2 Weeks in and not 1lb lost :(

I realize now that I'm 36 and no longer 20..... but even just 2-3 years ago there was a time when I would begin to watch what I eat and exercise like I am doing and drop easily 5lbs in a week or two.

I'm SO frustrated. After two hard weeks for me ( I mean, I went from pretty much sedentary to an hour of cardio 4 times a week) and trying to eat better, the scale is not really reflecting the work.

I'm going to invest in a HRM to see if my burn is dramatically different from what the "standard" is, and take another look at my diet. I'll probably also add another day of cardio to my week. I just started measuring myself, so we'll see if there's any changes there in a week or two.

Any advice? Anyone else start out seeing no real changes but then starting losing the weight?? I'm hoping that in a week or two things will start to pick up, but for now it's really hard for me to look at how my life has changed in the past two weeks and see no reflection of that on my body. :frown:

*Edit: Any reccomendations on a HRM? I was looking at the FT7 by Polar or the Body Bugg .... I want something accurate so I can get a handle on how to best lose weight!


  • mkateweis
    mkateweis Posts: 24 Member
    Don't get too frustrated, your story sounds just like my own. My body had to adjust to what I was doing and then after a couple weeks the scale started responding. Keep up the good work and you will see results!
  • OLP76
    OLP76 Posts: 768 Member
    I'm 34 - soon to be 35 in August.

    I will say it's tough when we get in our 30's. But, it doesn't have to be - just watch your Sodium levels, and have Patience. It took me 79 days of my workout program for me to lose 20 lbs. It can be done, with Patience as my Husband says LOL.

    It's not a race...people will say - have you lost inches? Focus on that. The weight will come off - trust me :smile: :heart:
  • swrightqh
    Just try and stay positive! If you're doing all that and not going over your calories, you should start losing. Maybe your body is just trying to adjust to the major changes you've made so quickly. I bet another week and you'll see some loss, good luck!
  • seasonalvoodoo
    seasonalvoodoo Posts: 380 Member
    For a HRM I bought the Sportline 1060 Duo for women and love it!
  • kellykat2
    kellykat2 Posts: 87 Member
    Actually I was the opposite, I lost 4 lbs right away but then tapered off . Last week I worked my rear end off almost every day and still only lost 1 lb. That is one reason I question eating the exercise calories. I am going to lower my caloric intake a couple hundred below and see if it will work then.

    I think in your case hormonal changes can cause your weight to fluctuate, you could be retaining water due to it.. So stick with it and one day you will see the changes.

    Just know that you even though you don't see a change in the scale, you are working towards a healthier you! Do not give up. Keep on keeping on and you will see results.
  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    This is actually how most people are. It takes time for the body to realize what you are doing and allow the changes to take place. This is why I don't re-weigh or re-measure my clients for at least a month or sometimes 6 weeks after they start training. Relax, keep achieving your daily food and exercise goals, and you'll see the results. :smile:
  • alienblonde1
    alienblonde1 Posts: 749 Member
    Measuring yourself is a good idea. Even though the changes don't show in weight lost I am sure there is changes going on inside your body. The last year (before MFP) I only lost 10 lbs. BUT my bad cholesterol went down and my good went up. Total cholesterol went from 223 to 204! My sugar went from 115 to 91 (fasting). So keep at it and the weight will come off.
  • lvrn09
    lvrn09 Posts: 13
    Also if you're starting to work out a lot you're probably starting to replace your fat with muscle which weighs more therefore you're not seeing the results on the scale. I would start taking measurements of your waist and hips or just try the same pair of jeans on every week when you weigh yourself to see if they fit better. Don't get discouraged - just stick with it and slowly you will see the numbers change. Good luck my friend!
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    Give it more time. Your body is still adjusting. Read the links in my posts. Especially "links in MFP you want to read again and again". Make sure your calories aren't too low.

    I have a Polar FT7 and I'm very, very happy with it.

    In the past that 5 pound loss was most likely just water weight. Take your focus off the scale numbers - they just tell you you're losing - not what you're losing. Keep track with measurements.
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    hi ya,,
    i have lost 3lb since xmas! :( yeh 3 bloody lb!
    i have done all things possible but i am still loosing the inches! :)
    so let your body do what it wants it could be just he muscle building up as it weighs so much more than fat...
    i am getting used to not loosing at the mo as long as the inches are falling off every month still!
    good luck
  • firecrackerbaby
    :happy: Dont give up. make sure you are drinking lots and lots of water! Last week I didnt loose any weight and this week I lost 3 pounds. But I notice that my clothes are fitting better and I feel like doing more. I like to switch it up with some yoga . Seems to help. Just dont stop! :wink:
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Keep at it, it will happen!! Also are you getting enough calories?? When I first started my journey I was really miffed at the fact that the scales weren't moving and then my trainer and I had a conversation about what I was eating. Turns out I wasn't eating enough to support what I was doing and chances are I had moved into starvation mode.

    It could be so many things, muscle gain, body waiting to respond, calorie deficit...don't let it get you down, you will be healthier even if the numbers of the scale haven't moved!
  • Riliye
    Riliye Posts: 44 Member
    Your story sounds almost exactly like mine. I started on January 18th, and the first two weeks dropped 8 lbs of water weight. Since then, the scale hasn't moved. Well, that's a lie, it actually moved in an upwards direction. I started Couch-to-5k, and the gain in muscle was pretty dramatic. This is my third week of C25k, and yesterday was the first day I saw the scale even budge in a downward direction.

    That being said, I recommend measuring your inches. I thought it was a bunch of bologna, that there is no way I could be staying the same weight and having any sort of loss in inches. Yesterday was my second measuring, and over the course of this week alone I lost a total of 6.5 inches. I couldn't believe it!

    *Edit: As for recommendations on the HRM, I absolutely love my Polar F6, but this model is being discontinued. If you're lucky enough to find it at a department store, they may have it discounted pretty heavily -- I was extremely lucky and got mine for $19.88!
  • togden
    togden Posts: 324 Member
    I have the FT4 and LOVE IT - - I am burning about half of what MFP says I would burn and so it is an adjustment but well worth it for sure.

    Just keep working and the weight will start to melt off ... Are you measuring (I personally dont but everyone says you should because although your not losing pounds inches could be changing) I do notice though all of my rings no longer fit and I feel like my shoes are too big now ... :ohwell: