will my doc prescribe hcg?

reasonablyvain Posts: 35
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
I really have difficulty losing weight. I have been trying for months (well, years really) but I just fluctuate between 130-135. I'm getting so frustrated with it, so sick of obsessing, so sick of fiddling with macronutrient percents and wondering if I'm in starvation mode. I just want to lose the weight and get on with my life. I don't intend to start eating like crazy after I do. Actually, net 1400-1500 calories every day for the rest of my life would be fine. I just want results.

The thing is, even at the top of my fluctuations, I'm not technically overweight at a bmi of 22.5. So will my doc still prescribe something like hcg? is there anything I should say to convince him?

I just want to buy jeans without getting depressed, wear a bikini, sit down without feeling sick over my little belly roll. This is really important to me.


  • How tall are you? I'm thinking that 130-135 is a pretty awesome weight. Work on toning instead of weight loss.
  • JClark1980
    JClark1980 Posts: 30 Member
    Possibly but were i live there are these lil clinics called weight wise and they do the injection in office. Or there is a procedure called lipo ex it can be pricey but the results last for five yrs or longer and its non invasive... Look it up on youtube. Hope ive been of some assistance :-)
  • sprinkies
    sprinkies Posts: 309 Member
    i cant imagine a dr would prescribe this for you since you have a healthy BMI. have you honestly committed to eating clean, measuring everything, working out, eating within your calories (an not under). maybe switch up your routines. maybe your body doesn't want to lose anymore and it's happy where it's at.
  • I wouldn't think that your doc would prescribe that. I have a few friends that do the hcg diet and they really only eat 500 calories a day, which is what the diet allows. If you do more strength training and toning, those last few pounds may come off. BTW... I would love to be that weight. :-)
  • I'm 5'5 and only 18

    I do cardio for 30 minutes 5-7 days a week plus I use the weight machines for like 20mins whenever I'm at the gym for cardio. I log what I eat almost every day. Occasionally on the weekend I go over, but not over my maitenance calories - yet I still gain everything back, this has led me to the conclusion that I am merely using and regaining glycogen stores.

    I tend to gain the weight around my middle NOT HEALTHY

    Also, yes it is only 500 cals per day, but the hcg causes your body to release at stores so that you really have thousands of calories cycling in your bloodstream.

    OH ALSO my goal weight is 115
  • millerll
    millerll Posts: 873 Member
    I looked at your diary and it's pretty good. The site default sets your carbs at 50% of daily calories. You might try manually setting that to 40% and see how that goes. I take it from your diary that you are vegetarian, and you're doing pretty well keeping you protein up - kudos to you! I think you could eat more veggies, but hey, who couldn't? :smile:

    One possiblilty - how are you measuring your exercise calories? You seem to be burning around 400 each gym visit. If you're using the numbers this site gives, or getting the cals off the machine at the gym, those can be very inaccurate. If you can afford a heart rate monitor, that will help make sure you're not over-estimating your exercise calories. If you can't swing that right now, then maybe try only eating back 50-75% of them for a few weeks and see how that works.

    I wish I had better advice for you, but I don't see any big red flags that would tell me why you're not losing more. I wouldn't advise doing HCG - at your age and weight, it's just not worth it, in my opinion. If you don't get results in a month or so, I'd recommend a check-up with your doctor. Good luck!
  • mom2teebee
    mom2teebee Posts: 76 Member
    I wouldn't advise dong the HCG diet. You are young and it may start a cycle that isn't healthy for your body.

    You are already at a healthy BMI for you height. Your body just may not want to lose any more. I'd try working on toning up to see if that gets the results you are looking for.
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