I'm trying, but still gaining.

Japangela Posts: 21 Member
edited September 24 in Motivation and Support
I was very enthusiastic when I started MFP but as I watch the scale keep going up while I feel like I'm constantly having to say "no" to foods, I have to say I've been having a hard time keeping up with it. Unfortunately, I'm an emotional eater. And my life is rarely peaceful. I'm taking a medication that is known to put weight on and keep it on, and I cannot get off of the medication anytime soon. I'm really discouraged. HELP!


  • if you allow you food diary to be seen, maybe we can help...dont give up, good luck!:flowerforyou:
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    First of all make sure you are getting ENOUGH calories. Sometimes we think that will help and only makes things worse. Are you logging your food accurately? How about doing strength training. Could you be gaining muscle? Maybe talk to your doctor about what you would need to do to overcome the side effects of this medication and lose more weight. He/she might have some pointers! Good luck to you!
  • RobertaG
    RobertaG Posts: 205 Member
    Rather than focus on the negative, think about becoming more healthy. Yes, maybe you can't lose weight at the moment, but try limiting your fat, watching your sodium, having enough fiber, and eating lean protein. If you eliminate the junk food, you'll be a lot healthier and hey, you're more likely to lose weight.
  • ktanderson05
    ktanderson05 Posts: 207 Member
    Maybe talk to your doctor and see if you can go on a different type of medication. Are you getting in the calories you need daily and are you eating enough protein? Those are 2 big things that contribute to weight loss, and if you are fulfilling them that can set you back.
  • Don't get discouraged. 1) Keep logging what you're eating and how you're feeling. 2 ) Stop monitoring the scale.

    I only weigh myself once a week because you will fluctuate. Its like watching a clock while you're waiting for something to happen, it will only appear as if it's going slower.
  • kacarter1017
    kacarter1017 Posts: 651 Member
    Unfortunately, I'm an emotional eater. And my life is rarely peaceful.

    The most important thing you can do is do some behavioral modification. This can take the longest, be the most painful, but also help you attain and maintain your goal.

    There are online sources and usually community resources are fairly easy to access. It may take some trial and error to find modifications and strategies that work for you, so be patient.

    I see getting healthy as a journey. Each triumph and each bump in the road teaches us a lesson that will eventually help us reach our goals. You've identified that you're an emotional eater- this is a big step and an important one. Now act on that identification and continue on your journey!
  • ShelleyBowman
    ShelleyBowman Posts: 54 Member
    Please don't be discouraged! It sounds as if your medication is certainly not helping you with your weight loss goals but is clearly necessary for your health. We might be able to better help you if you could share a typical days food intake & activity levels. But my suggestion would be to start out making healthier choices. Do not NOT EAT... that is just depressing & discouraging on it's own. Eat... 3, 4, 5 times a day but try to make healthier choices! Focus on protein (meats, nuts), vegetables... raw if you like them, fresh as much as you can... even cooking fresh... cheese, yogurt, a bit of fruit for your sweet tooth. Be aware and limit your white starches (breads, potato products, breaded fried food, pasta) Please note I suggest LIMIT not eliminate. Drink a glass of water before each meal... 20-30 minutes before you eat. Get a pedometer ($8 at Walmart) and wear it all day, setting a goal for so many steps or miles in a day. Increase your goal each day, even if it is just by 10 steps. And reach out here anytime you need to! Good luck... you CAN do this!
  • I think it's very tough to give some accurate advice in your case J. I think the most important thing you can do at the moment, especially while on these meds, is to stop focusing on your scale. Scales lie, well in the sense that they are not always a true reflection or indicator of your positive gains.

    I took a quick peak at your profile and i think its safe to assume you have a very hectic schedule. Do you have a chance to fit in some elevated cardio into your week?
  • B2BB
    B2BB Posts: 222 Member
    Overestimate your intake, a lot of the tome the makers send the smallest portion to be evaluated for nutrition facts. And measure everything. Measuring cups and spoons are my best friend. Most of the time we are not accurately counting cals in or overestimating cals burned. I used tic tacs too because of my emotional eating. Instead of popping junk food or just good period I popped in s tic tac. Sounds crazy but lil things like that help. One more I posted my before pic on my fridge just as a reminder as I went on to snack. Everytime I saw the pic I thought before I ate, ask yourself am I hungry or bored or sad ect. And surround ur self with support and motivating people, u can do it alone but its not easy. Check out my page http://www.facebook.com/Burns2bBeautiful?m2w
  • Llama74
    Llama74 Posts: 43 Member
    I agree with the previous postings.
    I believe that not all calories are equal since not all nutrients are being accounted for. Are the food choices you are making healthy ones? Calories from a candy bar are not the same, and won't have the same effect as the same amount of calories from a subway sandwich.
    I find pre-planning my meals the night before really helps. And I make sure I log my food on myfitnesspal daily without fail. You may also need to exercise a bit more. I guess only your doc can determine that :heart:
  • Japangela
    Japangela Posts: 21 Member
    Thank you for all the replies. Some great suggestions, too.
  • I was very enthusiastic when I started MFP but as I watch the scale keep going up while I feel like I'm constantly having to say "no" to foods, I have to say I've been having a hard time keeping up with it. Unfortunately, I'm an emotional eater. And my life is rarely peaceful. I'm taking a medication that is known to put weight on and keep it on, and I cannot get off of the medication anytime soon. I'm really discouraged. HELP!

    The more you say "no" to bad food, the less you will want it. It will take a while, but each day is progress and another day closer to a whole new you. Until you are in a better mind frame, you might have to remove the temptation - get the treats out of the house, and don't go anywhere that you will be tempted to make unhealthy choices. It will not be fun for a little bit, but once you start fueling your body with wholesome, good choices, you will crave the bad ones less and less, and it gets so much easier. For instance - cake is my favorite food (or at least it used to be, I'm not so sure about that now). I changed my eating habits a little over a month ago, and today I was at a birthday party with the most delicous looking cake. When they started passing out pieces, I found myself leaving the room to get a glass of water. But I wasn't getting the water to distract myself (like I was doing a month ago), I was doing it so I didn't offend the hostess by refusing my share of the cake. It was EASY, simple, to not eat that cake. Sure, I wanted it, but it was no big deal that I didn't eat it.

    I'm not perfect, and I make bad choices sometimes. But the key is SOMETIMES - I'm not doing it every day anymore. You can get there, too, you just have to believe that you can :wink:

    I am also an emotional eater, and I have been struggling with this. I just divert my attention - when I recognize that I want to binge because I'm sad/angry/bored/stressed - I try to go for a walk, or I call a friend just to chit chat, or I read a book, or I jump on MFP and tell my friends I am about to LOSE IT and then they all give me fabulous reasons not to!

    As for the meds, I would definitely have a talk with your doctor. If there is no alternative med, maybe there is something he can give you to counter the effect? Not usre, but your doc is the best person to discuss that with.

    ((hug)) - you can do this!!! Please don't be discouraged!
  • Japangela
    Japangela Posts: 21 Member
    Thank you all for the advice and encouragement:

    #1 I did not know I had "settings" on the diary. So I set it to "friends only." So if you want to see my food diary please friend me.
    #2 Confession- I've been very bad about logging my diary accurately. So if you look at it before today, then don't expect anything pretty! I got real lazy with it the last week or so.
    #3 PLEASE look at my diary and point out any major cheating. I respond well to accountability. Even today I wanted to eat something unhealthy for a snack, but I knew I changed my diary settings and didn't want people to see that item. Accountability WORKS! I ate an apple instead.
    #4 Since I didn't know I had settings on the diary I have also changed my eating schedule. I've been pregnant six times and have struggled with gestational diabetes more than once. My most recent pregnancy required insulin so I'm no stranger to strict dietary requirements. I know I can do it! So as of today I changed my settings to match the diabetic routine of three meals and three snacks. That should help me reign in the cravings. Boundaries are a good thing!

    Thank you again for the help! I actually wanted to respond last night but all I kept typing were EXCUSES! I can't stand excuses! I especially don't like to hear them from other people who are destroying their own life. I refuse to be one of them. No one forced that pack of M&M's into my mouth. My emotions didn't force me either. *I* DECIDED TO DOWN THE HATCH!

    Now that I'm owning up to my bad habits I can start anew.
  • curleesam
    curleesam Posts: 462 Member
    I also think you should see a Doctor if the medication is making you gain weight surely there is an alternative that they can put you on that wont have the same effect. Also then you can as the doctor what you should be doing whilst on those meds to lose weight
  • I am an emotional eater myself but I've found that redirecting that emotional energy somewhere else helps me. Reading a book or doing some sewing (I know it's not exercise but when your upset you have to do something to calm you down!) If walking/running or lifting small weights helps you then do that. Just something to get your mind off of "I feel really happy/upset/angry right now so I'll have a cupcake or 2 or ....." I could easlily woof down an entire box of ding dongs to myself when I got upset but now I direct that energy somewhere else.
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