Starting P90X TODAY- March 1st

newDZ Posts: 237 Member
Is anyone else starting today?


  • Buckeyt
    Buckeyt Posts: 473 Member
    I'm in the middle of my 4th round. Good Luck. I'll pass along a little advice.

    1)Trust the program and don't expect results overnight, it's 90 days for a reason
    2) Nutrition is every bit, if not more important so make sure you eat enough to fuel the workouts.
    3) Do the Classic program - that is the way the program was desinged, the Lean version was an after thought
    4) Don't be afraid to lift heavy weights.
    5) Modify when you have to

    Make the committment and you'll do fine!

    RUNMLT Posts: 15 Member
    good luck....i tried P90x.....that *kitten* is too hard for i am not motivated by working out at home. I gotta get outta of the house....
  • LadyBarb
    LadyBarb Posts: 116
    I'm thinking about it... but this time in the evening after work, I do perfer the gym ... it hard for me to get movitate to work out at home.
  • FitPhysique
    FitPhysique Posts: 284 Member
    IF it's hard to get motivated at home bing it to your gym and do it there!