Hey! Any encouragment?

:smile: Ok so i have been doing my fitness pal on my iphone. Not consistently tho! I really need to lose about 20 more pounds!! I have jillian micheals 30 day shred(not on jazzercise days), I run 2 miles a day and walk 2 miles a day, and do jazzercise 2 days a week, plus go to the gym! I', really new at this site but i feel like i don't do too bad! Any encouragment to keep me going?


  • paigemang♥
    :happy: Look at the success stories, that always keeps me motivated. It will start coming off, just keep moving your doing great!!! :happy:
  • tinboy
    tinboy Posts: 121 Member
    You are doing awesome with the exercise! Consistent journaling of your food and exercise should help get the pounds and inches down. It is a convenient format, just do it!
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    Awesome job! Sounds like you are off to a great start. Its hard to get motivated and stay motivated sometimes. I have several co-worker friends and friends who encourage each other, and help hold us to our fitness goals. Find something that motivates you to stay exercising and fit, for me its the patients I see everyday who could benefit from some exercise and healthy eating, makes me want to NOT become like them. Plus after a while you may even get to enjoy working out, its all about making a lifestyle change that lasts a lifetime. keep it up!
  • MochaMixAZ
    MochaMixAZ Posts: 844 Member
    1st - YAY, you! You really sound like you are working hard and getting in all the exercise!

    2nd- You CAN keep it up and get those last 20 lbs off. You may want to consider switching up your exercise if you've been doing the same thing for awhile. Shock your body and mix it up - sometimes that will help you pull off a couple more pounds.

    3rd - Keep up the logging and food tracking. It can be tedious, but it is SO worthwhile. And don't forget the water.

    4th - Read through the boards for more inspiration.

    Keep going. Keep trying. Your goals are within site!
  • locksie91
    locksie91 Posts: 2 Member
    wow you sound like you are doing great with the excersise!. there are lots of great sucess storys on here that should help keep you motivated. :)
  • rebgeo
    rebgeo Posts: 23
    I started at teh beginning of Jan and am already down 13lbs with NO excersice!!
    So the fact that you work out consistently is awesome. Just input everything you put in your mouth on MFP
    and you will be so sucsessful!!!
  • new_me_9_67
    new_me_9_67 Posts: 369 Member
    This has been my first full week on MFP I weigh in on Wednesday and can't wait to see the results.
    My wife has been doing this for about 3 weeks and has lost just over 4lbs. the biggest help that I find here is being able to track your food accurately, I know it's made me change some bad food habits that I've been carrying for a long time now.
    I also like seeing the success stories of people that have been on this for a while. I want to be one of those stories soon
    Good luck to you
  • britpatt2010
    My husband does work out with me and he pushes me hard. But the 4 miles a day gets me, maybe taking my son with me and letting him play after I'm done can help with some motivation. He loves the park. Thank you everyone for the posts! I can tell it will help reading success stories! Plus I've noticed everyone kind of pushes each other to keep going. And I know to lose this last 20 lbs the correct way and healthy way takes longer but I have been told it stays off!!!