MFP friends with Kids... how do you balance your new work ou

How do you balance your new workout routine with juggling your kids?

If your a working mom (or dad), when do you work out? For me (I have a 1 & 2 yr old) I tend to workout a few minutes in the afternoons while they are playing and also after they go to sleep. But now I am looking into working out even more each day- which means staying up later, or waking up earlier-I don't want to sacrifice any of my time with my kids...

Just curious what everyone else does :-) *How much time do you spend working out each day?

I am thinking once it gets warmer out, then we can go walking and biking together... so I can exercise & play all at the same time! :smile:


  • allison7922
    allison7922 Posts: 276 Member
    Right now I am only working out twice a week. My nephews have baseball starting up and my sister and I walk on the track around the ball fields on Monday nights while her boys practice. On Wednesday's I have Zumba class and my fiance takes care of the kids while I go to class. I would like to work out more than that but right now it's all I can do with my busy work/kid schedule!
  • kuhristeee
    kuhristeee Posts: 100 Member
    Well, my son is 6 and is in school all week and I only work out of the home part time, so I guess that makes it easier. But in the past when I would work out before when he was younger, I would do it during his nap time, or I would set him up in the kitchen with some activities to do for about 30 minutes or so - coloring books, toys, snack, etc. :)
  • jwheele
    jwheele Posts: 41 Member
    I work full time so I don't want to miss out on any time with my kids. I am too tired at night to exercise after I put the girls to bed so that leaves the morning. I just started the 30 day shred last week. What I like about it, is that it is only 25 minutes long but still gives you a great work out. I get up at 5:15am, workout and shower before the girls wake up and the craziness begins.