hi i'm new :)

hi i'm brittany. i'm a freshman in college and have been overweight my whole life. i've finally decided that i want to change things and make myself healthier. my friend lisa told me to use this site because this is what she uses. today is my first day. already i feel like this is going to really help me get started and get to where i want to be. if anyone has any helpful tips or suggestions that they'd like to share i'm always looking :D


  • bodybyrick
    Welcome! Your friend is right, this is an awesome site.
    I am happy to help in any way I can.
    Also look up Hpygirl64 and chat with her. She is a super duper neat gal
    who manages to keep fit and raise 4 boys...wow.
    Remember: Food spends less than a minute in your mouth
    but effects your body for hours afterwards. So, pick foods that
    are nice to your body (and mind) rather than your mouth. Your
    mouth will forgive you...lol
    Good luck,
  • wigglebun1
    Hi Brittany. I just wrote my WL Journey Blog, maybe it contains some ideas you could use. Will keep up with you and see how you are doing! College can have a lot of eating alerts! I remember that's when I started many eons ago!
  • cpumeu
    cpumeu Posts: 89
    welcome! You will do well here. So much info will allow for you to make good choices. I suggest you try to plan your meals ahead of time....if you know what you are going to eat and have stuff available then you won't be tempted. Are u in dorms or at home? friend me if you want. Good luck and welcome!
  • Sepa
    Sepa Posts: 243 Member
    Your friend gave good advice. I have lost about 18lbs using this site. Its free and everyone here all has the same goal so everyone motivates you in the right way :o)
  • Ben2118
    Ben2118 Posts: 571 Member
    Welcome, you will find yourself hooked in no time!! lol, plenty of motivational and friendly people on here to help along the way too.

    Good Luck

  • kasmir8199
    kasmir8199 Posts: 507 Member
    Hi Brittany!

    One thing I did during my undergrad years was to enroll in a couple of PE courses during the semester. I actually took 3: Tae Kwon Do, Self Defense, and Weight Training. I have dicipline issues when it come to making myself exercise back then, so if I had it for a course, I HAD to do it, and do it well. I also kept well hydrated, drinking plenty of water and powerade (if I needed somethign with flavor). For the first time in my life, I was in a healthy weight range and could buy/wear anything I wanted. [The good ol' days, lol]. Definitely being on MFP will be beneficial. I can't wait to get on and log my exercises and foods to get that "visual" of my progress. On top of it all, everyone here is so very supportive of one another.

    Welcome to MFP!!!

  • jenniix
    jenniix Posts: 15
    Hello and welcome!
    I'm going on my second week on MFP and I love it already! It's great and there are lots of friendly, funny, supportive people around here! And you can learn a lot from everyone with different tips, suggestions, and recipes! :) I hope you have fun and I wish you luck!
  • bflovesmusic
    rick-thanks for the advice!

    cpumeu-yes i live in the dorms and it's been hard trying to manage my food eating the cafeteria food. i definitely gained the freshman 15 while i've been here.

    tammy- i joined bally total fitness and had a session with a personal trainer so i've learned strength training exercises to do along with my cardio. it's been really awesome being able to work out there.

    thanks so much for all the encouragement and luck! friend request me if you'd like to follow my progress :D