Meh... my get up and go has got up and gone

So, I had a ridiculously tiring day at work and tomorrow is going to be even longer. I've been doing pretty well watching calories and exercising the last month (joined MFP a week ago), but I know from experience that about week 4 is when I run out of steam and want to just sit on the couch and eat. Plus, I'm beat and it's only Monday, which really ups my motivation to eat and not exercise.

Can I get a little push uphill?


  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    I'll push you if you pull me?!!!

    Really lost that buzz I've had for the first few weeks... It's a bit like a chore now but I don't want to give up! I hope that maybe when I receive my 30 day shred dvd i get the buzz back and don't just wimp out!

    Hope your week improves x
  • Bigsportygirl
    Bigsportygirl Posts: 20 Member
    Well done for doing so well with your calories and exercise so far! No one is gunning for exercise and reduced portion size all the time. MFP is a lifestyle change and in real life some days we're tired, don't have time or just can't be bothered. Take the long term view. So relax, rest and come back tomorrow, or the next day more enthusiastic.
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    You can do this, take each little step towards your get up and go, and you will soon catch up to it. Congratulate yourself for each little victory. Asking for help was a victory. You are on your way.
  • mentalbeat
    mentalbeat Posts: 104 Member
    Well done for doing so well with your calories and exercise so far! No one is gunning for exercise and reduced portion size all the time. MFP is a lifestyle change and in real life some days we're tired, don't have time or just can't be bothered. Take the long term view. So relax, rest and come back tomorrow, or the next day more enthusiastic.

    Just as I would have said it.
    Life changes like these are Marathons not Sprints.

    "Do not fear moving slowly; only fear standing still."
    "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."
    - Ancient Chinese Proverbs

  • minxblack
    minxblack Posts: 40
    Just joining MFP is a huge step. Is there any kind of treat you can offer yourself if you hang tough? And remember, a little something bad here and there won't kill you, just make up for it. And do little things, like park far away walk. more. Gas prices alone are making me walk more. And the biggest thing...Don't think of it as a diet. Think you're eating healthier (for whatever reasons). Chamging to a more "organic" eating style. Whatever makes you do it. And we're all here for you!!!!
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    I bought myself a new pair of shoes today to entice my get up and go back... I think it's worked a bit!