TGI Fridays confusion

I thought going out for dinner was meant to be bad for you at places like this?

Im being taken out for a meal to TGI Fridays and going through the database if I get teh Jack Daniels chicken at 500 cals and chicken wings for starter which is 200 cals then add that to the rest I have had to eat today I am still left with 481 cals before I use my limit.

Am I missing something here?


Added this below but putting here aswell

Nutrition Facts

Serving Size: 1 plate, 2 Chicken Breasts, mashed Potatos and Vegetables
Amount per Serving

* Calories 500 Calories from Fat 90

% Daily Value *

* Total Fat 10g 15%
* Saturated Fat 0g 0%
* Sodium 0mg 0%
* Total Carbohydrate 50g 17%
* Dietary Fiber 0g 0%
* Protein 52g 104%

Est. Percent of Calories from:
Fat 18.0% Carbs 40.0%
Protein 41.6%

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  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    Is there no side dish to the chicken? That's usually when the calories get piled on. Chicken breast in a light sauce isn't usually a lot of calories.

    200 calories for chicken wings seems really low. Are they baked and are there only a couple?
  • lotty1987
    lotty1987 Posts: 176 Member
    hiya last time i checked the jack daniels chicken starter was 1000 calories
  • mallorybriann
    mallorybriann Posts: 1,380 Member
    I LOVE that Jack Daniels sauce :D So good!
    The chicken wings do seem low, Most are fried and have the skin on which adds calories.
    I thought going out for dinner was meant to be bad for you at places like this?

    Im being taken out for a meal to TGI Fridays and going through the database if I get teh Jack Daniels chicken at 500 cals and chicken wings for starter which is 200 cals then add that to the rest I have had to eat today I am still left with 481 cals before I use my limit.

    Am I missing something here?
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    I always double-check the database against the restaurant's online nutritional info, if they have it (and I'm pretty sure Friday's does). Some people only put in partial portions, or special orders, etc.

    Also, as scagneti said, make sure you're entering sides and drinks.
  • lwyz_smln
    lwyz_smln Posts: 46
    Always remember that calories aren't the only thing you should be counting. You should also pay close attention to sodium, fat, etc!
  • deandt
    deandt Posts: 20
    The chicken starter is 1000 cals just to confirm with above but thats the stuff thats on it that does that.

    The wings are for only 3 wings which it is low. And the sides on the JD chicken meal is mashed potato but thats included in the database as its the actual meal thats listed mentioning mash.
  • sharonuk10
    sharonuk10 Posts: 277
    I am confused too by the Jack Daniels Chicken. Since TGIFridays do not give out their nutrtional info. I even asked at the one I eat at most often and they had no infor on hand. So I am not sure how these numbers came about. Since I have usually had a good walk before having TGIFirdays I don't worry to much about it BUT if you are just having it as a meal without any added exercise it is troublesome.
  • MochaMixAZ
    MochaMixAZ Posts: 844 Member
    Something is not adding up. It might the servings. For example, the appetizer usually serves 3-8 people. When I looked up the wings - a serving is THREE wings. The Jack chicken is 500 calories for the chicken only. No sides included.
  • deandt
    deandt Posts: 20
    Nutrition Facts

    Serving Size: 1 plate, 2 Chicken Breasts, mashed Potatos and Vegetables
    Amount per Serving

    * Calories 500 Calories from Fat 90

    % Daily Value *

    * Total Fat 10g 15%
    * Saturated Fat 0g 0%
    * Sodium 0mg 0%
    * Total Carbohydrate 50g 17%
    * Dietary Fiber 0g 0%
    * Protein 52g 104%

    Est. Percent of Calories from:
    Fat 18.0% Carbs 40.0%
    Protein 41.6%

    Read more:
  • RMinVA
    RMinVA Posts: 1,085 Member
    The fact that TGIF does not provide nutritional information on their website should tell you something. I'm a bit skeptical that the dish only has 500 cals. Mostly because a homemade "healthy" version of 2 chicken breasts and mashers would be about 500 cals. Add in what is probably a sugar and sodium laden sauce, as most restaurant sauces are, and what are probably butter laden veggies......probably more like 1000 cals.

    A little "food for thought" on eating out:

    1. There is absolutely no regulation whatsoever of restaurant nutritional claims.
    2. Restaurant counts assume the product is made to recipe: a little extra butter or calorie laden sauce can blow those #s through the roof.
    3. Various studies have shown that many restaurant nutritional claims are off by as much as 30%.

    Bottom line, err on the side of caution when you eat out.
  • sassylilmama
    sassylilmama Posts: 1,495 Member
    One thing I see is that says there is no sodium in it. There is NO WAY there is no sodium in that.
  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    Honestly, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Feel free to enjoy the meal, but I wouldn't take those numbers as gospel.

    All it would take to dramatically up that caloric intake is for butter & milk to be added to the potatoes (no way it is for 500 calories for the whole plate and it includes milk or butter!) and to get even a slightly larger portion (I don't see the cook using a measuring cup to determine portion size).

    And there is no possible way that it has 0mg of sodium. I'd say that someone entered what they wanted and it's remained because no one called them out on it.
  • MochaMixAZ
    MochaMixAZ Posts: 844 Member
    I did a little more research on this, because it just didn't add up for me. I can barely make chicken and low fat mashed potatoes at home for under 500 calories.

    I'm seeing the Jack plate with sides coming in at 920 calories.

    This website was helpful and cuts through the red tape of Friday's not providing their cal counts: