat
    jineat Posts: 25 Member
    Multiple Vitamin
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    Yeah I won't try Alli.... that SCARES me the most! LOL

    I was searching old posts and I saw this

    Thermo CLA from GNC

    I am not really sure exactly what it is, but it seems to have gotten pretty good reviews? I am not knowledgeable enough to know if it is a diet pill or a supplement?

    If you go through the tabs, you'll see one called Supplement Facts. This supplement is basically caffeine, green tea, carnitine and some linloleic acids (Omega 6s).

    I wouldn't bother with it. :wink: A cup of coffee will give you caffeine and most of us already get far too many Omega 6s and far too few Omega 3s.
  • forestdancers
    forestdancers Posts: 146 Member
    I have heard from Dr Oz that cinnamon can help with regulating sugers in the blood and maybe help with wieght loss.

    I have been using it in my water and on my oatmeal. I can say from experience that three tbs+ of cinnamon a day will not kill you. :happy:
    Can't say how much weight I've lost since I had no scale that went high enough to read my +350lb mass. Now I am down to at least on the scale 346lbs. Probably down at least 20lbs from the fit of my cloths.

    So I'd say cinnamon is something to try without the side effects.

    good luck
  • suziehomemaker

    Thermo CLA from GNC

    I am not really sure exactly what it is, but it seems to have gotten pretty good reviews? I am not knowledgeable enough to know if it is a diet pill or a supplement?

    i have used CLA or congugated lenolic acid it is a fat burning essential oil and it actually worked very well for me when i was on it all it does is flush fat stores from your body i used it in combination with a thermal (i personally used rev) the combination of those two were AMAZING........but the only downfall is that they are VERY expensive CLA is about $50 - $60 canadian and rev was the same but you have to take them so often (when at the peak of taking i was at 2 or so CLA per day and Rev i was at 6-9 per day) so they can be EXTREMELY costly and i took a very good womens multivitamin for extra active ladies......but with all that said and done i lost 30 lbs in just under 2 months BUT ........i wokred with a trainer for 2-3 hrs monday to friday doing cardio and strenght take from that what you will they worked for me but not worth the money :drinker:
  • candy_grl
    I take Hoodia, it's an appetite suppressant. It works like a charm.
  • kasmir8199
    kasmir8199 Posts: 507 Member
    I only take a multivitamin and a mood enhancer beverage. A friend of mine got me started on Geneis PURE products. I like it because I don't have to swallow a huge horse-pill vitamin - I can just drink it! :o) Kinda tastes like carrot juice.
  • cathyv0409
    cathyv0409 Posts: 230 Member
    The only thing I take is drink an herbal tea as an appetite suppressant that contains Garcinia Fruit, Orange Peel, Ginger Root and yes, Cinnamon :smile: I also drink an energy tea that has Rhodiola Root, Yerba Mate, Eluthero Root and peppermint. I actually steep the two teas together and drink it mid morning and sometimes in late afternoon. The tea works great at controlling my appetite, I just wish it made me hate food :bigsmile:
  • laurenk182004
    laurenk182004 Posts: 1,882 Member
    The only thing I take is drink an herbal tea as an appetite suppressant that contains Garcinia Fruit, Orange Peel, Ginger Root and yes, Cinnamon :smile: I also drink an energy tea that has Rhodiola Root, Yerba Mate, Eluthero Root and peppermint. I actually steep the two teas together and drink it mid morning and sometimes in late afternoon. The tea works great at controlling my appetite, I just wish it made me hate food :bigsmile:
    Hey :) what's the 1st tea called??? I LOVE tea, and that sounds tasty :)