New to MFP

Hi All,

My best friend introduced me to this forum. She has had such success that I just had to try. I've tried TONS of different diet plans, and have been successful with each...for awhile. At the end of all that, I'm now the heaviest I've ever been. I have an 8 year-old son and a 19 month-old daughter and want to live long enough to see them grow up. At the rate I'm going, that won't happen. So I've prayed a lot and made the decision that the way I've been living has to stop. I am determined to get to my ideal weight so I can see my kids have kids! I know it won't be an easy road, but I'm ready to get started! And it's nice to know that there will be others there with me on the same road, helping me each step of the way. Thanks to all those who will share this journey with me!


  • angel2296
    angel2296 Posts: 31 Member
    Hey girlie!!! I am SO HAPPY that you are on here now too!! We CAN and WILL do this!!! Everyone on MFP has been so kind and supportive of me.....I'm sure you will find the same thing is true!!
  • shirlapearl
    Hi MySweetBlessing! Glad you have joined the group! We are all along on the same journey, so it is truly great to have the company! Just take it one day at a time. That's the best we all can do :)
  • misschaplin
    Hi I am new too, and already addicted lol.
    Really hope the site helps you to stay strong and reach your goals
    good luck x
  • ShunkyDave
    ShunkyDave Posts: 190 Member
    Welcome, and I love your goals (sustaining yourself to see your children grow). That's good, but also get healthy so you feel better and can continue to be one who enjoys life and society. That's important.

    Here's to your future successes (disregard the little hiccups!)!
  • Ashlane
    glad you joined!! i have an 18 month old and 5 year old and i also want to get healthy for them too....
  • kristibluesky
    new here too and its one day at a time one meal at a time right? it can be done. people do it all the time. we can do it too!!
  • wishing83
    I'm new too and already addicted. Welcome!
  • bitabee
    bitabee Posts: 209 Member
    You can do it!!!