Help!! I have blisters!

When I was walking my 3 miles this morning I guess my sock was wrinkled when I put my shoe on . I ended up with a blister the size of a quarter on the ball of my foot. The thing is, I have diabetes. Blisters on feet are bad news for diabetics. I have neuropathy, which causes some loss of feeling in my feet. I didn't feel it when the blister was forming. I felt it when I took off my shoes and socks and walked barefoot. I poked a little hole in it with a sterile needle to allow it to drain. I put a bandaid over it. Now it really hurts. :sad: Its hard to even bear weight on it. Any advice on how to prevent this from happening again?

Thanks in advance!


  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    Get ya some triple antibiotic ointment on it as well. My blisters always hurt after I pop them but for you, you need to protect yourself against infection as well. Take care
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    I find that synthetic socks, which will wick moisture away from your feet, work much better for blister prevention than do cotton socks. Cotton asborbs water (or sweat) and eventually rubs against your foot. So if you are wearing cotton socks, you may want to switch to a synthetic athletic sock.

    Hope your blister heals without complications!

    Band Aid makes a product specifically for blisters.
  • JesaGrace
    JesaGrace Posts: 799 Member
    Well, I don't know if this will work...but I was in a fundraiser a few years ago....though we were walking about 20 miles in a day so it might be different for you, but someone told me that if you rub Vasoline on your feet it will keep you from getting blisters b/c it lubricates your foot....sounds nasty I know.....but I'm told it works....
  • kacarter1017
    kacarter1017 Posts: 651 Member
    For running/walking I have two layer socks (can't remember the brand right now) that kept my feet blister free when I did the 3 day 60 mile breast cancer walk. The 2 layers rub against each other instead of the one layer rubbing on your foot. I love them! And cotton socks aren't for exercising- should be socks that wick away moisture.
  • 3LittleMonkeys
    3LittleMonkeys Posts: 373 Member
    Since you are diabetic and have neuropathy, I would call your Doc. Just to be safe.
  • sbwood888
    sbwood888 Posts: 953 Member
    Since you are diabetic and have neuropathy, I would call your Doc. Just to be safe.

  • Losing2Live69
    Losing2Live69 Posts: 743 Member
    Thanks everybody! Looks like I need to go get some new socks!! I think my cotton socks must be the culprit! I am new to I am still learning. I went and got new shoes that fit correctly, but I never thought about socks.
  • AlissaPT
    AlissaPT Posts: 65 Member
    Try "second skin" pads. You can get them at the drugstore. They can help with the discomfort in the meantime.
  • 3LittleMonkeys
    3LittleMonkeys Posts: 373 Member
    My oldest daughter has special needs. One of the things is she doesn't have any feeling below the knee on her left leg due to nerve damage. She has gotten some sores have sent us to the Wound Clinic. So I am very careful with her leg. Slightest owie and I make the call. I'm not a nervous Mama, am I? LOL

    Take care of yourself.
  • Texsox
    Texsox Posts: 146 Member
    Couple of things, opening up a hole to drain the blister is no longer recommended. It creates a nice path for germs to get in. Better to create a "donut" with some mole skin and a piece of tape over that. Now that you have a little discomfort, that same technique may help. Just cut the moleskin larger than the blister.

    With your specific issue, you may wish to check with the Doctor.

    To avoid them, two socks are the answer. They should be two different materials. A silk or poly thin "liner" sock next to your skin and a thicker sock between that and your show. Any decent sporting goods store should carry them near the hiking socks. As noted above, the poly will wick any perspiration to the outer sock.
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    Thanks everybody! Looks like I need to go get some new socks!! I think my cotton socks must be the culprit! I am new to I am still learning. I went and got new shoes that fit correctly, but I never thought about socks.

    Actually, you just reminded me that I had better check out my old running socks and see if they are in any condition to still be used! I have a feeling I may need to buy a few new pairs! I got all excited about getting new running shoes and forgot to check whether I also need socks.
  • Losing2Live69
    Losing2Live69 Posts: 743 Member
    Thanks to all of you that gave me advice on what to do for my blister. I went and purchased some of the Bandaid blister bandaids and some synthetic "blister guard" socks. I walked 3 miles today and did great! No sore feet!
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    To be able to avoid it in the future you can also get some BodyGlide. It's sold in sports and running shops and looks like a stick of deodorant. Basically it's a rub on lubrication that isn't sticky or slimy and helps reduce friction in problem areas. You can use it on your feet to avoid blisters, on your "underarm" areas (not the actual underarm, but other women who have been heavy probably understand the excess fat that likes to poke out around that area and how it might chafe on a long run), on your thighs, anywhere you might have friction issues. (guys will sometimes use it on their chest to avoid chafed nipples :P )

    I've also found that areas of my feet that I know might blister, I put a little paper tape on, the stuff sold to adhere gauze bandages over wounds. It's a lot cheaper than moleskin and has been working just as well, if not better. I actually had the moleskin itself cause a blister on the inside of one of my toes. I had wrapped a strip of it around my pinky toe and where the ends of the moleskin met, it rubbed against the next toe and cause a blister. *facepalm* But since I started using the paper tape I haven't had a single blister or issue.
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    A BIG +1 on the Body Glide! I have not needed it for my feet, but it's really helped with sports bra chafing(runner).
  • kelhun1
    kelhun1 Posts: 183 Member
    A BIG +1 on the Body Glide! I have not needed it for my feet, but it's really helped with sports bra chafing(runner).

    Just what I was going to suggest! I initially got it after I had surgery and one of the incisions was under my bra strap, but now I use it for everything. It works great on feet and during the summer I put a little on my legs if I wear a skirt to keep them from rubbing (hopefully that won't be necessary this summer). It looks like a stick of deodorant and you can find it at most sporting good stores for about $10....but, it lasts forever.