structured Meal plan

Meag83 Posts: 43 Member
edited September 24 in Food and Nutrition
I feel like a need a pre-determined meal plan to follow until I'm confident enough to plan for myself. Does anyone have any suggestions. I don't know that I can eat the same thing everyday for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. But I need something simple and affordable that I can make myself.

Any suggestions?


  • Go to This site offers several different meal plans that are simple and offer a variety of foods. It offers choices that are not pricey and consist of alot of things you probably already have in your home. This site really help me out when I was starting out. It gives portion sizes too.
  • CarterGrt
    CarterGrt Posts: 289 Member
    There are several meal plans out there. I bought the Body for Life cookbook which I quite like. That along with the meal planning made it pretty easy to put meals together. If you aren't afraid to roll up your sleeves and cook, then you can do it and stay on a budget. Eating out with healthy food is something that I have always found to be quite a bit more expensive.

    I am sure others will have more complete, full plans.

    Best of luck!!!

  • I'm doing a basic diet where ur on 3 days and off 4 days.. Like for breakfast this a.m. I had 1 egg and a toast and water, For lunch I had a cup of tuna and 4 saltine crackers and water. or tea with sweet n low or equal, black coffee or diet soda's.
  • valerie58
    valerie58 Posts: 149 Member
    I like wheat toast with non-fat cottage cheese and sliced tomato on top.... I do add a little salt a pepper

    As snacks I like not- fat plain yogurt with almonds or granola
  • Meag83
    Meag83 Posts: 43 Member
    Thanks for the suggestions.
  • valerie58
    valerie58 Posts: 149 Member
    Go to This site offers several different meal plans that are simple and offer a variety of foods. It offers choices that are not pricey and consist of alot of things you probably already have in your home. This site really help me out when I was starting out. It gives portion sizes too.
    ]Just check it out this it great:drinker:
  • ON THE WAY TO WORK - Coffee -REAL SUGAR & low fat creamer (GOTTA have the coffee)

    BREAKFAST- ( i eat at work) 1 more cup of coffee and oatmeal made with frozen blueberries every morning ( the REAL oatmeal - not instant) 1cup oatmeal, 1 cup water, handful of berries 3 minutes in micro alittle splenda (1oatmeal & a bag of berrries covers breakfast 4 almost 2 weeks)

    AM SNACK- Protein & either some raw baby carrots or grape tomaotoes
    ( i make a BUNCH of boneless chix breasts twice a week) i keep them in the fridge for fast snacks

    LUNCH - i usually have a healthy choice

    PM SNACK - I usually take a piece of chicken, a bunch of lettuce, tomato, whatever i have & make a wrap with a flour tortilla (i have the tortilla now since I usually work out on my way home from work so i like a little carb

    AfFTER WORKOUT SNACK - piece of chicken otherwise Im STARVING till I get dinner made & I'm more likely to pick at stuff I shouldnt have.

    as for eating the same thing all the time, I know thats alot of chicken , but I change the seasonings, so THATS different. You could do egg whites for breakfast. Depends what you like. If you give yourself 2 or 3 option combos you can pick what you feel like having so u dont get bored. Theres lots of recipes available. Just dont forget your water.

    DINNER - BIG salad, ( I do use regular dressing fat free tastes nasty - no more than a tblspn)
    whatever meat I'm making for the family. If I make pasta, I usually have more chicken plus a fresh veggie

    DESSERT - IF i have calories left ( i usually do fromn the workout) I have one of those 100 calorie bags of cookies. I like chips ahoy, or a biscotti.

    Im lucky that i have a fridge at work so that I can bring in my blueberries, raw veggies, chix & healthy choices & have them when I want them.

    Im ALWAYS over on protein, BUT protein builds muscle & muscle builds fat and Im almost always under on carbs so sometimes I'll splurge on a little pasta with dinner.

    Im lucky my boss used to be a professional body builder so I have someone I can ask about things.

    The protein fills you, but you process it faster so thats why (he says) im always starving. Carbs make you feel full longer. I dont mind low carb since If I feel the need for some I have it.

    He says a little carb b4 u work out & protein after to feed the muscles you just worked

    and WATER massive amounts of it.
  • brainzzz
    brainzzz Posts: 18
    I agree, is great.
    Also, there is a website similar to mfp called sparkpeople that actually gives you a nutrition plan to follow as well as grocery lists. I like mfp better, but that's the one feature where it's beat.
  • Meag83
    Meag83 Posts: 43 Member
    Thanks again for all the the helpful information!
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