The SlimPossibles Forum



  • CynthiaCollin
    CynthiaCollin Posts: 406 Member
    Goodafternoon SlimPossibles ! For those of you who don't know yet, I have great news ! The web-site is up and running and we have a new feature. You can now go to and weigh in there...Go check it out ! Since we are over 190 members, keeping track is starting to get more difficult to keep track and this will be a great tool in addition to MFP... Go check it out and let me know what you think !
  • Vegas47
    the website is GREAT!!!! This is really exciting, I love feeling like I'm working out with so many other people, thanks again!!!!!!!!!
  • folsom082512
    YEAH!!!! Back down to 166!!!!
    We moved recently and our new neighborhood has a bunch of hills and I cannot wait to walk around. Last summer I would walk 5 miles a day before work!!!! Love to walk!!!!
    I also bought a pair of shorts, actual shorts!!!! They are hanging in my workout room!!!!
    SW: 171
    CW: 166
    GW: 135-140
  • weightlossgrind
    weightlossgrind Posts: 14 Member
    Good Morning!!! just wanted to let you all know why i will be disappearing and not weighing in. Hubby and I just found out were expecting so its inevitable, i am bound to gain weight... maybe i will continue logging so theres some accountability and try not to gain too much :) yay!!!!!!
  • lindajay3
    lindajay3 Posts: 144 Member
    2 lb. loss this morning ! WooHoo! Gonna go out to the website to enter it!

    Hope everyone had a great weekend!
  • folsom082512
    Where is everyone at?
  • seventysix06
    seventysix06 Posts: 88 Member
    Where is everyone at?

  • CynthiaCollin
    CynthiaCollin Posts: 406 Member
    Good Morning!!! just wanted to let you all know why i will be disappearing and not weighing in. Hubby and I just found out were expecting so its inevitable, i am bound to gain weight... maybe i will continue logging so theres some accountability and try not to gain too much :) yay!!!!!!

    Congrats ! That is awesome ! So exciting ! This site though would be good for you to keep track of what you are eating throughout your pregnancy.... so you won't gain 60lbs like I did on my first pregancy.... I am paying the price for eating what I wanted for 9 months.... take it from reasonable....having a baby doesn't mean eating for it means good healthy nutrition...:) Good luck ! When is the baby due ?
  • jenny1979x
    I had a 1lb gain this week :(
  • ebgbjo
    ebgbjo Posts: 821 Member
    What is the SlimPossibles (thought it was another website at first)
    Sounds like a great group of people- like the thought of a chart..hmmm
  • bosanka
    bosanka Posts: 336 Member
    what is going on ? why is nothing happening on here ? .. So many members - and no comments ?
  • seventysix06
    seventysix06 Posts: 88 Member
    I'm going a little slower than i thought i would--but still in the right general direction (did i mention slooowly?) :/
  • folsom082512
    I know what happened to everyone? We are a team, where did everyone go? We need to keep each oter motivated!!!! How bout we do another 3 month challenge? Come on who is with me....
  • seventysix06
    seventysix06 Posts: 88 Member
    Let's do it! There's still 6 weeks of this one yes?
  • folsom082512
    That is what I thought but I cannot even log my weght for this week. Well it is 164.6!!!!
    SW: 171
    CW: 164.6
    GW: 130-140
    I wish everyone would come back!!!!!
  • qkiley
    qkiley Posts: 65
    Hello All,

    Sorry about not having the correct date for today's weigh-in. My sister got married this weekend and I didn't have a chance to add in the new date.

    Should be good to go now! I will post the progress chart asap.

    Happy Monday!
  • leuce7
    leuce7 Posts: 4
    Just popping in to report I'm FINALLY seeing some weight loss instead of losing and gaining the same two pounds. I am down two below that, actually reset my scale because I thought it was a mistake, but no, I'm finally seeing some movement! It's great, even though I *thought* some of my clothes were fitting better, seeing the scale move definitely brought in some energy.

    Now I wanted to start adding in a strength training video, but I'm having enough trouble just getting myself to the gym regularly (not having too much trouble with diet this time around, thank goodness). Any advice on motivation to step up the exercise regimen?
  • kalamitykate83
    kalamitykate83 Posts: 227 Member
    Leuce7, try fitting things in around your workouts rather than the other way around! I find it works much better!! So if you know you're going to the gym at say 5.30pm, don't make plans to do anything else until after 6.30pm!! Or try and squeeze in a workout first thing, if you know you have something planned that evening or you're working late! That's the only way I find I'm sticking to my gym plan is to either do it before work if I know I'm out that night, or working late, or to go straight from work and make plans for after it! x