fast food when on a diet

is it possible to eat a mcdonalds one day and a kfc another and still loose any weight?


  • danielle4992
    danielle4992 Posts: 72 Member
    I lose weight and still eat fast food ( Burger King and Taco Bell ) smaller portions of course... its all about calories in< calories out... its not healthy, but im not going to preach to you :) I posted a topic like this a couple days ago if you want to check it out !
  • CARNAT22
    CARNAT22 Posts: 764 Member
    Technically I guess you could have MacDonalds {or KFC every} single day and be within your calorie goal (you'd prob have a very small breakfast and lunch though!!) and you may still lose weight.

    However your diet would be totallly unbalanced and you would be taking far too much fat and sodium so whilst you would lose weight sticking to your cals you will not be 'healthy'

    Personally I avoid fast food like the plague (and I never ate it much before signing up here!!) as it never fills me up and makes me crave more crappy foods!

    I prefer to cook myself - it's cheaper and you get so much more for your calories.

    As with eveyhting moderation is key though - so the occasional fast food meal won't hurt!
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    it's ok to have a treat every now and then, but seriously, i'd rather eat a decent quantity of decent food than a few small bites of maccas. it just doesn't satisfy me to eat my calories in junk food, and i'm looking for more food afterwards to satisfy me.
  • pmatias1987
    watch the documentary fat head.... very interesting!
  • Aylilth
    Aylilth Posts: 125
    If you are eating back to back days you will have a very slow and long weight loss road ahead of you.

    I do still eat McDonald's at least once a week. But when I do I get one of the "healthier" option's they have to offer.
  • roebuck1908
    roebuck1908 Posts: 185
    If you want to lose 75 Lbs don't eat crap food simple
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    I wouldn't. I usually had one cheat meal a week and ate food from home the rest of the time. I don't always get fast food for my cheat meal though. I generally get something a little healthier.
  • fuzzymel
    fuzzymel Posts: 400 Member
    I would not recommend having it more than once a week.

    If you can stay within your calories and eat it then you will lose weight however its not very healthy.
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    I have something once every week or two. You should eat what you want to a certain extent and I find I don't really enjoy it tbh, I always end up thinking it wasnt worth it. Also, don't do it close to weigh day, because the sodium, clings on to, too much water.
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    Back when I first started on MFP, before I really started being able to cook for myself in a way that fit my new lifestyle I had KFC more than a few times. I mean, it wasn't a regular thing, but with it being, literally, across the street from my apartment, it was an easy dinner. I'd get two grilled legs, mashed potatoes and a small corn on the cob. And I would also occasionally grab a McDonald's salad, or Jack in the Box grilled chicken strips with a fruit cup instead of fries. During that time I wasn't exercising yet and had a pretty steady two pound a week loss. So they didn't impede my losing at all.

    Of course, it's been forever and a day since I had Jack in the Box, prolly four months since I had a McDonalds salad (and that was because I was stuck in a mall food court with friends and at least knew the exact calorie info on that option) and about three months since I had KFC, and that was because the power was out in our building so it was conveniently close for me to get food and hang out with a view of home in case the power came back on. I don't miss any of them since what I make at home is always way tastier and better for me anyway. :)

    But the simple answer was no, it won't kill your weight loss goals, as long as you're making healthy choices when eating the fast food and it all fits into your daily calories.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    is it possible to eat a mcdonalds one day and a kfc another and still loose any weight?

    There's 2 aspects of food and nutrition...first is the quantity, second is the quality.

    It is the QUANTITY of food that causes weight gain or weight loss. Plain and simple. Eat less calories than you burn, you lose. Eat more calories than you burn, you gain.

    It is the QUALITY of food that causes you to be healthy or unhealthy. Sure, eating fast food everyday under your calorie goal causes weight loss, but you wouldn't exactly be healthy! You would be "skinny fat" which is just a slim person with a myriad of health issues like diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, etc.

    Wouldn't you rather lose weight eating the right quantity of quality foods that keep your body as healthy as possible so you don't end up taking 5 pills a day when you are 65 years old just to keep your organs working properly?

    Just sayin...

    But I do agree that every once in a while won't hurt. I just can't condone everyday or even multiple times a week for a healthy lifestyle.
  • leix
    leix Posts: 176
    i eat anything & everything within moderation.
  • nanc94
    nanc94 Posts: 141 Member
    i think as long as your making the right food choices when you do go there....instead of getting a big mac meal supersized with a diet drink... ( i dont get the point when people do this just because they get the diet drink they think its ok) opt for getting one of their salads or a grilled chicken sandwich.... or just no fries and drink water or unsweetend tea

    i myself go to to BK...instead of getting a whopper i get their jr size one w/ no fries or drink

    just be mindfull of what your intaking.....if you intake more calories than what you wont'll just maintain or unforntunately gain
  • nanc94
    nanc94 Posts: 141 Member
    im not condoning that you do this everyday....but one in a while is ok
  • maserati185
    maserati185 Posts: 263 Member
    It is hard for me to completely quit fast food this early in the game. Sometimes I am traveling or there are various other reasons I choose fast food. I just aim for the healthiest option according to how I eat (though it may not be raw spinach and carrots with 10 grain toast) and a small portion. Example, I'll eat 2 regular crunchy tacos from Taco Bell or the Egg McMuffin from McDonald's.
  • broekjo
    broekjo Posts: 11 Member
    i eat anything & everything within moderation.

    Ditto. This is why this is the first "Diet" that has worked for me. I eat whatever I want in moderation so there isn't that craving that I had in the past when I deprived myself, which ultimately caused me to fall off the wagon and gain more weight back. I'm inherently eating healthier food as well, although I don't freak out when I have a slice of pizza every so often.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    i just spent 5 days on the road and 'ate out' every single meal. yup, all 15 of them. and yup, i lost weight. and nope, i am not 'skinny fat' - i'm completely healthy and almost at skinny.

    one day was taco john's (including half an apple grande) and that night fried fish. the next day was pizza ranch, and a sub shoppe. another day was mexican (chips, chips and more chips). continental breakfast each morning. there is nothing wrong with eating out - and just because you are eating 'out', does not mean you cannot eat healthy.

    mcdonald's has wonderful salads and a fruit/yogurt option. kfc has baked chicken and green beans. the thing to watch is your sodium but you will be fine!
  • sincitylulu
    It is but you have to watch your portions and make sure you are within your caloric ranges for weight loss.