Working out and eating too much

showstopper21us Posts: 7
edited September 24 in Fitness and Exercise
I've worked out everyday this weekend and had a great time doing it, however there is one problem. Since, I worked out so much I guess I felt entitled to eat whatever I wanted. Man...what do I do about that? It wasn't because I was so hungry, food just looks good and I want to eat it..:-)


  • i feel like i have that same problem!but i just try to remember what im working for and we both KNOW that working out and eating right are essential.they are two parts of the weight loss puzzel,that if one lacks,then the results will lack too. i hate knowing that i worked out really hard and i just ate a fatty delicious meal,which inturn takes away all the hard work.ya know?
    good luck:)
  • AndreaWyland
    AndreaWyland Posts: 142 Member
    you just have to abstain:) keep yourself busy, count out your cal and make up your menu plan in the am and stick to it:)
  • 1QueenB
    1QueenB Posts: 227 Member
    It is so good to know that I am not the only one with that problem. Before my decision to change my life and get healthier, I was just eating and not caring and not exercising. Then I started caring and started exercising and watching every piece of food I put into my mouth. Now that I'm exercising and eating healthier and in moderation, it's like I think this gives me persmission to splurge when I've accomplished my goal of exercise daily. I think I am on a backwards slope and I need to get on the slope that goes forward!!!!! It is so frustrating sometimes, but hey I'm still in the game so don't count me out yet! LOL
  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member
    I used to really struggle with this. I found that saving some of my calories so that I could have a meal after my work out helped me to overcome this.

    Also, try to think about how much effort it takes to burn say 250 cals, then, when you want to eat something as yourself if it's really worth undoing all the hard work you've just put in at the gym. For example, yesterday I wanted a chocolate bar but when I realised it was almost 300 cals and then I thought about it it terms out work out time (almost 30 mins for me) I decided against it.

    Good luck on your journey :laugh:
  • SarahRuth♥
    SarahRuth♥ Posts: 609 Member
    Some things that have helped me:

    1. Learn to make, or buy, healthy alternatives to the things you enjoy eating.
    2. Allow yourself to eat the foods you like, but in moderation, and only occassionally.
    3. Smaller portions, eat slowly, enjoy every bite, and then tell yourself that you are done, no excuses.
    4. Plan ahead. If you know that you will be eating a high calorie, not-as-healthy-as-it-should-be dinner, eat light for breakfast and lunch.
    5. Find recipes for meals that taste great and are healthy too. Things you will enjoy eating, and that you are likely to want to try again, but that won't derail your efforts. I made salsa chicken the other day, and everyone in the family loved it, it tasted so rich and was so full of flavor, and everyone was shocked that it was good for them too. Plus, it was so easy to make. Will share the recipe I used, if anyone wants it. :)
    6. Figure out what it is that you tend to crave, and find a way to satisfy that craving in a healthy way. I love salty snacks, like potato chips. But I find that 94% fat free popcorn satisfies that craving, and it's way better for the diet!!
    7. Make sure you ALWAYS have healthy options available to you. I don't know how many people are in your home, and if this is a problem for you. But, in my home I have four other people to share the food with, and they would always eat things before I would get to it... so I cleared off a shelf in both the pantry and the refridgerator and designated those as mine. Nobody is allowed to touch that food, and I keep those shelves stocked with the things I like to eat. If there are no healthy options available, or easily and quickly accessible, I tend to use that as an excuse. But if there are always healthy options available, I will tend to choose them.
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