Vitamin D...

kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
I was just curious.. Went to my monthly and after my doctor asked me all the hard questions and passing all the tests, IE How many times a week do your work out? do you eat lots of leafy greens, my heart rate was much lower than before, my blood pressure was right on spot, my my doctor told me that one of the few things left to change about my lifestyle was to get on a Vitamin D Supplement.

So I did, She said that it is key in Breast health (important for guys and girls), colon health bone health as well as it will make you happier. Living in the Seattle area of washington, its super important because we don't get as much natural vitamin D from the sunshine like most other places across the states and the world for that matter.

So I started it.... I definately think it has helped me. I feel more positive. I feel more energetic and Im not nearly as "weather depressed" as I call it...

I was just curious if anyone else has had these side effects? or other ones for that matter!


  • Kelleinna
    Kelleinna Posts: 160
    Last March I went to the dr. and had all my bloodwork done, and the only thing negative they told me was that my vitamin D levels were, quote, "in the toilet". I likewise live in the Pacific Northwest (Portland metro area). She put me on a 50,000 IU weekly dose for three months, then had me switch to an OTC supplement. I noticed the difference almost immediately... it was easier to wake up in the mornings and I just generally felt better.

    So yes, take your vitamin D, folks! Especially if you live in a sunshine-deprived area like I do!
  • AndriaLL
    AndriaLL Posts: 162
    I found out I was vitamin D deficient years ago and feel a lot better taking it. Anyone with low cholesterol (what breaks down to make vitamin D with sun exposure), who uses sunscreen, or lives in an area with low # of sunny days stands a good chance of being deficient. Being deficient in vitamin D can affect your bones and is linked to low thyroid activity (which can make you gain weight & feel depressed/sluggish).
  • FullOfSpice
    FullOfSpice Posts: 176 Member
    Yes! Last year I got into a huge funk and couldn't figure out why. But I had my doctor run some blood tests because we thought maybe I could have hypothroidism since its in my family....Well my Vitamin D levels came up as 12...normal range minimum is I think 30...Supposedly that is why I was always soooo tired and couldn't even get up out of bed.

    After taking 5000 IU, I started to see improvements, nothing drastic, but I could feel a little change....
  • christabeltoria
    christabeltoria Posts: 129 Member
    Yup, Vitamin D is a great energy booster for me too. I don't know why, but I LIKE it!
  • Kelleinna
    Kelleinna Posts: 160
    Yes! Last year I got into a huge funk and couldn't figure out why. But I had my doctor run some blood tests because we thought maybe I could have hypothroidism since its in my family....Well my Vitamin D levels came up as 12...normal range minimum is I think 30...Supposedly that is why I was always soooo tired and couldn't even get up out of bed.

    After taking 5000 IU, I started to see improvements, nothing drastic, but I could feel a little change....

    Same situation here... my vitamin D level was 13 when I got tested last year. And to respond to the original poster again, I also have not been nearly as "weather depressed" this winter as I usually have been in the past. Actually, I haven't really been depressed at all, which is a HUGE change.
  • Jess116
    Jess116 Posts: 57 Member
    Vitamin D is awesome! I've been taking it for 3 months now (in addition to a multi-vitamin). It definitely makes a difference. It supposedly helps regulate sleep and makes belly fat disappear too. :)
  • SaraTonin
    SaraTonin Posts: 551 Member
    This sounds like a great idea. I've been avoiding my vitamins because they have 4000% of my vitamin B but maybe I should just get some D and some Iron!
  • angelarozmyn
    yep...just moved back to Seattle from South Carolina...can definitely notice a difference.
  • Aspynmom
    Aspynmom Posts: 166 Member
    I take it as at Fort Lewis...I too notice that it's a little easier to get out of bed in the morning, and while I might not be "perky" all day, I'm definitely more alert, especially in the afternoons, than I used to be!
  • Hemis_mom
    Hemis_mom Posts: 193 Member
    I found out the same thing just a month ago now I am taking 2000 iu three times a day!! I have felt the fog finally clearing--Plus it is has a lot of anti-cancer benefits! I live in Maine not much sun here in the winter ;-)
  • Beebs33
    Beebs33 Posts: 262
    It's true. That's why in the winter here my office gets so dreary when we don't see sun for a while. Although Washington gets a lot less sun than here. Today everyone is happy because the sun is shining in through the windows. Love that Vitamin D!
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    I take vitamin D and it certainly helps me too. Especially during the long winters here.
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    Hmm, I have always had a hard time waking up in the morning and feeling generally tired throughout the day. I think I'll start snitching some of my wife's calium + vitamin D tablets :smile: .
  • luvamig
    luvamig Posts: 90 Member
    Same story here. Went to get some labs, my vitamin D was super low. I think it was like 12 or 13 also. I took the high dose once a week for 3 months, like I was told, and I try to take a multi-vitamin 3-4 times a week that has extra D in it. But I honestly don't feel any different. I guess it doesn't matter too much, as long as my body is healthy. I wasn't feeling down to begin with either, I just had dizzy spells... Still don't know if those are related or not. That's a different story for another time.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    Vitamin D and calcium are the two supplements I take before bed. I have read that calcium has a calming effect on the body (or it could've been the D that does - I don't remember). They're great to take together because the Vitamin D aids in calcium absorption, too!
  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    THanks guys!!! I have been taking 2400 IU and noticing a change. Perhaps I will bump it up take anther dose at lunch.... I can use all the fake sunshine I can get!
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    THanks guys!!! I have been taking 2400 IU and noticing a change. Perhaps I will bump it up take anther dose at lunch.... I can use all the fake sunshine I can get!

    Check with your doctor, but I don't think you would need to take more then that. If I remember correctly the maximum recommended dose is 2000 IU.
  • AndriaLL
    AndriaLL Posts: 162
    For healthy 9 to 70 year olds, the maximum dosage is 4,000 IU/day. More than that can cause kidney damage. However, when a person has had a blood test and confirmed to be vitamin D deficient, they need to take a lot more than that to get up to a normal level. (And at a normal level in your blood, it's not toxic to your kidneys) So, unless directed by a doctor, 4,000 IU/day is the upper limit for most people. My doctor has me stable at 6,000 IU/day.