March Goals

Just wanted to see what other peoples goals are for March. I want to hit 135. That would be 4 pounds of loss.


  • countryrunner
    countryrunner Posts: 62 Member
    My goal is pretty close to yours. I weight in at 138.2 today. I'd like to see 133 by the end of the month.
  • shreddingit
    shreddingit Posts: 1,133 Member
    depends how weigh in goes tomorrow...:) ill come back and tell ya:wink:
  • Mary830
    I'd like to see 140 by the end of the month. 9lbs is pushing it for me, but in the past I have always lost the first 4-5 pounds within a week, and then started my "real" weight loss.
  • AllyS7
    AllyS7 Posts: 480 Member
    Hey Girls,

    I wouldn't mind seeing 135 by the end of this month. That would be pushing it, but it would be great.
  • janna674
    janna674 Posts: 410 Member
    i am hoping for 4lbs this month...i am 141 now so that would put me at 137...which would be close to my lowest in a decade
  • Serenifly
    Serenifly Posts: 669 Member
    It will be weeks 4 - 8 of my Half Marathon Training. I want to lose 6 more inches (in total all over)

    1 in chest
    3 in waist
    2 in hips!
  • cassybubby
    cassybubby Posts: 37 Member
    I set a goal to weigh less than 60kg (so that's 132 pounds) by this Sunday. :)
  • Marjorielk
    Marjorielk Posts: 202 Member
    Lost 10 in Feb. Would LOVE to repeat in March, even have a couple more days ! I'll settle for 5 even.
  • jala9656
    jala9656 Posts: 31 Member
    Would like to be down to 150 lbs. by end of March. More would be good, but this is what I am shooting for.
  • mclains17
    mclains17 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm hoping to break the 130 lb barrier. I've been going back and forth between 130 and 133 for months!
  • 33nessy
    33nessy Posts: 104
    78kgs by end of march (dont know what that is in lbs dont use that measurment) but i know its way heavier than 132-140lbs that most of u guys are saying
  • Dorkvader
    140 lbs is my goal, but if i can just get my weight to hang around under 145 I will be ecstatic! :D
  • esorcel
    esorcel Posts: 459 Member
    140 is also my goal. I was 147 pounds before my Mom's birthday party the weekend before Valentine's Day, and that weeked alone, I went up to 154 from lots of food, sodium, and sugar contents. Usually I lose the weight fairly quickly and then I continue losing new weight from there, but I came to enjoy the taste of food a little too much and have had trouble lowering it.

    I want to lose the extra weight gain, plus more, for a total of 14 pounds this month. Because rapid weight gains don't take long for me to lose them because they are usuall by body retaining someting, I believe I can do it, or come very close to my goal.
  • Ally_Clare
    Ally_Clare Posts: 355 Member
    To reach week 5 of my couch to 5k program
  • loveandprideforever
    loveandprideforever Posts: 29 Member
    My goal is to be in the 170s by the end of the month. I am currently stable around 185 and hitting a bit of a plateau, but 178 would be nice to see! Also, getting my BMI to an "Overweight" not "Obese" standing. (I am only 0.6 away from this!)
  • esorcel
    esorcel Posts: 459 Member
    I just lost additional weight that I gained during the weekend, and now I have returned to 154 pounds. I am where I have left off, so now my goal of reaching 140 pounds appears clear to me.