first day

fightingfatt Posts: 3
edited September 24 in Introduce Yourself
hi all

first day here, would like to add a few people for support and chat!

good luck all - feel free to add me

tracy :happy:


  • Hiya

    Just signed up as well - good luck :tongue:

  • :smile: Hi Tracy and welcome, freind request on its way to you, if you would like to accept :wink:
  • egoplast
    egoplast Posts: 41 Member
    welcome to the site.
  • Welcome and good luck - I have just started a few weeks ago too and its working so far. The people are nice and there are loads of interesting topics in these forums to help us.

    Feel free to add me as a friend, and again good luck on your journey.

  • whiskey9890
    whiskey9890 Posts: 652 Member
    welcome to the site, this program is fab but you do get out of it what you put in so don't forget to track everything even the bad days and you should be fine (this is coming from a very undisciplined user, but i'm trying to change that lol)
  • Hi there! Good can add me if you would like. We all need all the support we can get!
  • :happy: welcome to the site, a friend request will be sent:smile:
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