Hoping I can actually stick to my goal (110 lbs to lose!)

pinkbullets Posts: 15 Member
edited September 24 in Introduce Yourself
I can tell anyone about what diets work, which ones don't, and how to properly go on with them until I'm blue in the face...I just wish I didn't fall off the wagon so darn easily!

I've been overweight all of my life. For the past 8 years, my weight has been fluctuating due to me going on a diet all of a sudden, losing about 20 lbs, and then getting frustrated. I'd stop the diet, gain the weight back (and then some), and start all over again. It's been a vicious cycle o_o

This past summer, I took the Atkins route and lost 22 lbs (258 down to 236), but the minute I saw that I wasn't losing anymore, I (of course) got frustrated and stopped. Luckily, I haven't gained anything back.

I've gotten to the point to when I just want to lose it for good. I want to have kids but feel that I just can't do that in my current body. I just have such a hard time making the right decisions. I've always been a picky eater and veggies are just bleeeeeeegghhhh for me, but I've gotten better (I've discovered that I like zucchini and roasted kale). I also got myself a gym membership last week and bought myself some exercise DVDs for the days I can't make it to the gym (hubby and I share the car and our work shifts are different).

So, yeah, here's to hoping I can finally stick to this!


  • ScarletFyre
    ScarletFyre Posts: 754 Member
    I think this is a great site for you to be on then! there is a lot of support and you can get encouragement, advice and even find people who start little groups with challenges!! :)

  • naomihandler
    naomihandler Posts: 53 Member
    I know that it is hard to keep motivation, I've been trying to lose the same 15 pounds for 1-2 years. But this site helps a bunch! It's good to get a lot of friends because the support really helps with motivation. Also if you are a picky eater do a little research and try to make what you like healtier. I love the Hungry Girl recipes. (hungrygirl.com). Good luck!
  • gnlglory
    gnlglory Posts: 10
    Good Luck, it's so tough to stick to a diet. This is the only diet that has worked for me. Counting calories just comes easy to me. And reading all of the message boards keeps me going.

  • Oh wow, I'm in pretty much the same place you are. I'm new here too and have about 100 pounds to go. Trying to make use of the gym membership I've been paying for, and have a couple DVDs as well. I'll add you as a friend and we can keep each other motivated!
  • asoltero
    asoltero Posts: 4
    TAKE IT A DAY AT A TIME! I can't stress how important that is! If you are constantly focusing on the 110 lbs you have to loose and how the scale isn't moving, you won't give yourself credit for the small every day achievements, you will get frustrated, and you will quit. Even when you don't see the scale change, you have to stick to it, there's changes in your health your weight scale just cant measure. Those everyday achievements (work out, staying below your calories, etc) will add up in the end, trust me! You build muscle, you loose fat, you become healthier, your jeans fit better, so who cares what the damn scale says!!! I also did diets, got frustrated, hit plateaus, etc... But when I started this program I had a different mentality, it was all about becoming healthier, about meeting small every day goals, like "today I will work out 30 mins and will stay below my calories" and it felt good to meet these goals. I still eat what I like (chocolate brownies/chocolate chip cookies are my weakness!) but I make sure I've earned them, and eat in moderation. By not focusing on the over 60 lbs I have to loose, I've lost 48 lbs so far! I've hit plateaus for almost 2 months sometimes, or I go up and down (I've been doing weights and actually gained 4 lbs back recently) but my pants and friends say I'm looking better and better! So again, STICK TO IT, AND TAKE IT A DAY AT A TIME! You will get there!
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