Leg Pain while running, help!

Okay, so I'm a new-ish runner. I've done it on & off for a couple of years, but for the past few months, I've gotten more serious w/ it, especially now that I have a running buddy and we do a 5k every month. Well...I kept thinking that I had shin splints but it wasn't in my shins. When I run I get a sharp, constant pain on the inside of both of my lower legs...and it feels like my calves are tight and it feels like it's burning (kind of like when you overuse your muscles during strength training). And when my friend was helping stretch my calves out, my legs were shaking like crazy like I had just done a bunch of leg exercises. After about 30 min after I run, it goes from a dull achey pain to being fine if I put an icyhot patch on it or take an ibuprofen. Has anyone else experienced this? Does anyone even know what it is? Help please!

The pain gets so bad during the run that it makes me feel like I want to curl up in a ball...sometimes I even have to cut my run (which turns into a slow walk) way short.


  • borkjr
    borkjr Posts: 14
    Is it your calf? Where exactly is the pain?

    Do you do any strength training on legs and/or stretches?
  • spacecase76
    spacecase76 Posts: 673 Member
    I have some leg pain on the inside of my left ankle / calf. I am going to a runners store next week to look for shoes, have them fitted, watch my gait, the whole bit, because I KNOW my left ankle rolls in a little when I run...

    Edit to add that I do have high arches (the following poster reminded me to mention that)
  • skl1986
    Hmmm... are you stretching before you run? Do you have high arches in your feet or no arches (flat footed)? I would suggest checking out a local running clinic and have a profession review your stride (watch you run) and see if they can pin-point anything that might be leading to the pain.
  • spatticus
    spatticus Posts: 230 Member
    Sounds like lactic acid build up but I don't know anything about it =/
  • amg_89
    amg_89 Posts: 184
    Well to me it sounds like one of two things (both of which I have dealt with)

    1) if you run on your toes it is probably your calf cramping. however, it sounds more like option 2 to me.

    2) compartment syndrome. Basically, when your muscles swell up from exercise + the repetitive motion of running means the blood can't get to your feet! If you try to run through it, your feet will go numb (this happened on mile 2 of a half marathon for me. no fun, i tell you)

    If it's compartment syndrome (which...you should have this diagnosed by a doctor) you basically have three options. Keep running your normal mileage and just push through the pain. Cut back on your mileage, maybe bike twice a week instead of run. Or, have surgery. Unfortunately, there's no therapy for it.

    But, like I said, before you jump to conclusions, go to a doctor or sports trainer and find out if it is in fact compartment syndrome.
  • Lisamisa81
    Lisamisa81 Posts: 1 Member
    Definately go to a local shoe store to get fitted. It may be your sneakers!
  • kasmir8199
    kasmir8199 Posts: 507 Member
    I've had this a lot. I don't get pains in my shins or my calves as easily (usually, I'd get them within minutes. Now, I can go about an hour before I really feel it).

    Some things my trainers have told me:

    -Make sure you're getting enough Potassium in your diet. It helps.

    -Make sure you have a good pair of running shoes that are specific to yoru gait. This one has helped reduce the amount of pain I've significantly. I went to a store that specializes in runner's shoes and apparel, got my gait analyzed and was fitted for the right pair of shoe. I love my Mizunos!

    -Make sure you're well hydrated as well.

    I hope it gets better. I'd love to be able to have the passion and endurance to do a 5k a month like you! :o)
  • AlyssaC2010
    Sorry, I forgot to mention some things. I do stretch, but usually after I warm up. When I'm in pain I have to stop every half of a mile or so and stretch different ways. I do have shoes fitted from a local shoe store...love them too. They are new, but I've broken them in. Where the pain is, it's hard to explain. It is in my calves...they are tight and hurt a little, but that's not the base of the pain. Where it reallllly hurts is the side of my legs...on the inside. I hate to be so vague, but I'm not sure how to explain it. It feels like the muscle beside my shin bone though.

    And I do leg workouts. I haven't for a while, but right now I'm doing P90X so I get some workouts in in pretty much every DVD I do. And I think I'm considered to have high arches. When I got my new Mizunos they didn't check my gait or anything because I was checked before I got the last pair.
  • AlyssaC2010
    I've had this a lot. I don't get pains in my shins or my calves as easily (usually, I'd get them within minutes. Now, I can go about an hour before I really feel it).

    Some things my trainers have told me:

    -Make sure you're getting enough Potassium in your diet. It helps.

    -Make sure you have a good pair of running shoes that are specific to yoru gait. This one has helped reduce the amount of pain I've significantly. I went to a store that specializes in runner's shoes and apparel, got my gait analyzed and was fitted for the right pair of shoe. I love my Mizunos!

    -Make sure you're well hydrated as well.

    I hope it gets better. I'd love to be able to have the passion and endurance to do a 5k a month like you! :o)

    I have Mizunos also! I love them. They were perfect until that pair got too worn out. I could tell because I started having the pains, but I got the updated pair. Maybe I just haven't broken them in a while ago? Aww thanks, I get all my motivation from my running buddy though, if it wasn't for her I probably would be sitting my butt on the couch instead of doing something!
  • AlyssaC2010
    Well to me it sounds like one of two things (both of which I have dealt with)

    1) if you run on your toes it is probably your calf cramping. however, it sounds more like option 2 to me.

    2) compartment syndrome. Basically, when your muscles swell up from exercise + the repetitive motion of running means the blood can't get to your feet! If you try to run through it, your feet will go numb (this happened on mile 2 of a half marathon for me. no fun, i tell you)

    If it's compartment syndrome (which...you should have this diagnosed by a doctor) you basically have three options. Keep running your normal mileage and just push through the pain. Cut back on your mileage, maybe bike twice a week instead of run. Or, have surgery. Unfortunately, there's no therapy for it.

    But, like I said, before you jump to conclusions, go to a doctor or sports trainer and find out if it is in fact compartment syndrome.

    Thanks for the info. I definitely don't think it's compartment syndrome...when I push through it, I don't feel anything going numb, just more pain so it gets achy and I have to stop anyways. Oh, but that is just awful that happened to you so early in your half marathon I bet it seems like 5 days you were running that thing! I don't run on my toes...I usually land on my mid-foot to heel and kind of of push off with the ball of my foot though.