3500 calories equals 1 pound

kinectamama Posts: 21
edited September 24 in Fitness and Exercise
If any of you have a heart rate monitor, are you willing to track at least 3500 calories burned per day? I did this the past 2 days and plan to continue until I feel almost burnt out, or until I have a life outside of taking care of my daughter. I am going to do this for at least 11 more days (13 total) and hope to lose 13 pounds in almost 2 weeks. Who's with me fellow hrm trackers? Also, I was wondering if any body had good tips on switching up the routine, my biggest fear is reaching a plateau. Right now I burn about 1000 with cardio boxing and 1000 with the treadmill, the other 1500 comes from cleaning and being a mommy to a 8.5 month old who's into everything. Thanks for reading, I know this post is all over the place, sorry!


  • FaithandFitness
    FaithandFitness Posts: 653 Member
    I don't have one yet, but plan to get one sometime in the future (any suggestions on type/brand would be appreciated) I am thinking it would have to be an excess of 3500 cal burn per day, correct? I am curious to see your results!
  • yanicka
    yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
    I do not know how much weight you have to lose.....the more weight, the bigger the deficite can be without adverse effect....but that being said, I do not feel this is healthy, and you forgot to add the calories you are going to eat. So let say that you eat 1200, you would have to burn 4700 calories in one day. I can predict a burn out!!!
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    WOW! That's a lot in one day...just the 2000 in workouts alone. Your body might need a day to rest, is there a reason why you want to lose weight so fast?
  • dracobaby82
    dracobaby82 Posts: 380 Member
    Now I'm confused lol I heard that it takes 3500 calories burned to take off one pound of fat... but it doens't have to be done in one day right? lol Man I sure hope it doesn't have to be burned in one day lol
  • beahawk
    beahawk Posts: 34 Member
    Yes, in science that's correct but you have to take in account the food you eat as well, so you can burn 3500 but you may only net 2300 if you eat at least 1200. If you're working out that much, you definitely need your energy ---> food.
  • myukniewicz
    myukniewicz Posts: 906 Member
    i have to agree with the above posters, i don't think that is the safest way to approach weight loss. You're going to have to give your body a rest.
  • Actually yeah, I was just going to add that you need to calculate calories consumed into the mix. My numbers averaged 4000 the post two days and I never eat above 900 calories a day so I am only about 400 off maybe today I will tery to step it up and get to 4400. My boyfriend got me the the iron man triathlon timex blah haha I forget what exactly it's called, something like that. But I highly recommend it! It was about 70 bucks I think.
  • Sounds absolutely mental to me. no thanks!
  • epj78
    epj78 Posts: 643 Member
    The science if correct (if you add in calories you eat to the total), but I highly advice against this. There is a reason that contestants on The Biggest Loser are under doctors observation the entire time they are on the show. It is NOT healthy to lose more than 2 pounds a week without a doctor's supervision (sure there may be some week's you lose more due to water weight, etc, but on average 2 pounds per week). It puts a strain on your body that can effect your heart, kidney's and other vital organs.

    Add that to the fact that you most definitely burn out and the lose will most likely be temporary and it is just not worth the risk. Especially with a little one at home!!!!

    Please rethink this effort. I know it sounds exciting to lose so much so quickly, but your long term health is so much more important.
  • I don't really eat gluten so I don't eat as many calories as I should. I rashly enjoy working out and I want to get the baby weight off faster than what I have been doing. I gained a lot of weight with my pregnancy, went from 117 to about 200 and I'm 5'5". Thanks for those of you who are interested and giving me support. The past 2 days I didn't start tracking until 11 am so I think 4.5 more hours is a reasonable amount of time to burn an extra 400 calories
  • Actually yeah, I was just going to add that you need to calculate calories consumed into the mix. My numbers averaged 4000 the post two days and I never eat above 900 calories a day so I am only about 400 off maybe today I will tery to step it up and get to 4400. My boyfriend got me the the iron man triathlon timex blah haha I forget what exactly it's called, something like that. But I highly recommend it! It was about 70 bucks I think.

    This is insane! As someone who had an eating disorder in the past, I can say from experience that you're going to put yourself in the hospital and not be able to care for your child. Please re-think your strategy.
  • StaceG1986
    StaceG1986 Posts: 350
    Um, no thanks! Doesn't sound healthy to me at all unless you're under constant supervision like the BL guys! :noway:
  • EmilyJ1979
    EmilyJ1979 Posts: 144 Member
    The science if correct (if you add in calories you eat to the total), but I highly advice against this. There is a reason that contestants on The Biggest Loser are under doctors observation the entire time they are on the show. It is NOT healthy to lose more than 2 pounds a week without a doctor's supervision (sure there may be some week's you lose more due to water weight, etc, but on average 2 pounds per week). It puts a strain on your body that can effect your heart, kidney's and other vital organs.

    Add that to the fact that you most definitely burn out and the lose will most likely be temporary and it is just not worth the risk. Especially with a little one at home!!!!

    Please rethink this effort. I know it sounds exciting to lose so much so quickly, but your long term health is so much more important.

    I agree
  • I'm only strutting this for less than 2 weeks, and those of you who are being rude, please stop, thanks.
  • This is unbelievably unhealthy and impossible. It is recommend to only lose 1 to 2 pounds a week. In order to do that all you need to do is have a calorie deficit of 500 calories a day. Actually, it's ideal to only have a 20% calorie deficit to do it safely and not sabotage your efforts.
  • OLP76
    OLP76 Posts: 768 Member
    OLP76 here for a reality check to tell you that this is not a race ! :) You dont wanttttttttttttttt to lose 13 lbs in Eleven days because you won't keep it off and that's not good for you. So, chill out! and celebrate what YOU HAVE DONE!! HURRRRAYYYYYY!!!!
  • ellen1980
    ellen1980 Posts: 23
    In theory it sounds great, in reality, not so much. 900 calories per day isn't a healthy amount either. 1200 is the min anyone should really be eating. And the thing is that working so hard to lose 1lbs per day through exercise will likely cause your body to break down before the weight comes off. Our bodies are designed to only be able to do so much. Definately not something that I would attempt.
  • katbass
    katbass Posts: 351 Member
    I dont think anyone is intentionally rude. I think they are just trying to be very clear that you are potentially setting yourself up for some major failure. If the weight didnt accumulate in 13 days, it surely wont come off in 13 days. Why not do this the healthy way and ensure the weight STAYS off this time? Youre supposed to gain weight when youre growing a human being :laugh: Be proud of what your body accomplished and treat it nicely so you can stick around for a long time to watch your kids grow up!

    You really need to rethink this strategy before you do permanent damage to your metabolism, organs, or self esteem. If this type of weight loss strategy was effective and a long term fix, dont you think more people would promote the concept and/or try it themselves? Its just not smart.
  • OLP76
    OLP76 Posts: 768 Member
    I dont think anyone is intentionally rude. I think they are just trying to be very clear that you are potentially setting yourself up for some major failure. If the weight didnt accumulate in 13 days, it surely wont come off in 13 days. Why not do this the healthy way and ensure the weight STAYS off this time? Youre supposed to gain weight when youre growing a human being :laugh: Be proud of what your body accomplished and treat it nicely so you can stick around for a long time to watch your kids grow up!

    You really need to rethink this strategy before you do permanent damage to your metabolism, organs, or self esteem. If this type of weight loss strategy was effective and a long term fix, dont you think more people would promote the concept and/or try it themselves? Its just not smart.

    KUDOS...! Listen to this POST...
  • I dont think anyone is intentionally rude. I think they are just trying to be very clear that you are potentially setting yourself up for some major failure. If the weight didnt accumulate in 13 days, it surely wont come off in 13 days. Why not do this the healthy way and ensure the weight STAYS off this time? Youre supposed to gain weight when youre growing a human being :laugh: Be proud of what your body accomplished and treat it nicely so you can stick around for a long time to watch your kids grow up!

    You really need to rethink this strategy before you do permanent damage to your metabolism, organs, or self esteem. If this type of weight loss strategy was effective and a long term fix, dont you think more people would promote the concept and/or try it themselves? Its just not smart.

    Agree....unfortunately you may not notice the damage to your kidneys and liver until later in life. Sux but its true. Its your body so you obviously do what you want with it, I would suggest not putting these statements of QUICK weight loss on this site because there are some very young women who are on here and they may take these suggestions and use them. You are lovely the way you are and slow and steady ALWAYS wins the race. Good luck to you!!! :happy:
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