Can B12 cause migraines?

I started taking a multi-vitamin and a 500mcg B12 supplement as part of my weightloss plan. I've been having evening left side migraines every night since. I did not take the B12 today out of suspicion that it could be causing them and so far tonight I am okay. Has anyone else had headaches or migraines after taking B12 supplements?


  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    No, but my sister gets horrible nightmares when she takes B. If you think it's causing the migraines, just stop taking them. It's not worth it.
  • BirdsofaFeather
    BirdsofaFeather Posts: 98 Member
    Whoa. I take B complex all the the time and also get horrible headaches. NEVER connected them. Do you think it's only B12 or could it be other B's too?
  • ChefJenn
    ChefJenn Posts: 350 Member
    well b vitamins period made me feel sick so i started doing a b12 shot I do every other day in my stomach
  • amydcarlson
    amydcarlson Posts: 136 Member
  • kacarter1017
    kacarter1017 Posts: 651 Member
    B12 deficiency can cause migraines... should be getting the reverse situation. Maybe it's something else in the multiviamin??
  • Suzy_B
    Suzy_B Posts: 30 Member
    I've been taking B12 & also get headaches but never connected it. I'm not going to take them this week & test this theory.
  • Enigmatica
    Enigmatica Posts: 879 Member
    Migraines have been connected to a *deficiency* of B12 in articles I've read, but I don't recall seeing anything about it causing them. Doesn't mean it isn't possible, that's for sure. Every body is different.
  • Bump

  • ShrinkinMel
    ShrinkinMel Posts: 982 Member


    It's just a way to bring it back to the top for you.

    I get sick from iron but don't recall any headaches from multis or when I took B6. I really should take B12 as I don't always get enough in.
  • Bump


    It's just a way to bring it back to the top for you.

    I get sick from iron but don't recall any headaches from multis or when I took B6. I really should take B12 as I don't always get enough in.

    Thanks. I had just googled it lol. I don't belong to many forums so this is the first time I've seen "bump" :)
  • I have b12 deficiency and I got really bad headaches, migraines, and extreme fatigue. Since I started taking b12 shots the headaches and migranes have gone away.
  • I have b12 deficiency and I got really bad headaches, migraines, and extreme fatigue. Since I started taking b12 shots the headaches and migranes have gone away.
  • petchonka82
    petchonka82 Posts: 156
    Well 3 days without taking the B12 supplement and I haven't had any migraines.
  • I take tons of B vitamins without issue. I do however get nasty headaches if I don't drink lots of water. Quitting something like caffeine also throws me for a headache loop for a few days.
  • happy_vegan
    happy_vegan Posts: 200 Member
    holy cow! i've never even heard of this case. I started taking b12 last september as it's hard to get b12 on a vegan diet and the only thing i've noticed is improved energy and overall happiness. when i don't take them sometimes i get grumpy, and research has linked b12 deficiency to that.
    just thought i'd put in my two cents to not totally deter anyone from ever taking b12 as i love it and it's done wonders for me.
  • Suzy_B
    Suzy_B Posts: 30 Member
    So, I tested this theory by going without my B12 vitamin for a few days. I still got headaches plus I feel tired & run down so I'm going to start back on them tommorow.
  • hansenh1
    hansenh1 Posts: 24 Member
    I never connected the two, but recently have been getting horrible migraines after I have religiously been taking B12 and B6.
  • bespatter
    bespatter Posts: 73 Member
    Since you're taking B12, I'm assuming your a vegetarian/vegan. I used to eat a lot of soy products (occasional fake meats, soy milk, protein bars, etc.) and I had massive migraines for a year and no matter what I did, I couldn't rid of them.

    One day, I did a little reading and found that soy may cause migraines in people. When I gave up the soy, the migraines went away. If I start eating too much again, they come back. I also take B12 and have never had a headache by it.

    So maybe it's something else in your diet? Also, since your body stores B12, you could probably skip a few days between each dose, but I'm not a doctor. :)

    I hope you get this figured out, cause migraines are terrible to live with.
  • corrinnebrown
    corrinnebrown Posts: 345 Member
    thats so weird because I take b12 for my migraines.....
  • jstalittlecrzy
    jstalittlecrzy Posts: 127 Member
    thats so weird because I take b12 for my migraines.....