Hello everyone, I am new on this site. I started about 2 weeks ago. It seems to be going good so far. I am struggling w/ my nutrition a little and my exercise is coming along. I am working out about 4-5 days a week my goal is 6 days. Ok so am I not seeing any results this week :( I did manage to lose 2lbs last week..yaaay! Ok so today I weighed myself and nothing :( what am I doing wrong???? I've never exercised this much before in my life, i figured it would of shown a little more on the scale. It almost seems like if I lose a pound I have to be very very careful because I can gain it back within the same week. PLEASE SOMEBODY HELP!! I need to get the ball rolling, if you have any tips or advice please let me know :) Thank you for listening.


  • christy_frank
    christy_frank Posts: 680 Member
    Open your diary.
    Are you drinking water? Eating back your exercise calories? Keeping sodium below 2500mg?
  • ckncj
    ckncj Posts: 183 Member
    Are you counting your calories, too, or just exercising? How's your water intake?

    2lbs last week is a success - celebrate that and use it to keep you motivated! Don't get discouraged. The weight loss is like a marathon, not a sprint! Keep up the life change!
  • JESHamilton
    JESHamilton Posts: 8 Member
    Sounds like you are doing great. Two pounds the first week is wonderful! All the exercise you are doing will pay off next week in weight loss.
  • TheNewJessieMae
    Eating Exercise Cals?
    Processed foods?
  • Beachbean77
    Beachbean77 Posts: 83 Member
    Also.. the body can fluctuate 1-3 pounds everyday. Are you feeling better energy wise? Seeing and results in clothing? Losing weight is not always about the number on the scale. And don't let it discourage your motivation!!
  • SkinneyBloch
    Hi there. Don't be so hard on yourself! I started in early January, lost 6 pounds and last week gained 4 back. For me, it's salt. Check your sodium levels on the reports. You can even add it to your main food page. It is extremely helpful for me because I can see when I go over budget on Sodium ~ I gain no matter how many calories I eat. I do eventually end up losing the water weight I retain due to salt, but it is depressing to see my results disappear. This is a long haul project. As for exercise, I think it's over rated. Yes, it's good to be healthy, but it also will initially produce a weight gain especially if you don't enter into it slowly. Good Luck! M
  • sdhorne
    sdhorne Posts: 69 Member
    Try taking body measurements. If you are working out you should see a difference week to week in this. I didn't lose any weight last week but I lost in my waist and hips. Fat takes up more room than muscle and muscle weighs more than if you only lose a little, but lose inches you are doing just fine.
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    how long have you being working out? doing the same thing for months, not changing up the routine will make you stall. Be very mindful of what you intake. you dont necessarily have to go on what MFP stuff tells you as far as how many cals you need to intake. you can lower them a bit. there is also something called overtraining. your body will be under so much stress from working out so much it will want to hold onto all the fat. your metabolism will actually become depressed. Try lowering your calorie intake and only work out 3-4 times a week, for no more than an hour. also switch up the routine, if you treadmill, try the recumbent bike or stair thingy.

    usually tho, its all in your nutrition. you need to eat foods that promote health and metabolism. no junk, no trans fats, etc.
  • ANewton401
    ANewton401 Posts: 118 Member
    Try taking body measurements. If you are working out you should see a difference week to week in this. I didn't lose any weight last week but I lost in my waist and hips. Fat takes up more room than muscle and muscle weighs more than if you only lose a little, but lose inches you are doing just fine.

    Absolutely! Make sure you measure, drink lots of water and like they have said 'watch your sodium intake'.
    Dont get discouraged you can do this!
  • drsport
    drsport Posts: 2
    Be patient. Stay the course. You will often see a brief gain in weight just before you lose an additional two to three pounds. The chart showing the weight loss will be a bit of a sawtooth plot. So don't get too despondent. Take it a day at a time and don't give in to those urges, on those tough days where you think you have somehow failed. You haven't. Hang In There!!!! :wink:

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • cmbneeley
    cmbneeley Posts: 160 Member
    the best advice i ever had was to not weigh myself for a month after starting. initial results, or perceived lack thereof, are deceiving. one thing i did was just try to listen ot my body. did i feel better? did i have more energy? was i happier with me even having no idea what the scale said? if i can answer yes, then whatever i was doing was working.

    after that, i noticed that i gained weight before losing, but i lost inches everywhere on my body. now, the jury is still out on why. people tell me it's because i'm losing fat and building muscle which a lb or muscle take sup less space than a lb of fat. but them when i used that to explain it to friends or family, i was told i can't gain that much muscle because body builders can only gain 5-10 pounds of muscle per year and to build muscle you need to eat more calories than you expend, but to lose weight you need to have a calorie deficit. but in the end, after a little over 1 month, the pounds started falling off with the inches.

    ultimately, ditch the scale for awhile. or try taking measurements. the scale can't tell the whole story.
  • cupcake18
    cupcake18 Posts: 29
    Hello I have been here about a month and I was worried too I did not loose anyhing until the end of the 2nd week. Keep it up and give it time. I am going to send a friend request your way.:happy:
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,231 Member
    I would try the following:

    1. Take your measurements & weigh yourself bi-weekly - maybe that'll give you a better idea of your progress (??)
    2. Log your food faithfully and analyze it every week, check your sodium, protein, etc.... and see where you can make changes.
    3. Log your exercise and vary your routine (walking/elliptical/weight training/hiking/etc...)
    4. Make sure you're eating enough daily, i know if I don't eat enough I won't lose weight, i'll gain or maintain my weight.
    5. And of course make sure you're drinking enough water daily.

    I try not to focus too much on the # on the scale, but how I feel fitness-wise and how my clothes feel. The number on the scale may not change much, but if i'm feeling good and my clothes are looser, that means I'm doing something right! :)
  • princesschikee
    Lots of help here, lots of support as well. Be sure to post your meal plan and work out plan so we can have a better idea of how to help you.
  • triptiu
    triptiu Posts: 11 Member
    Just keep at it.. 2 weeks is too soon to be worried about this! Depending on a lot of factors, it may take upto 2 months for you to see any results. Just know that if you keep exercising regularly and eat healthy, you body has no choice but to lose weight. Be patient and keep at it, and you will definitely lose more!
  • KCVC2011
    KCVC2011 Posts: 2
    I just want to thank everyone for taking the time to reply to my post. I will definitely consider everyone's advice and definitely will keep going at it!!! :) Have a great day everyone!!
  • etobin89
    etobin89 Posts: 1
    as you exercise more you build muscle, which might be masking your progress. worry less about the number and more about how you look and feel. if you count calories and continue to work out you will see results. also drink LOTS of water. good luck!
  • skwolf
    skwolf Posts: 3 Member
    Well done 2 lbs is a great start. try to make sure that you only weigh once a week and at the smae time if you can, check your calories when doing workouts are you using the extra calories earned through exercise because if you eat too few your body can go into starvations mode. Are you drinking plenty of water.
  • CarbAvor
    CarbAvor Posts: 45
    Hey! I just wanted to say GREAT JOB!!!! Most everybody has covered everything else but I did talk to my DR yesterday who said for every gram of carb you consume your body burns 4 calories to get rid of it BUT for every gram of protien consumed it burns 9!!! That's more than double the "work" for your body just to eat! I call my salf a Carb- Avor because it's all I ever eat! But I'm now making a new plan! lol Plus the water thing is HUGE.... you know... I hear some people drink it for fun? lol O! And I have a friend that gave me green tea pills to take but it scared me so I asked my DR about that too and he said green tea is AMAZING for your body regaurless if you drink it in a cup or take a pill. It can do all kinds of crazy stuff that I won't get into now because I'm already rambling :) but I also have a friend that advised me "2 hydroxy cut and a mocha and your set!" I didn't beleive her so I asked my DR about that too.... He said it will help you loose weight HOWEVER that stuff eats at your muscles too and muscles burn calories so WHEN (not if) you get the weight back it'll come back easily and quickly and it'll be 4-6 times harder to get rid of! So don't get desperate or anything and turn to chemicals because it's SO not worth it! Sorry... I had to include that :) I was almost that desperate! :(