need to get back on track help!

Ok I haven't been recording or working out for atleast 8 days due to my daughter being in the hospital. I need advice on how to get back on track with my diet and excerise routine. Yes I have dropped 5 lbs since I signed up on this site but mainly its due to not eating much since my daughter was extremely sick. Any advice will be greatly apprieciated. I however started logging meals and such again today but I am not able to excerise as my little one wants to be cuddle.advice? Thanks.


  • Phoenyxlove
    Phoenyxlove Posts: 150 Member
    Just take one day at a time. Since your little one still needs lots of cuddles just focus on being there for her. You can also just watch your calorie intake bur I wouldn't worry about losing weight until your little one is all better. If you have time to excercise while she is sleeping then great, but you don't want to overwhelm yourself.
  • MstarsElizabeth
    MstarsElizabeth Posts: 36 Member
    Even just taking a walk around the hospital or climbing stairs instead of an elevator is good for your body. Don't put too much pressure on yourself here. Plan ahead. For example, if I know I'm going to be stuck in a place with a vending machine close by and tempted by chocolate, I take my own 100 calorie snacks. I've found that with my weightloss, if I plan ahead it helps so so much.

    I also find that if I use MFP on my phone, I check it even when I'm bored. It's made recording food much easier. If you don't have access to MFP on your phone, if you can plan what you may eat the day before and log it in via your computer that might help.

    Also, find some support on here. MFP friends really can help you along when you're feeling defeated.

    Good luck! You can do this!