Protein and Supplements

SyrenaAngela Posts: 13
edited September 24 in Food and Nutrition
Does anyone recommend protein shakes or any type of supplements (not diet pills, nothing unsafe) for losing the last 10 pounds and toning up? I am open to taking something as long as its not bad for my health.


  • JesaGrace
    JesaGrace Posts: 799 Member
    I'm still figuring it out too....
  • jaybaileys
    jaybaileys Posts: 317
    I do 3 shakes a day to keep eating every 2 -3 hours. One is whey protein, one is shakeology, and the last is a casein protein shake just before bed. It won't necessarily make you lose weight, but it has helped me stay at my current weight. The last 10 pounds are probably the toughest to lose. Eat clean, workout hard and get your rest. As far as supplements I take vitamins, green tea extract which helps your metabolism supposedly. And on lifting days I take a pre workout drink. I also take a recovery drink after each workout except for yoga. What kind of excercises do you currently do? A Kettlebell would be a great way to lose 10 pounds.
  • poppaj
    poppaj Posts: 3
    protein shakes are great and healthy way to get in that extra protein when your on the go, at work, in a rush..etc! They will also fill you up enouph to get you through till your next meal or snack. I recommend a whey protein, most of them rage from 120 cal, 20 grams of protein, 1-3 grams of fat. They are great for after your workouts, at night if you have the munchies or in the morning. I cant tell you what brand to use as there are so many but just do shopping around. 2lbs jugs are around $25-$35. Hope this helps. :smile:
  • That is a lot of shakes. RIght now I am doing boxing 1-2 times a week, and going to the gym 2 (I'd like to up that to 3) times per week. At the gym I am running about 2 miles and walking one. Sometimes I will do the stairmaster for 10 minutes, or the eliptical. As far as weight training, I am probably not doing what I should be- I am doing a lot of regular and side crunches on the incline bench with a weighted ball. I am also doing planks and other types of crunches with different weights. My arms get a great workout from boxing and the weighted gloves, but sometimes I will do random arm machines. For my legs I am doing calf raises and inner and outer leg presses.

    I just need something that will make my muscles more define. I have them, you just can't see them, and I know the key is to losing the extra weight but I am sure there is something out there I can take to boost that.
  • cacrat
    cacrat Posts: 336 Member
    Protein shakes won't necessarily "boost" anything, not by themselves anyway. Protein simply helps repair muscle tissue after use. It doesn't boost metabolism, or make you lose weight. Its not a cure all.
  • I have noticed that I am quickly getting to my set daily Protein goal? I am trying to eat Protein that is low in fat and calories such as Salmon and Tuna. For instance I ate a flavoured Tuna which has a protein count of 21g, eventhough the snack was 95 calories and had a fat content of 2g....So my question is, is it ok to eat what they classify "good" Protein? and if it isn't good, will it have an adverse reaction to me losing weight?

    Confused yet? too :)

  • I know that protein isn't going to work on its on, its not a miracle cure to losing weight... my initial question was really, is there something I can take that will help build muscle while I am working out. I think protein shakes, and supplements will do that, but I wanted to know if anyone had suggestions as to brands, and types etc....
  • dave4d
    dave4d Posts: 1,155 Member
    I know everyone is different. I would experiment to what works best for you. For me it was real clean eating. You may want to try carb cycling, or even low carb, where you get most of your night time carbs from veggies. Try to go as low sugar as possible. If you want to try shakes, look for one that has the most protein with lowest calories, and sugars. Avoid bars, they are too high in sugar. Watch your diet, measure accurately. Try increasing your weight lifting workouts. Sometimes that last 10 lbs isn't as important as just getting rid of the extra fat. The more weight training you do, the more muscle you will build, helping to burn off the extra fat. I've also seen recommendations to consume the majority of your calories around your workouts. Good luck.
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    Protein shakes won't necessarily "boost" anything, not by themselves anyway. Protein simply helps repair muscle tissue after use. It doesn't boost metabolism, or make you lose weight. Its not a cure all.

    I agree. If you are a meat eater you are probably getting plenty of protein in your diet. For females its recommended to get 40-50 grams of protein a day. Unless you are bodybuilding specifically there is no need to intake more protein. If you find you arent getting enough cals, there are weight gainer shakes out there. I use NOW sports Whey isolate, its vegetarian friendly and organic. I also only drink it AFTER I lift. I am not a body builder, but I do lift to build muscle now. I try to intake more protein to repair my muscles after my workout, to help them grow. I did not drink the shake when I was cutting. Since I got plenty of protein in my normal eating. If you want energy, you need high quality carbs, like brown rice, whole grain pastas and breads, beans/legumes, fresh veg. Green tea is a good metabolism booster, as well water with Lemon juice. I also during my cutting phase took Lipo 6 black Hers metabolism booster. It worked. Try taking Vitamin B sups, they say it helps with energy. Good luck.

    ps, they also say you cant build muscle and lose fat at the same time..since losing fat requires a cal deficit and building muscle a calorie surplus. just keep that mind.
  • ktanderson05
    ktanderson05 Posts: 207 Member
    I can't stress enough to everyone using protein shake mix to be careful which ones you are taking....Look at the ingredients carefully because a lot of them have arsenic, mercury, lead in them, etc....Do you really want to be putting those in your body when you are trying to get healthy?
  • LFern
    LFern Posts: 141
    It sounds more to me like you are looking for more tone and definition. If you are a member of a gym, perhaps you could ask the on staff trainer which wieghts you should be working with to get the result you are looking for.

    If you are down to that last 10 lbs, you must already have a pretty healthy diet plan in place. I wouldn't worry too much about supplements or shakes - wieght lifting to get your proper toning - that is what you are in search of.
  • I wanted to know if anyone had suggestions as to brands, and types etc....

    I like Designer Whey's Protein to Go. It's 50 calories & 10g protein and is individually packaged so I can mix it on my way out the gym. (Or I'll mix it between a spin class and yoga.) I also like Pure Protein's 100% Whey Protein Vanilla Powder (140 calories & 25g protein). **I have a slight allergy to soy so I try to stay away from it.

    I'm not sure where you live but Publix carries both of the products I listed. I know Whole Foods also has a good selection and you can buy individual packets for $1-$2 to see which products you like best. I actually picked up a few recently at a different health food store to try and see if any other brands are as good as what I already purchase. Good luck in your search!
  • JohnnyNull
    JohnnyNull Posts: 294 Member
    I avoid fake food.
  • jaybaileys
    jaybaileys Posts: 317
    I think you are on the right track, like some others have mentioned, lifting more may be good for you. I again suggest a kettlebell. I think they rock and have been using them for about a year. They are good for cardio and muscle building depending on how you use them. There is a bit of a learning curve with them,so you dont injure yourself, but all in all they are a great tool.
  • poppaj
    poppaj Posts: 3
    I would suggest something like the designer or the breezers if they are still around for what you want. anything with the lower calorie range and around 20 grams of protein. You can ask at pretty much any health food store.
  • cacrat
    cacrat Posts: 336 Member
    I personally go for Optimum Nutrition, I just got Rocky Road...not the greatest. But their chocolate isn't bad.
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