5 days a week?

I have been exercising five days a week. Or actually, when you lay it out, it is usually three days on, one day off. I usually do no less than 45 minutes of cardio, whether it be kickboxing, step aerobics, stairclimber, treadmill....and then I'll do anywhere btw 15-30 minutes of strength training. I alternate upper body-lower body.
Does this sound alright? I find myself feeling badly on the days I don't go to the gym, even though I know I need rest days. I also wear a fitbit, and so I am painfully aware of how few steps I get on the days I don't go to the gym-I have a desk job. Ugh!


  • kaitlinrc
    Is there anyway you could incorporate some walking in to your days? like walking for part of your lunch break?
  • AndreaWyland
    AndreaWyland Posts: 142 Member
    I too struggle with making myself take breaks. I workout 6 days a week typically doing p90x plyo, cardio x, kenpo, or core synergistic videos, yoga vidoes, snowboarding, running, and periodically I throw in a class at a club that is a circuit class super hard very good workout. On my off day I do a really long stretch video p90, its 60 min and then I dont feel so bad for taking it easy:) Or as a family we go for a really long walk. I liked the idea of on your lunch walking a little too, but I have so say I think we need more breaks than we give ourselves and theres lots of research to indicate the body needs rest JUST as much as it needs to work hard. A lot takes place during the rest/recovery period:) Good luck:)
  • christalle7118
    It sounds like you are doing a great job. I agree with the walking at lunch, might make you feel better about not being able to workout each and every day. It sounds like you are really switching it up which is great. I have a desk job too and I hate not being able to be active. I used to bartend and waitress and could eat/drink whatever I wanted and never gain anything!
  • htimpaired
    htimpaired Posts: 1,404 Member
    Maybe when the weather breaks I could take a lunch walk. I live in western NY and it's cold and snowy right now!

    Maybe I'll do some yoga tonight...I like that idea. Then I'm taking a break but still doing something good for me. Plus, I really should be stretching more!

    I just feel so much pressure to exercise exercise exercise! I have to remind myself that I am not going to gain back all the weight just by taking a rest day. I still watch what I eat.