My wife needs motivation, So I am helping her.......

My wife needs motivation to start working out. So I got the flirty girl fitness videos. But she doesn't want to do them alone. So I am going to do them with her. I love her so much that I will do it. Has anyone tried these videos? What can I expect?


  • gagagul
    gagagul Posts: 63 Member
    I haven't done those videos but if you are willing to support her that much she will see that she can do them with or without you! Way to go!
  • Jessi527
    I've seen them on t.v. They look like a great workout. I have taken a class before and you sweat like crazy. Good luck!

    By the way, That is awesome that you are willing to help her out like this. Great support system! Have fun!
  • barefootbeautiful
    That's fantastic! Seriously! My husband and I work out, but rarely together. It's about the only thing we don't do together - partially because he stays home to watch the kids so I can go to bootcamp, and then I'm too tired to workout with him before bed - but the fact that she asked you to AND that you're doing it is amazing! Kudos to you for the support, and kudos to her for working out, and finding a partner.
  • nannabur4
    They are very sexy and fun! I have a few. Good ones to start out with. I did mine ( it was the chair dance one) infront of my 3 year old (at the time) and he started doing it. I was totally LMAO!
  • my3sonsms
    That is fantastic! i have know idea what you can expect from that particular video but my girl friend and i LOVE ZUMBA and Teabo boot camp! good luck to you and your wife!