Too Young To Die!

3 months ago I found I had a weak heart that was Afib. I was put on a bunch of meds and was told i need to drop
my excess weight. I never realized I let myself go so bad and really need to turn this around.
Im trying to lose 70 pounds and so far I havent taken it seriously.

I'm here now to do this and could use any help and encouragement from people in the same boat.
Friend me please!



  • katyygirll
    never too late to try and turn it around! good luck!
  • dracobaby82
    dracobaby82 Posts: 380 Member
    Kbug92 is right... it's never to late... you are here now and this site is soo helpful! I'll send a request and we'll keep eachother motivated! Good luck on your journey and I'm sure as long as you keep logging in here, and logging your food and exercise, you will be put on the right track!
  • wwh140
    wwh140 Posts: 133 Member
    i know what you mean. we just don't realize how much we let ourselves go until we are slapped in the face with it. I am also trying to lose a lot of weight and it's a struggle, I'm not gonna lie to ya. But this site is great. Lots of people in the same boat who are here and doing it. They offer lots of encouragement and support. I sent you a friend request. Good luck! You can do it!
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,243 Member
    Welcome to the club. A little over a year ago I had a stroke and while hospitalized they found my heart ejection fraction was about 30-35% (should be 60-65%). I also was put on a bunch of meds, and had to lose weight. As you can see I have taken off a bunch, and still have a ways to go. You can do it. Thank God the effects of my stroke are pretty much gone, and my heart function is now back to normal, other than the one internist I was seeing, they other specialists didn't expect that, but the stoke could have killed me. I also did not realize how much I had let myself go, but I got my wake-up call and answered. Myfitnesspal (MFP) is great and while I lost most of my weight without it, I was doing basically the same thing, but with a lot more work recording calories eaten than I do here. MFP makes it easy to keep track of what I am putting in me, and the energy I burn exercising. Welcome again.
  • sadiddy_barbiee
    kbug is right!! it is never too late to turn it around. Its good that you are trying and you know that you do need to lose the weight. Now you just need to kick the progress into gear! Dont forget that you can reward yourself every now and then,,just dont take advantage lol...Watch your calorie intake. Well I wish you the best of luck Romeo.