A wakeup call.

So my daughter introduced me to the Android app. Within a day I was hooked.

I've been moderately overweight for years but felt reasonably ok about it and my weight has been constant throughout so I thought that I must be doing something reasonably ok.

The main issue with those of us who think we are doing ok is that we have absolutely no idea how much food we are eating each day in calorific terms. I felt that what I was eating was well within the 2500 daily allowance for a guy.

Oh no.

A meal at a friend last Saturday blew that away. 2000 calories for dinner on a simple meal of bruschetta, vegie lasagne and apple crumble. Plus wine, beer and scotch.

It's only day 4 but I'm now doing modest exercise to keep within my daily allowance.

I don't diet (can't stick to them), hate the gym but this may actually save my life.


  • Panda_Jack
    Panda_Jack Posts: 829 Member

    Before I started using the app, I thought I was eating "ok". But wow, when I started logging it was a total wake up call for me.

    Good luck on your journey, there's some great tools on this site and a great community as well!
  • Becky1971
    Becky1971 Posts: 979 Member
    Sometimes it can be overwhelming for me to be looking real close at what I'm eating, but it sure is eye opening! I just started here, and I love that my phone syncs with online! The numbers really force you to learn portion control. I think thats the main thing, course you can eat high calorie foods all day, but you don't want to completely deprive yourself.
  • andrea777
    andrea777 Posts: 23 Member
    Welcome...you know ignorance is bliss....once you start actually looking at labels and logging stuff you're like 'whoa...how was I eating before this!!"
    It'll start coming off quick now that you will take responsibility for what you are eating!
    Good luck to you!!
  • natalie763
    I'm with you! I thought I was doing pretty well and then I started entering every little snack and all I can say is WOW! I'm also new here, hoping visibility will help me :) Good luck!
  • katyygirll
    welcome =]
  • ksrn
    ksrn Posts: 6
    Good luck to you! I have never been consistent either, but I find it addicting to type in my food intake and see how many calories it is:) Strange, I know...but the first day of typing in whatever I normally ate and it was quite obvious how I became the size I am. I'm sticking with it and I hope you do too!:)
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    hello and welcome, until i joined in jan i had no idea why i wasnt losing any weight! id lost 17lbs through the course of the year but was struggling to lose the last few pounds. anyhoo, logging everything in made me realise that the packet of crisps and chunky kitkat i had was well over 1000 cals and if i continued to 'treat' myself i would not lose any weight!

    this app and community has taught me a lot about my eating habits and im healthier and have managed to lose 11lbs since then. welcome and good luck. feel free to add me as a friend
  • laurakrowe
    ignorance is bliss!!! that's the truth!
    we're a vegetarian family. never eat fast food. rarely eat at restaurants. i love to cook. i thought we were eating healthy - then i started recording my meals here - OH MY GOD!!!
    just finished my first week here on MFP and lost 2.5lbs just on food. haven't been to the gym yet - but now i'm so motivated!
  • ChoOcOoBunny
    Yea the word "diet" I think can discourage a person, I know it does for me. So I'm hoping if I make better choices and am sticking within the calories allowed I will lose what I need and want to.

    I realized a lot of the meals I was eating were in the 2000 marker for one meal so I have cut those out and am working on cooking more and eating out less.

    Welcome to MFP and friend me.

    Hope we can help each other on our new journey's for a better us. :)
  • Teresa616
    Hi I'm Teresa A Newbie......is anyone doing the HCG and if so how is it going? Also I'm hooked on the Android App