
kjclay Posts: 5 Member
Hello. I'm new here. Kinda. Joined a couple of months ago, but did not continue. Let too many things get in the way. But, the end of January I started a medically monitored weight loss program and am required to track my calories. So, blew the dust off of MFP and I'm back. Have lost 16 pounds so far. My program goal for the initial loss phase is 50 lbs. I need to lose more than a hundred. I'm taking baby steps - so I am shooting for 25 lbs. It took me 18 years to put all this on and I plan on keeping it off when I get it done. Love the food database, very comprehensive. Looking forward to the support that I will get from both programs.


  • kimbod
    kimbod Posts: 5 Member
    Good for you !!! Every little bit counts, keep on going slow and steady! Invite all your friends and family to join too! It is great motivation!
    Good Luck!