Just Discovered

thechiefy Posts: 5 Member
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
Hey All,

Over the last 7 weeks I've gone from 145kg to 135.3kg and MFP seemed to be working, however in the last 2 weeks I seem to be staying the same weight despite on a weekly basis being under on net cal weekly goal.

In the last 2 days I’ve suddenly realised (with the help of forum posts) that I may be in starvation mode and should be eating my daily allowance, however, can somebody please review by weekend intakes and tell me if I'm right or wrong (my daily allowance is 1970cals)

1. Thursday 287cals left (No Exercise Day)
2. Friday 499 over my net allowance (676 exercise cals burned)
3. Saturday 1,125 over my net allowance (No Exercise Day)
4. Sunday 2530 cals left (2432 exercise cals burned)

Now by my reckoning I'm 1183 cals under over the 4 days, but does the body work like this? And can I save / burn cals to accommodate over indulgence on other days? It is worth noting that the days I went over were due to alcohol consumption not food (not that it makes any difference)

Help greatly appreciated!!

CB :blushing:


  • udallmom101
    udallmom101 Posts: 564 Member
    Your body doesn't work where you can save/conserve for what you went over or under. You really should eat back most, if not all, of your exercise calories to keep your body in fat burning mode. It is important to fuel the body to get it to react and lose weight.
  • thechiefy
    thechiefy Posts: 5 Member
    I thought that might be the case, any suggestions on how I should have planned / managed my weekend? For instance:

    1. Normal day - Eat well and was 287 Under
    2. Out with friends for a birthday celebration did some exercise to accommodate but was still 499 over
    3. Feeling very rough and no time for exercise friends came for dinner 1125 over
    4. Pre planned football training and then 8 mile walk over the moors followed by Sunday Pub lunch with friends 2432 under

    9 times out of 10 MFP works for me but the big weekend situation that rears it's ugly head every so often is where I really struggle!

  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 983 Member
    It depends what your daily allowance is?
    If it is set to the minimum amount for a man of your age/weight, and you've been on that allowance for more than 2 weeks - then I would say you're in starvation mode.

    You need to make sure you're not under by the end of the week.

    Your body is actually telling you to eat more, so you should do that... and try to balance out the amounts you're going over/under (e.g. only go over/under by 300-500) each day.
  • ballgood
    ballgood Posts: 17 Member
    Good question and helpful response.
    I excercise loads, but struggle to consume enough cals without eating rubbish. My weight loss is slow, but I feel so much better and look better.
    I want to change for life, not just a quick fix, so I see it that, slow is good?

    Keep going it will work
  • thechiefy
    thechiefy Posts: 5 Member
    I think Banana's may be the way forward if I'm struggling to eat the cals?
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