Brand spanking Newbie

:happy: My Sis-in-law turned me onto your sight and I am excited to start this journey. Any tips or words of wisdom would be greatly appreciated and welcome. It is so nice to have a wonderful place to track all your food and exercise, run reports and link up with like minded people making the same difficult journey you are. sincerely KellyKat64


  • digby765
    digby765 Posts: 163
    Welcome to the site, it's a good resourse and lots of support will be coming your way, everyones really suppoortive. Add me as a friend if you like...Yvonne
  • superninjatam
    superninjatam Posts: 44 Member
    welcome - get some friends to help encourage you and peek at their diaries! Add me too if you like
  • Katybun3
    Katybun3 Posts: 172
    Hi and've come to the right place, lots of support here. You can add me. I'll be there to give you encouragement :flowerforyou:
  • CatseyeHardcast
    CatseyeHardcast Posts: 224 Member
    Anyone can add me. You will find this site is full of people willing to support you all the way along. (and you will also notice some human people here too that aren't always perfect).

    Good luck and go get 'em!
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Welcome! I'm new too. Feel free to add me :flowerforyou:
  • KellyKat64
    KellyKat64 Posts: 25 Member
    Thanks for responding and for the offer of support, I wish you all the luck too. I will add you just as soon as I figure out
  • KellyKat64
    KellyKat64 Posts: 25 Member
    Thanks so much for the support right off the bat. I didn't realize there was so much amazing support out there.
  • Limeinthecoconut
    Limeinthecoconut Posts: 234 Member
    Joining up here is the BEST thing you can do to motivate yourself IMHO. :flowerforyou:

    I wish you the best of luck! If you like you can add me. Having friends is a great way to stay accountable.
  • kttaylor
    Go Kelly! Proud of you and happy to have someone to journey with!
    Love ya.
  • ChoOcOoBunny
    Welcome. Friend me.