Wii FIt Plus Scale Question

PlanetVelma Posts: 1,223 Member
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
For those of you who use the Wii Fit Plus, how accurate is the scale? The reason I'm asking is my family has been using the Wii Fit plus since christmas (about 2 months). My fiancee went in for his physical (he weighed himself this morning on the Wii Fit) and the scale @ the doctor's office shows him 2 lbs lighter, which is great.

My question is should we not be relying on the accuracy of the Wii Fit Plus scale feature? Should I buy a regular scale and rely on those results? Should I not worry about it? LOL

Btw, I do put in the weight of my clothes (light) so it takes into consideration the weight of my clothes. If the kids weren't in the house I'd weigh myself sans clothes. LOL

Thanks everyone!


  • melissatacker
    melissatacker Posts: 91 Member
    The wii fit we have matches our digital scale exactly! I find Dr's scales to be off all the time, maybe because they get so much use they might not stay calibrated enough.
  • As long as you're using the same scale to monitor changes in weight, you're OK. Clothes definitely weigh more than you think too! If I'm dressed I'm easily a pound heavier than if I'm not!
  • reander
    reander Posts: 175 Member
    My wii used to show the same weight as my digital scale also.
  • cmbneeley
    cmbneeley Posts: 160 Member
    i've found the wii fit to be very accurate and dr's scales to vary so widely that it's funny. like up to 5 lbs between different scales.
  • Val_from_OH
    Val_from_OH Posts: 447 Member
    My evil doctor's scale always weighs 5 lbs more than my home scale! As long as you use the same scale for every weigh in you will be able to track loss accurately.
  • amycal
    amycal Posts: 646 Member
    Well my wii fit weighs about 5 - 6 pounds less than my scle and the scale at my health club. I wish my WII weight were my real weight!
  • forever28
    forever28 Posts: 374 Member
    As long as you're using the same scale to monitor changes in weight, you're OK. Clothes definitely weigh more than you think too! If I'm dressed I'm easily a pound heavier than if I'm not!


    With that said though, my wii fit & my digital scales match up. Are you using the wii fit on carpet? Make sure you have the little "leg cover" thingys installed on the bottom of the wii. Or, you could try placing the wii fit on a solid, hard surface and see if the weight calculated changes.
  • angiesteele
    angiesteele Posts: 366 Member
    my wii is always under by about 2 lbs.
  • bethabeeg
    bethabeeg Posts: 63 Member
    Our wii fit board actually measures about 2lbs lighter than our scale. Also, it depends on the ground you have underneath. Heavy thick ply carpeting will make you weigh lighter on the wii then on say cement ground :)
  • tauns
    tauns Posts: 29
    I LOVE LOVE LOVE my wii fit and I find that it is usually spot on. I have a dr. that calibrates his scale weekly and whenever I weigh myself at home and then on his scale in same clothes they weight within .1 lbs of the same. I love and trust my wii fit. The best thing is I have had mine for almost 3 years (at 1015 days right now) and I can look and see where I was compared to where I am at. It is GREAT for helping truly track weight. Can't fudge it and be like "well I think I was about the same a year ago" because you can actually SEE what you really were a year ago!!!
  • My Wii fit scale is very accurate, matches the scale in the gym, and my home scale... Dr's office however, is 5 lbs heavy every time. They know it too. :grumble:
  • MstarsElizabeth
    MstarsElizabeth Posts: 36 Member
    I've found that it varies depending on where the wii board is placed. I had my balance board on a carpeted floor once, and then took it to my in-laws and having it on hardwood changed the weights significantly! I imagine the hardwood floor approach was more accurate. I bought a scale since I didn't quite trust my balance board after that. I should try and do the comparison now, but I've had a good weigh in today and I don't feel like jinxing it. I only weigh myself when I feel like I have to. :tongue:
  • edwards
    edwards Posts: 9 Member
    No matter what when wieghing your self in regards to losing weight or weight management use the same scale. This is b/c no matter if the scale is off by 2lbs it will always be off by 2lbs. and you can acurately judge weight loss/gain.
  • geb58
    geb58 Posts: 5
    My Wii fit scale is always around 2 lbs lighter, so I rely on my bathroom scale
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,223 Member
    He goes to a small VA satellite dr's office. He did ask the doctor about the accuracy of the scale and she told him it's more accurate than a digital scale (i'm assuming it's one of those old ones with the balancing bar & sliding numbers) - i HATE those scales, btw. So how would the dr know if it's accurate (or not). LOL

    I'm SOOO confused!!

    Now my kids weigh less @ their dr and they use a digital scale there. I do have a cover on the Wii Balance Board and I try to use the canned air on it a couple times a week - we get a lot of dust, plus pet hair, etc... So i was wondering if maybe i'm not cleaning it enough (or too much) or if the cover throws it off. I do notice if I don't use the canned air regularly it doesn't register you stepping on it, I do make sure the batteries are changed regularly.

    I don't let the kids weigh themselves everyday, I tell them to limit it to once a week. So they don't get too focused on it. I also do that for myself or I get all OCD on the # instead of my fitness level.
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,223 Member
    I do have the balance board on carpet, and I do have those little extra "legs" or protective covers (whatever you want to call them) on there too. I'm going to find a piece of wood (clean wood) to put the balance board on and see what that does. I will report with my findings. LOL

    Woohoo, it's like an experiment! LOL

    Okay, I need to get out more.... ;)
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    When my wii balance board has new fully charged batteries it weighs the same as the scale here at the hospital Iwhere I work. When the batteries loose their juice it can vary by up to 4 pounds from the scale at work. That being said the scale here in surgery at the hospital is calibrated daily.
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,223 Member
    So I found out that when I use the balance board on carpet verus hard surface floor there IS a difference in weight. I was curious because of my fiancee's weight difference between the wii fit and the dr's office. Not that it's a HUGE deal, but that does answer my question.

    I also found out if the balance board tends to respond better if you use it on a hard surface, unless it's just plain operator error. LOL Thanks everyone!
  • xrockinrobyn
    xrockinrobyn Posts: 95 Member
    I thought it was accurate until I weighed myself after a bad day. It said I put on 4lbs, but my scales said 1lb. It also says that 11st is 71kg...
  • cuddlegrl
    cuddlegrl Posts: 101 Member
    So I found out that when I use the balance board on carpet verus hard surface floor there IS a difference in weight. I was curious because of my fiancee's weight difference between the wii fit and the dr's office. Not that it's a HUGE deal, but that does answer my question.

    I also found out if the balance board tends to respond better if you use it on a hard surface, unless it's just plain operator error. LOL Thanks everyone!

    Mine was accurate when on a flat level surface. I had a small dip in the floor and I noticed my weight was off if the scale was near that dip. It was so small you wouldnt have noticed it but it was enough that the board wasnt balanced. The board sounds like a good solution :) I think I might try that! We recently moved and now there is carpet in the living room. I cant find the little legs so I havnt played any games needing the balance board.
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