Hello everyone. I am new to MFP.

I am currently 270 pounds and I want to lose at least half of that weight. I have tried many times before but seem to stop trying once I have one bad day of overindulging. I think it will be nice to have people here that know exactly what I'm talking about or how I am feeling throughout the whole experience. I am hoping this time I will be successful:)


  • sconns21
    sconns21 Posts: 92 Member
    I hope you are successful. There are a lot of people on here that said the same thing as you, that nothing has worked before but that this website is the one that worked for them.

    There are loads of people giving good support in the forums too so when you feel down come to the forums and talk it out.

  • nausicaa11
    nausicaa11 Posts: 17 Member
    Welcome to MFP! I have been here for a week and its already helping me a lot. Wish you the best of luck!
  • kristarablue
    .You are at the right place, everyone on MFP is extremely supportive. I am not even embarrassed to tell people my stats and I never do that, but MFP is different everyone understands, struggles and has high's and lows with you. Make sure you have a good friend base and use it to its full potential and you will meet all of your goals. Good luck and your first step to loosing was joining. Feel free to friend me
  • patito_ps
    Hello, Gabriella! You are in the right place to start. Welcome!!
  • lucysmommy

    good luck

    i started last monday and had 2 x takeways but i still lost 6lbs .... so it can be done

  • HeatherH1984
    Welcome to MFP,

    I'll agree with what people have said above, members are supportive and it's great to know that you wont be judged if I have an off day. I use my news feed as a confessional most times, and I'm usually greeted with don't worry and ways to get back on track.

    If you need any more buddies, feel free to add me.

    Heather x
  • JulsDiane
    JulsDiane Posts: 349 Member
    Welcome and the best of luck!:flowerforyou:
  • JimHeid
    JimHeid Posts: 42 Member
    Welcome too! Lots of support here for you! Remember to log everyday, even on the tough days, and work in some exercise, however little! Make MFP a habit for three weeks and it'll become part of your life not just a diet! Friend me.. your goal is worthy, but lets do it in small steps, OK?
  • Andy_UK_1979
    Good Luck, I have only been here a few weeks and finding it very helpfull so your in the right place. Nice people and plenty of support.