feel sorry for me!

I know alot of you can relate to mother in law nightmares. Mine is different.

I adore my inlaws and honestly they adore me. Yes, I am a lucky girl. My mother in law is amazing. Beautiful, funny, smart...etc. She is from France. Thick accent, the whole nine yeards.

So what is my deal?

She is the most amazing cook ever!!!!!!!!!!!!

Seriously, this woman bakes things that taste like they came from Heaven. For valentines day she made me creampuffs. She is always baking us homemade bread and pastries and cakes and cookies.

My husband is on the weight loss wagon with me. He is fortunate that having those things around doesn't tempt him. I cannot say the same thing for myself!

We have talked to her (but I don't want to hurt her). She says we don't have to eat it, she wants to make it for the kids. She has started making us wheat bread instead of french (and it is super yummy).

So as I type this I have an awesome homemade cherry strudel with flaky crust sitting on my kitchen counter.


  • tyoung75
    tyoung75 Posts: 51 Member
    My Mother in law is not a fabulous cook... but she buys alot of those type of things and then sends them home to our house. I promptly take them to work. :) Let the ladies at the office have em! Gets rid of it very quickly.
  • LisaLN
    LisaLN Posts: 54
    I hate to say it, but you should just toss the unhealthy things she makes the minute you get them home. She'll never know the difference. If she's not going to respect your wishes (all good intentions aside) then you need to just take the horse by the reigns and toss them. Save her the hurt feelings and save your waistline. :) I've had to do that with my mother-in-law (whom is also fabulous, by the way). She picks up our youngest from school each Wednesday and does something special with her every week which includes 75% of the time baking something. Our daughters get to eat some of it and when they go to bed, it's tossed. They just assume we ate it. A Mom's gotta do what a Mom's gotta do.
  • amycal
    amycal Posts: 646 Member
    Wow lucky you on the MIL! Can you just eat a small portion? Like cut it in 1/4's? Maybe you can cut stuff up into small amounts and freeze it for when you have company or can allow an indulgence. At least it is all home made stuff which is probably way healthier than grocery store bakery things. But obviously too much sugar and fat is not good!
  • iluvmine
    iluvmine Posts: 56 Member
    its all about will power..
  • moonay
    moonay Posts: 30
    If she has said she wants to bake for the kids I would just try and muster every ounce of restraint you can possibly find within yourself to not indulge. It must be really difficult and I know when work has treats out I find it hard work to resist.

    If you really can't resist try to exercise the calories for that item (or most of the calories) off so that it doesnt effect your day as much.

    Most of all think how brilliant you will feel if you forgoed the baked goods and lost more weight this week. For me that is the thought that keeps me going.

    Good luck, you are in a difficult situation but you CAN do it!

  • lisapisa1
    My Mother in law is not a fabulous cook... but she buys alot of those type of things and then sends them home to our house. I promptly take them to work. :) Let the ladies at the office have em! Gets rid of it very quickly.

    I agree, cut single serving for your kids and then send the rest of it to work/neighbor's house. Especially because you don't want your kids eating that stuff in excess either.
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    have the strudel for lunch. Don't view it as a snack, view it as a meal.
  • funfitfoodie
    funfitfoodie Posts: 630 Member
    Give some to the kids, one for yourself on occasion and take the rest to work! Your colleagues will love you!
  • appleshells
    I love the idea of freezing it! If I cut single servings for the kids and then freeze the rest, that would help. Taking it to work would be good too! I have been known to throw stuff out the back door after the kids go to bed to avoid eating it. Kinda feels liberating to chuck it out.

    I have mastered the bread by just taking a 1 ounce slice.
  • lessertess
    lessertess Posts: 855 Member
    I love the idea of freezing it! If I cut single servings for the kids and then freeze the rest, that would help. Taking it to work would be good too! I have been known to throw stuff out the back door after the kids go to bed to avoid eating it. Kinda feels liberating to chuck it out.

    I have mastered the bread by just taking a 1 ounce slice.

    Are your children also dealing with weight issues? I ask because you said that your husband is not tempted and your MIL intended these treats for the kids. Why would you thrown them away or make them inaccessible to your children? This seems more like a situation where you need to figure out how to control temptations and leave the treats for your children. All of that changes if they are also fighing with weight issues.
  • blondie_0506
    I know what youre going thru!! My boyfriend's dad lives with us and he is an AWESOME cook and cooks every night!! I haaaaate turning his food down!! lol
  • appleshells
    I love the idea of freezing it! If I cut single servings for the kids and then freeze the rest, that would help. Taking it to work would be good too! I have been known to throw stuff out the back door after the kids go to bed to avoid eating it. Kinda feels liberating to chuck it out.

    I have mastered the bread by just taking a 1 ounce slice.

    Are your children also dealing with weight issues? I ask because you said that your husband is not tempted and your MIL intended these treats for the kids. Why would you thrown them away or make them inaccessible to your children? This seems more like a situation where you need to figure out how to control temptations and leave the treats for your children. All of that changes if they are also fighing with weight issues.

    Sweets are my temptation where fried food/fast food is my husbands. I can walk away from fried stuff, just like he can walk away from sweets. 6 kids, none that I would say have a weight issue. My 12 yr old has a chubby belly but I wouldn't consider her overweight. I am trying to teach them that sweets are a sometimes treat and not something they have to have daily.
  • lessertess
    lessertess Posts: 855 Member
    I love the idea of freezing it! If I cut single servings for the kids and then freeze the rest, that would help. Taking it to work would be good too! I have been known to throw stuff out the back door after the kids go to bed to avoid eating it. Kinda feels liberating to chuck it out.

    I have mastered the bread by just taking a 1 ounce slice.

    Are your children also dealing with weight issues? I ask because you said that your husband is not tempted and your MIL intended these treats for the kids. Why would you thrown them away or make them inaccessible to your children? This seems more like a situation where you need to figure out how to control temptations and leave the treats for your children. All of that changes if they are also fighing with weight issues.

    Sweets are my temptation where fried food/fast food is my husbands. I can walk away from fried stuff, just like he can walk away from sweets. 6 kids, none that I would say have a weight issue. My 12 yr old has a chubby belly but I wouldn't consider her overweight. I am trying to teach them that sweets are a sometimes treat and not something they have to have daily.

    Wow, I would have thought 6 kids would polish that stuff off pretty quickly. Sounds like freezing might be a good option.
  • MakingAChoice
    MakingAChoice Posts: 481 Member
    Sweets were always a weakness of mine. My solution would be to toss it in the trash and not tell the MIL about it. I know it is wasteful, may you could take it to a food shelter instead. Either way you should get it out of the house if the temptation is strong. She might be making it for the kids, but you do not need your kids learning to go down the wrong path. You want them to learn to eat good foods that will keep them healthy. So muster your strength and get rid of that stuff. :happy:
  • suzieqdiva
    suzieqdiva Posts: 183 Member
    My Mom is like that.. she is an AMAZING cook!!!! Love her. Though... being the cook she is.. she is slowly listening to what I am trying to achieve & is starting to come up with interesting ways of bringing her cooking skills to making healthier stuff for me & we are all eating better.

    The other day she made lean turkey kababs & added chopped spinach & mung lentil sprouts to it. Cooking with sprouts actually gave it a nutty flavor like there were peanuts in there & was absolutely delicious! She comes up with delicious salads, makes roti made with whole wheat.. has started adding chopped onions, shredded veggies.. so if I indulge the carb content is lower.

    There are a lot of healthier flours out there(lower carb content).... & you can get a LOT of info visiting the local Whole Food store or even Trader Joes.. and they can share healthier flours with which to bake the goodies & maybe even add agave.. instead of sugar!

    Hope this helps. If you need some more info.. I can do some more research & help with this.

    Good luck!