Does anyone have any low calorie lunch time meals/soups

xsammiebx Posts: 14
edited September 24 in Recipes
I seem to just want to eat eat eat at lunch when I am in work so I started making home made soups, patoto soup,cabbage and carrot soup etc etc but I have become bored of them. does anyone have any ideals for soups or anything not to hard to prepare the night before to take to work, When I started the soups I lost weight but I am slowly beginning to eat rubbish again...plz help :)

Also whats your thoughts on pasta,tuna and sweetcorn ?



  • kimbaclay
    kimbaclay Posts: 81
    My sister in law has a great lunch idea

    The night before she steams loads of her favourite veggies

    Then once done and cooled, pops them in the fridge for lunch the next day

    When it comes to lunch time the next day bring out your veggies and heat in a microwave and pour hot veg soup all over! Scummy!

    You could of course heat up one of your own soups and pour over!?
    Might make it more interesting texture wise instead of just drinking soup too :bigsmile:
  • oldtyke
    oldtyke Posts: 149 Member
    I love butternut squash soup. I generally only put onion and garlic in it, but sometimes I add carrots or red peppers. I tend to vary the herbs and spices, but the Indian type, ie cumin, coriander and chilli go well.
  • shezza737
    shezza737 Posts: 95 Member
    I do tend to go for soup most days I must admit and with the soup some days i will have bread (nimble low cal) other days Ryvita or Crispbreads.

    But yes I agree sometimes it really isn't what you fancy so then I may go for a ham salad pitta bread, or even a proper slad, with ham, or chicken etc (and i use so many different veggies as well as the norm, from gherkins, beetroot, pickled cabbage etc etc to make it more exciting lol)

    I think it depends how many calories you want to use at luinch time, i do tend to stay fairly low with lunch cals as evenings seem to be my hardest point and when i need more calories available.
  • lnadeau66
    lnadeau66 Posts: 135 Member
    I usually make a salad and eat that for a few days with some type of protein, be it soy nuts, or chicken breast or flavored tuna etc. In a pinch I like the healthy choice lunch steamers, which I find delicious, or a sandwich on light bread with deli meat and alpine lace cheese with an apple or some other fruit. I hope this helps and Best of Luck! Lynn
  • shezza737
    shezza737 Posts: 95 Member
    I sister in law has a great lunch idea

    The night before she steams loads of her favourite veggies

    Then once done and cooled, pops them in the fridge for lunch the next day

    When it comes to lunch time the next day bring out your veggies and heat in a microwave and pour hot veg soup all over! Scummy!

    You could of course heat up one of your own soups and pour over!?
    Might make it more interesting texture wise instead of just drinking soup too :bigsmile:

    I love the sound of this ;0)
  • WendyDemers
    WendyDemers Posts: 17 Member

    This is pretty low calorie. It's fast and will last a few days.
  • Mairgheal
    Mairgheal Posts: 385 Member
    My favourite is one from Jamie Oliver, a gorgeous ginger/parsnip soup (I'm sure you'll find it online somewhere). I usually make a bucket load and freeze it in portions which I then bring in to work.

    Or I love a nice roasted pepper soup as well.

    To be honest I don't really use recipes, just throw whatever looks good together and puree the hell out of it when done :happy:
  • wellsar
    wellsar Posts: 24
    I use progresso light soups, most of which are 60 calories per serving or 120 for the whole container! Very yummy too!
  • amyfly
    amyfly Posts: 137
    Protein always helps curb my appetite. I take lunch meat and low fat cheese layer them on top of each other, throw a squirt of mustard down the middle and roll it up like a fruit roll up. It a sandwich with out the bread so it's lower in calories and keeps me full for a while.
  • Try this a low cal tomato bisque sautee onions about 1/2 cup 1 large can of diced tomaotes. let boil for a few min. add about 1/4 cup skim milk...season to taste.

    Suggestions: season with old bay add 4 oz of shirmp or crab meat, season with oregano and basil add some chicken...its delicious and low cal... let me know.
  • xsammiebx
    xsammiebx Posts: 14
    Thanks guys I got some good Ideals, I love the soup and veg one that sounds tasty for a low calorie lunch.

    Did anyone have any thoughts on the pasta ?

  • Whole wheat pasta is great. You can add canned tuna or chicken, black beans or chick peas, egg whites. It's best to get complex carbs, protein, and fat with each meal. I eat 5 small meals a day and stay satisfied from morning till night and don't get those mid-day slumps. Take a peak at my diary if you like.
    Chili is a great option too.
  • gany50
    gany50 Posts: 3
    I enjoy preparing a few green salads at a time w/chopped veggies like peppers and carrots. Then in the morning, I'll take one out, dress it with EVOO, vinegar, S&P and the like, and add some protein/fat items to it, such as nuts or seeds, chx/tuna, or bring a half an avacado and add it just when I'm ready to eat. I portion the protein/fat items so that it ends up right around 300 calories.
  • DocNorton
    DocNorton Posts: 43
    I love this one - Sweet Potato and Chilli Soup. Obviously the cheese would be a higher source of fat and can be controlled by yourself.
  • awyler
    awyler Posts: 78
    Have you tried having yogurt for lunch? Greek yogurt is filling, but regular yogurt is delicious and you can always add fruit to it to make it more filling.
  • gracestupefiante
    gracestupefiante Posts: 4 Member
    Protein typically stops hunger REALLY well and keeps it at bay for awhile. Here's a quick and easy lunch:

    A can of tuna
    2 Tbsp Relish
    2 tsp. spicy brown mustard
    Splash hot sauce (opt. but I like spicey things)
    1 onion, finely chopped
    salt and pepper to taste

    Comes in at about 150 calories and keeps you pretty darned full I must admit. Also, its INCREDIBLY tasty and easy to throw together :-)
  • deanie0515
    deanie0515 Posts: 85 Member
    great ideas....that tuna sounds tasty and easy!!
  • Val_from_OH
    Val_from_OH Posts: 447 Member
    I pack leftovers probably 3 days out of 5. I intentionally cook more dinner than is needed so that the hubs and I can take some for lunch later in the week. Today I made a gigantic salad and topped it with pan-seared chicken left from Sunday night's dinner... delish! I always incorporate a lot of veggies into my lunch, whether it be a stirfry, salad, or a wrap. This increases the volume of food, without adding a ton of calories.
  • lunamare
    lunamare Posts: 569 Member
    I keep containers of Campbell's Select soup in my drawer at work. A real easy soup I used to make all the time was 5 Can Soup

    5 Can Soup

    1 can chicken broth
    1 can stewed zucchini
    1 can sliced carrots
    1 can sliced white potatos
    1 can stewed tomatos

    You can jazz it up with spices or add pasta or rice to it. Very yummy. Very low cal. eh on the sodium unless you buy everything with low sodium.
  • Chicken Noodle Soup
    1 large onion, diced
    4 large carrots, sliced
    4 stalks celery, sliced
    1 Tbsp olive oil
    8 cups low-sodium chicken broth
    2 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
    2 boneless, skinless chicken thighs
    1/2 tsp whole black peppercorns
    1 bay leaf
    freshly ground pepper
    1/4 cup parlsey, chopped
    8 oz. whole wheat, kluski-style noodles
    Heat olive oil in a large soup pot over medium heat. Add onion, carrots, and celery and saute for about 5-8 minutes. Do not brown. Add 4 cups low-sodium chicken broth and simmer for 15 minutes. Meanwhile heat 4 cups low-sodium chicken broth in a separate pot and boil chicken breasts and chicken thighs for 15 minutes. Remove the chicken from the broth and allow to cool enough that you can chop it. Add the chicken broth to the large soup pot along with the 1/2 tsp whole black peppercorns and bay leaf. When chicken has cooled cut into bite-sized pieces and add to the soup pot. Turn heat up and return to boil. Add 2 cups water and 8 oz. noodles. Boil 15-20 minutes until noodles are done. Add freshly ground pepper to taste and 1/4 cup parlsey. Stir to combine, remove bay leaf, and serve.
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