Very painful feet

after working out. I've noticed that after doing my workout dvd's the tops of my feet hurt VERY badly. Like they're bruised or have been crushed. I wear good shoes, oasics. I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong, or if I just have bad feet haha. Help ?


  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    You need to be more specific about the pain? It really could be anything from plantar fasciitis to a stress fx. I'd see an ortho doc, all you may need is to be fitted with orthotics.
  • KristenAnn711
    where your foot would bend on the top. does that help?
  • Memah
    Memah Posts: 129
    Yeah, I have something similar. I broke my right fibula right above the ankle a year ago, went through PT, had been doing well, other than walking down stairs, which I still do a little carefully. Since I've started to exercise, that same foot hurts on the top, feels like bone pain, sometimes numb. The left one also has a little numbness, but it's not nearly as bad as the right. My doctor seems unconcerned.
  • orchid100
    orchid100 Posts: 40 Member
    I`d be interested in hearing what folk have to say about this ... I`m the same, pain on the top of foot ... feels almost as if you`ve had shoes tied too tight for a long time , even stretching the foot doesn`t help , in fact can be very painful to do . I wear good shoes & socks and try not to let it hold me back ... but from time to time it`s awful :(

  • KristenAnn711
    I`d be interested in hearing what folk have to say about this ... I`m the same, pain on the top of foot ... feels almost as if you`ve had shoes tied too tight for a long time , even stretching the foot doesn`t help , in fact can be very painful to do . I wear good shoes & socks and try not to let it hold me back ... but from time to time it`s awful :(


    yah exactly
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    around the ankle? wow..its probably ankle stress, maybe you are cutting off blood flow or damaged the nerves in that area. as i out an ortho/ped doc. They may need to do an MRI to deterimine what is going on. Which is also the best way to see a stress fx. If its a stress fx there is usually associated swelling. You are probably just putting too much stress on the ankles.
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    oh on the top of the foot..sounds like just over stressing of the foot that is causing inflammation of the tendons that cover the tarsals. Try taking it easy for a while, prop your feet up, take an anti inflammatory like aleve or ibuprofin, soak in a warm epsom salt bath. Repeated stressing of inflammed areas will never heal. You may have to actually find an workout that is less strain on your feet, like recumbent bike until it can heal up. Good look.
  • KristenAnn711
  • mountainrun26
    mountainrun26 Posts: 7 Member
    It's odd that it's the top of your feet. When they feel better try the workout without the shoes to eliminate them as the problem.
  • MissConfidence
    I have this too, on both feet! I thought it was because I do a lot of workouts without shoes (Leslie Sansone walk at home and 30 d shred along with other at home workouts). I'm planning on getting some good walking shoes regardless but now that I hear you get them as well WITH shoes I wonder if it's something else. It sucks because I want to just get my body moving to lose the weight that is putting the stress on my ankles but can't do much if I'm just going to be in pain and harm my body more just in a different way. I'm still trying to figure out what to do, but so far I'm resting them.

    Anyway, since it's been a couple months since you posted originally, I'm wondering if you went to a doc to check things out or find anything out that helps?
  • skhny
    skhny Posts: 41 Member
    The pain in my feet is what drove me to start eating better and exercising. It was like I was walking on marbles every minute of every day. When I started working out I used Jillian Michaels shred - the impact was lower (she shows modifications for beginners) and I noticed results right away. Try introducing higher impact workouts and walking or joggingin slower increments.

    Also are your shoes laced to tight, or fit too tight?? My sneakers are actually too loose for me now - but they hurt at first because I think I was still trying to squeeze into an old size that was too small for me (like everything else I wore).

    If you have a Fleet Feet Running Store they are amazing at helping you find the right shoes!!
  • JACE145
    JACE145 Posts: 6
    It is my uneducated but common sense opinion that anyone who is very out of shape and overweight (that was me) should lose a great deal of weight first prior to doing anything much more than walking or hiking, light bike riding, elliptical, etc. When You first get used to eating less and ever exercising more-even lightly you slowly but surely train your body back into shape. I was sedentary for way too long before starting-up exercising again so it is causing all sorts of exercise recovery issues and discomfort. I grew up very active and the CARDIO has come back easily but the joints and tendons are slow to recover from exercises. Make sure you are not doing the sOme exercises all of the time. That just makes some muscles and tendons strong while others stay weak. Try swimming, biking, etc. This may help strengthen all muscles and give the sore one's a break allowing them to recover. Also try taking a week off of foot relAted exercises. If that does not work maybe you should see a Doctor. Sounds painful.