Breastfeeding Mother of Two Looking to get Fit!!! And get su

JanisBudds Posts: 10 Member
edited September 24 in Introduce Yourself
Hi! My name is Janis. I am 36 and a mother of two. My son Alexander who is 21 months and my daugher Kathryn who is 4 months. Unfortunately I gained a lot of weight with my son and never lost it before getting pregnant with my daughter. When I got married (3 months before getting pregnant with my son) I weighed 125. I am hoping to get back to that weight (or a little less). I am currently 144.

I just joined 2 days ago. The first couple days I was entering how I normally eat and couldn't believe the number of times I have a handful of this a scoop of that, a bite of my son's food, a coffee with creamer etc. Wow! It really adds up!!! In pure embarrassement I didn't enter some foods.

So here it is, my official kick off!! I had reached out to another mom asking some breastfeeding questions and we became friends. I am looking for others that want to be friends. I feel that seeing each other's weight loss will inspire me to work harder and hopefully do the same for others. Anyone in the same position that wants support?


  • mlhjjm
    mlhjjm Posts: 36 Member
    Hi Janice! Welcome to MFP. I am the same as you. I was about 130-135 when I got married but have gained weight in the three years of our marriage. I would love to be back to my weight when we got married. I have about 30 pounds to go. This site is awesome! I have not been able to go over my calories per day because everything that goes in my mouth gets plugged into the website. I have also started drinking water ALOT more but I want to do better in that area as well. Good luck to you! Feel free to add me as a friend as well.
  • Hi, I am Melanie. I am 27. When I got pregnant w/my daughter, I was 140lbs. When I delivered, 2weeks overdue, & retaining water, I was 202lbs! I dropped 40lbs before I ever left the hospital. Unfortunatly I have in 2yrs since I had her, gained it all back plus a little! We want to have more children, but I refuse to go into a pregnancy this un-healthy. Like you, it was a wake-up call to start tracking EVERYTHING I was eating!! You don't realize how quick it adds up. I just joined this sight a couple of days ago, & so far I LOVE it. I've been telling everyone about it. I am also looking for friends, & inspiration & support.
  • JanisBudds
    JanisBudds Posts: 10 Member
    I am hoping I keep motivated. I have a goal to lose at least 5lbs before my daughter's baptism on April 10th and then at least be down 15 by end of June. I want to bring my kids to the beach/pool this summer and can't bear to be there at this weight. I was able to hide it last summer since I was pregnant, but this summer there is no excuses!!! I am thinking about getting a heart monitor to keep track of my fitness and hope that helps with the motivation.
  • I too am breast feeding my 4 month old and have a 5 year old. It is soo hard to fit in workouts and not feel guilty b/c of working away from the house!!! I am actually marrying my two sons dad this summer and want to lose a total of 35 pounds by July!!! No small many calories are you eating? I read somewhere you needed 1800 minimal while breastfeeding but just wondering if anyone is dipping lower than that?
  • swimmermama
    swimmermama Posts: 526 Member
    I friended you! My daughter is almost 4 months old and I am breastfeeding her. MFP is great for support and info! My diary is open. Feel free to check it out if you would like, although I was out of town the last couple of days and did not eat as I normally do :)

    I generally eat between 1800 and 2100 calories a day and work out five days a week. I would be interested in learning what other people are doing!
  • This is awesome...I was looking for some breastfeeding moms, I was not sure how many calories other moms typically eat!!! I friended you!!
  • I have 4 kids, not breastfeeding though. I started on this site weighing 141 and Im down to 134. My goal right now is 130 but once I meet it I think Im gonna try to get down to 125. I know how having kids, especially when breastfeeding, can really make it hard to make the right choices and find time to exercise or even cook appropriate meals. Ill add ya and we can help each other out.
  • Hi and welcome to MFP!

    I joined in January and love it! Im a mum of 3 who's still BF my youngest (7 months) Im in the 150s just now and aiming to get to 145. I've lost 20lbs since January with the motivation of all the lovely ladies and gents on here :)

    I eat around 1400 a day and dont eat back my exercise calories and losing well and it not affecting my milk supply at all although I waited to start dieting until she was 6 months so supply was settled and we have started weaning now.

    HTH and feel free to add me :)

    Good luck!
  • shreddingit
    shreddingit Posts: 1,133 Member
    hi! im also a mom of 2 and still breastfeeding my 17month old son!
    I gained a lot after I had him, a lot of sitting and bad eating was the cause....but we can do it!
  • alyssa92982
    alyssa92982 Posts: 1,093 Member
    I am also breastfeeding my 2 month old-feel free to add me as friend and good luck on ur journey!
  • Hello Janis,

    Congrats on the new baby! Im the mother of three and am still trying to lose my baby weight. BTW my kids are 17, 14, and 8. I married at 135 and am currently 165. So I have about 30 pounds to lose. I just started this website today so I would love to follow your progress and hold eachother accountable. I'll send you a request. Good luck!:smile:
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