get lost!

MrsSanthoff Posts: 272 Member
Or should I say... I'm getting lost.

ugh, ate horribly last night due to an unexpected 2lb weight gain. Like thats gonna help! Didnt workout either. I just got totally discouraged. I actually ate well over the weekend and worked out but come Monday morning and I gained? I felt like giving up. I didnt take into account that I ate lots of salt and maybe it was water....I just hate working hard and not see the results! Its like whats the point? So today is a new day and I am back on track...just not with the excitement I had before. People say it is very hard and it wont drop over night so why is this coming as a surprise?

I dont understand......wait, I do understand but my body/brain is rejecting the idea of eating more and eating back excersize calories. i get the concept but truley believing that eating more is gonna help me lose seems crazy.

This should have been a blog but I posted it as a topic because I was hoping to get some much needed motivation!!


  • denise980
    denise980 Posts: 296
    It's ok that weight fluctuates on a daily basis. Do you weigh yourself every day? You may not want to if you are because of the fluctuations that can happen.

    You are doing really great and you will be able to get the weight that you want gone. Just take it slowly, stay on track today, and keep the mantra that "Today's a new day."

    Stay positive! You can do it!!
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    I am soooo with you. But I got lost for a couple weeks so now you should feel REAL good about yourself! Have the best day you can have because you are worth it! You deserve your health-
  • BeeZeeB
    BeeZeeB Posts: 9
    I know what you mean....I also have to train myself to eat more. My problem was that I would have a HUGE lunch then maybe a little something for dinner. That was it. Unless of course it was Mexican for dinner or Benihana then I would pig out again for dinner. This is my second week on this eating more thing and honestly at the end of the first week when I weighed myself I had lost 4 pounds!!! So it must work. I am waiting to see this Friday morning if I have indeed lost more weight. I am going to start measuring myself today as well and do that once a month. small servings every 2 to 3 hours drink water and keep going girl!!!!
  • peebs82
    peebs82 Posts: 7
    Agree with the above, weighing daily can be the worst thing to do. Weigh yourself weekly and in the morning.

    Don't beat yourself up aim at progress not perfection remembering somedays we can go back not forward but the more days we go forward the less the days we go back matter.

    Never give in never give up a healthy body = a healthy mind :-)
  • I totally know what you're going through! I gained 4lbs in a few days and didn't cheat at all! My brother used to work as a personal trainer and he told me that I wasnt eating enough. I just find it hard to believe that eating more will help the scale go down. Its just so frustrating! You think you're doing better by restricting and working out, and then it all backfires on you.
    I'm having a really hard time eating the whole 1200 calories, plus whatever I burned off working out. I just end up feeling guilty and end up getting all depressed all over again.
    I'm trying to resist the urge to weigh myself every day, and hopefully by the end of the week I'll either weigh less, or at least lose some measureable amount off my waist.
  • tonyavanwinkle2
    tonyavanwinkle2 Posts: 28 Member
    Because very few read or respond to the blogs?

    You can't give up. Every once in awhile you have to indulge yourself in crappy food. You also can't get discouraged and turn to food. Treat the gain as your enemy - your fighting it, so find the fight in you and fight back! If you let the gain discourage you enough to eat, then your gain, your weight, and your body are controlling YOU...instead of the other way around. Who is in charge? You? The gain? The weight? You see what I am saying? Find the fight in you, get tough, fight back.

    Salt does not help. Trust me, I know that one. I'm a salt addict. Try light salt or sea salt. I hate working hard to (if you read my blog Focus...where is your's - you'll see that) but the fact is nothing worth having is easy. We all should want healthy, sexy bodies with all our hearts, but if you are like me "all my heart" doesn't like the work.

    You asked "what's the point?" That's simple. Do you want to be where you are right now for the rest of your life or do you want better? That's the point. Don't give up. Don't back down from the fight that will create a healthier, happy YOU.

    Find your excitement again, find your focus, get mad at that "gain" and go kick it in the a**! You CAN do this.
  • buchmansrus
    buchmansrus Posts: 34 Member
    I go through the same struggle. I know that I should eat more but its weird, if I dont eat, I'm not hungry. But, if I do eat then I'm starving acouple hours later. Go figure.
    I certainly relate with you and I just recently went through a breakdown myself because I freaked out because I was so happy my pant size was going down, I know I am getting smaller and people tell me and I feel it but when I stepped on the scale it barely budged. Thats when I through my hands up started to cry and said "whats the use" even if I lose I'll gain it right back. After acouple days of sobbing with alot of support from my facebook friends and family I am back on track. I dont get much exercise in lately but I intend to get back in the swing of things soon. Sorry about my rambling, I just meant to let you know that, I can certainly relate.
    Dont give up. You're strong. You can do it. Add me if you like and we can keep motivating/supporting each other.
  • when I gain I get upset too....but I have found that if I stick to it and drink lots of water I have really lost more. I eat a lot of salt to so I try not to weigh everyday. It is a slow process but it is worth it. My goal is to be smaller by summer so I have a long way to go and a short time but I want give up. (one day at a time)
  • Vansy
    Vansy Posts: 419 Member
    It's okay to hop on the scale everyday and weigh yourself. BUT, you have to allow for fluctuations in what the scale reads. So rather than worrying about what the scale reads everyday, just average it out for the entire week and see where you're weight stands.

    I get on the scale everyday, and I know my weight to be 121.5 currently -- but I'm okay with the scale readying 2 pounds more than that, I just stay on track with how I eat and by the next day it is back down to normal. I think rather than having an idea of "I weigh this right now" maybe you should allow for a range. I'll say I weigh 121 right now, but as it pertains to the scale my "range" is 121-123 and I'm okay with that. As I lose weight so does that range.

    You also have to allow for errors and not beat yourself up over them.
    Keep a positive mind-set.
    Remember that it takes +/- 3500 calories to gain/lose a pound of fat -- so if your weight is up 2 pounds from yesterday...unless you ate 3500 extra calories it's NOT sudden fat that you've gained; more likely it's water weight -- extra salt you took in, not enough hydration, etc.
    Just keep eating healthy and well-balancd meals and you'll continue to see weight loss.
  • EricMurano
    EricMurano Posts: 825 Member
    I'm going to suggest something that will make most people drop their monocles in their tea ....

    One day gain weight on purpose. Hear me out! There's a concept in psychology where you own the thing that scares you. If you're afraid of heights, go sky diving. If you scared of people, go to a concert.

    If you purposely gain weight just one day it'll put you in control of it. The next day go back to your own routine.

    Putting on weight doesn't even have to be your goal. You could just have a cheat day and just *accept* any weight gain and move on.

    What I don't think you should do is give up on your diet completely if you have a weight gain.

    This is only a suggestion and I'm not a psychologist or dietician.
  • MrsSanthoff
    MrsSanthoff Posts: 272 Member

    You asked "what's the point?" That's simple. Do you want to be where you are right now for the rest of your life or do you want better? That's the point. Don't give up. Don't back down from the fight that will create a healthier, happy YOU.

    So perfect! Thank you!!!
  • MrsSanthoff
    MrsSanthoff Posts: 272 Member

    Remember that it takes +/- 3500 calories to gain/lose a pound of fat -- so if your weight is up 2 pounds from yesterday...unless you ate 3500 extra calories it's NOT sudden fat that you've gained; more likely it's water weight -- extra salt you took in, not enough hydration, etc.
    Just keep eating healthy and well-balancd meals and you'll continue to see weight loss.

    Remind me everyday! lol!! Thank you for this!!
  • MrsSanthoff
    MrsSanthoff Posts: 272 Member
    Thanks everyone for the much needed support and motivation! I jump back on today and kick the wagons butt!! I feel good and I need to remember that, that is what it is all about, Feeling Good!! lots of love! Thanks!! :flowerforyou:
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