Need motivation......

MannAmanda Posts: 50
edited September 24 in Introduce Yourself
Hi, My name is Amanda. I am 23 years old, a marine wife and mother of a beautiful little girl. Currently I weight 206 pounds. When I am suppose to weight between 125 and 135. I gained 50+ pounds during my pregnancy because the doctors told me I wasn't gaining enough. Then at 29 weeks my water broke. I was admitted to the hospital and put on bed rest for a month. Until my daughter decided to throw me into early labor at only 32 weeks. I had an emergency csection. I was then stuck at the hospital with her for another month. So needless to say I have not had much exercise. I have started and stopped exercises countless number of times since then. My daughter is now 7 almost 8 months and I am still out of shape. I recently started working out again and am on day 4 in a row. Which is a bid deal for me. But I am worried that I won't be able to keep it up. I get so stressed and so demotivated that I quit because I don't see any results. I need Motivation......

Thanks for listening to my ramble. Have a good day!


  • mangos4music
    mangos4music Posts: 126 Member
    hi! i understand you completely. im only 5'1" and i am at 193 lb rite now. I am gonna be 21 in april and i have a 2 yr old daughter and a 2 month old son. i am an army wife and my hubby is currently in afghanistan for another 6 months. i have never been thin, but i gained like 50 lb when i was prego with my daughter and i have since been prego two more times so i have never really had time to lose the weight. but honestly this is the best place you can be for motivation and support! the ppl here are great and really encouraging! im gonna add you if thats ok :)
  • AllyS7
    AllyS7 Posts: 480 Member
    Welcome and congrats on your little girl!

    I haven't had the blessing to experience baby weight, but if you set goals and put your mind to it you can do it!

    I know that exercise can sometimes seem like a chore, but why not try to find something you enjoy doing? I'm not sure what the weather is like where you are at, but maybe take your little girl for a walk/jog outdoors or maybe around the mall? I'm sure pushing that stroller is a workout in itself!
  • lscorpion269
    lscorpion269 Posts: 4 Member
    The best advice I can give you is to "hang in there" it's tough. The first month or so is the most difficult but once your body gets used to it it starts to get easier. I'm only a couple months in and still haven't really gotten the exercise thing down. My dh is also a Marine and I know our FRO has been great about motivating the wives to get together and does a group walk every Tuesday when it's nice out. I also had a friend that really loved the Stroller Strides routine.

    Best wishes & Good luck!!

  • christinslough
    christinslough Posts: 15 Member

    I have the same problem with demotivation if I don't see results. Something that I did recently helped me jump start my new healthy lifestyle and got me some results quickly which has helped my psyche. To get started I actually did a fruit flush for 3 days (basically you just eat fruit for a few days and drink lots of water). I am not a doctor and I know some people disagree that they are good for you because it is not a well balanced diet, but it is only for a short stretch and when I am done I feel energetic, clean, motivated and thinner! I actually lost 4 lbs this past week and I'm certain it is water weight (no sodium) but I loved seeing those pounds tick down on the scale. I feel like it helps me a lot to see some results quickly.

    Good luck to you and stay on here to stay motivated! Feel free to add me as a friend if you like. Congratulations on your baby! It sounds like it was difficult but I would imagine so completely worth it.
  • tammy200678
    tammy200678 Posts: 201 Member
    Do not know if this will be a help but start slow do not work out everyday due like every other for 30 min. or something like that log any activity u do right down to cleaning house it all adds up watch your calorie intake it is already set up to cut calories to lose without exercise but do need it to help it do different things to keep it from getting boring too and if u need a friend feel free to friend me
  • RockaholicMama
    RockaholicMama Posts: 786 Member
    I know where you're coming from. My daughter is now 10 months and though I began working out right after I had her, I gained all of it back. I'm 3 weeks into my healthy change. At times I need a push myself. My husband is active duty and sometimes to treat himself he brings home sweets. Thinkgs I desprately need to stay away from. What pushes me is my daughter. I look at her and one day I want to be in shape enough to play and run around with her without getting out of breath or over tired. Just remember, you're not alone and you can do it. Add me if you like :)
  • shan2bthin
    shan2bthin Posts: 68 Member
    Keep coming back here and tracking and you will see results! Your motivation will improve as you start to making small changes (even just logging food on a here for a while). My most important change recently that keeps me motivated is my new mantra towards processed food "I can't have that now while I'm losing, but I can enjoy a bite or two later when I'm maintaining." Best in health.
  • Hi! I just recently joined myfitnesspal too. I have had some pretty good success joining. I also have great support at home and work. Working out can be such a beating. I think the key is too make it a part of your routine. That seems to have helped me keep doing it. I have struggled with my weight my whole life so I can compeletly understand where you're coming from. Just hang in there! It will get easier.

  • tritta01
    tritta01 Posts: 311
    really if you just count your calories to start out with you will notice a change, can you take your daughter on walks?
  • Thank you guys so much for the posts! I honestly felt so alone on this journey to change myself! Unfortunately being here in California right now the weather is really cold! I know surprise for Cali but it has been. So I have been working out at home and tracking everything on here and I started a work out Journal. I am trying to stay positive and trying to just push myself(not too much) but enough to get done what I need too. It has been 4 days already and I am really surprised that I have gotten this far. I take my measurements every week (doctor told me too) to keep track and make sure I am not gaining anything back. I am on this site everyday! SO thank you all for the help and the well wishes.
  • mlhjjm
    mlhjjm Posts: 36 Member
    Hey there! This is a great site to keep motivated. This is my fourth day using it and I love it! Feel free to add me as a friend and we can keep each other accountable. I am 23 years old and hoping to lose 30 pounds. What has helped me so far is logging EVERYTHING I put in my mouth. I am not sure what exercise routine I want to do yet. Good luck to you!
  • barker1325
    barker1325 Posts: 1 Member
    I started MFP ten days ago. I have lost over 7lbs. with no excercise beside walking around mall today. I had tried MFP in January just logging into MFP on my computer, but didn't help when I was out at dinner somewhere. I got an I Phone and have been logging in everyday after I down loaded app. I gained weight from January till 10 days ago so my progress ticker doesn't show my full weight loss. I tried weight watchers off and on for years, excercise, etc. I have never lost this much weight in 10 days.

    So, keep it up and do what you can. I have seven kids so I can't excercise as much as I like.
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