Anyone want to comment on my food diary?


I would love it if you could go look at the last few days of my diary and make sure I am doing ok. I am pretty new so I just want to be sure : )


I also live at home so sometimes for dinner if someone else makes it.....yeah.

ps- be harsh, but not to mean : P


  • 33nessy
    33nessy Posts: 104
    sounds a lot healthier than mine lately....however looked at Mondays and you are not eating enough and your sugar intake is might wanna increase the calories and decrease the sugar content. hope that helps
  • asj0901
    asj0901 Posts: 141
    Hi There!

    You seem to be making pretty good choices.... but your calorie intake is low. You don't want to make the mistake of starving your body because it will slow your metabolism. Your sugar seem to be always high. (but I watch my sugar so I am bias) I would definately try to get more out of your calories by adding some good high calorie foods like Nuts (almonds, cashew, pecans etc.) Super filling and full of good healthy omega 3 and good fats and calories.'

    Take Care
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    It's looking pretty balanced to me. You do burn a whole lot in exercise so if you find you don't lose weight, you might increase your calorie intake just a little. Good luck!
  • fitoverfifty
    fitoverfifty Posts: 192 Member
    The first thing that jumped out at me was the coffee creamer.....I would stop using that, it's usually made with hydrogenated oils...artificial flavors etc.. Not very healthy..

    Other than that the food choices looked pretty good.
  • lsowayan
    lsowayan Posts: 2
    Looks like you're probably doin pretty good so far, I'm pretty new at this too hehe. I agree with the other posts, try to get at least 1200 calories a day. I would suggest trying to switch to sugar free products to cut down on your sugar intake, as much as I love creamer I switched to fat free half n half with fake sugar (splenda or aspartame I use the generic stuff). Due to so many people with diabetes finding sugar free items is becoming easier. Try to eat every 2-3 hours, 3 meals with 3 snacks, things like granola bars are good for calories and delicious! Not so sure if it helps any though since I'm still making this adjustment to my lifestyle. :happy:
  • cherdan
    cherdan Posts: 162 Member
    I would say you're mostly golden, but you can occasionally be too low on cals (i.e., 1,093) and there's still too much simple sugar that will counteract all the good you're doing. Ditch the sweets and swap out the ketchup for something else (it has 4 grams of added sugar a serving.. that adds up) without the high fructose corn syrup and sugar. Switch your coffee creamer to a powder one or a sugar free liquid, since you have it several times a day, and that adds up. Sugar really affects your weight loss.. fats not so much. You seem to be picking good fats and good proteins to keep you satiated.
  • Jonesie1984
    Jonesie1984 Posts: 612 Member
    Looks good but shoot for at least 1200 cals. Awesome food choices though!
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    I think you're doing pretty well with food choices (sure, a few that aren't the best but we all have those) but I just don't think you're eating enough. I started at about the same weight (202) and I eat much more!
    And I've lost 5 kg (about 11 pounds) in 5 weeks. Of course we are all different, height, body type, metabolism etc. But, don't starve yourself, that really won't helfpin the long term.

    You're welcome to have a look at my food diary if you like - maybe don't follow my example with the wine, beer and cookies though!
    Adding in some healthy extras like almonds, avocado, hommus might be a good idea.
    I don't tend to eat any "diet" foods - I cook the same meals as ever but am more concious of how much I'm having, don't usually have seconds and have cut out binging on chocolate!
  • CARNAT22
    CARNAT22 Posts: 764 Member
    You aren't taking enough calories IMO.

    Even if you decide not to eat ALL of your exercise calories I think you should be eating some of them... Having 300 / 500 + cals left every day isn't the premise of how this works.

    I know there is a LOT of debate about exercise calories and I sometimes eat mine. I do however think if yu are working out very vigorously you need to eat (some at least) back!