hey guys

hey all !!
am Trying to lose weight for 2 months and i'm using this application but AM NOT LOSING ANYTHING !
i know the problem is something in me ,, i tried all ways to lose weight but i couldn't ,
what do u recommend me to Do
Help Me Please ..


  • Connie48
    Connie48 Posts: 190 Member
    Log your caloir intake and activity output. It really does make a difference, and be patient (this is the hard part!):wink:
  • iWala2
    iWala2 Posts: 4
    i swear i'm patient but now i'm really depressed !
  • dcmat
    dcmat Posts: 1,723 Member
    Are you trying too hard by reducing your intake by too much? Your brain gets concerned if you are eating too little and you will actually put weight on!
  • lduffee
    lduffee Posts: 14
    This is working for me: I ALWAYS eat breakfast, 1/2 c cheerios (some cereal moderately good for you!) 1/2 c skim milk
    1/2 banana

    10AM snack 1/2 of orange or a clementine, Fiber one bar Water or green tea

    Work out 12 - 1

    Lunch Huge green salad or homemade vegetarian veg soup

    3:00 Snack Handful of Raisins, could be nuts, fresh veggies, or low fat yogurt

    Dinner Salad, Vegetables, meat or fish Lots of salad and veggies!

    7:00 Snack veggies, popcorn, pretzels or some combination

    I usually work out again from 5:30 to 6:30 a night or so a week.

    I eat what I want, as long as low fat, low sodium, as lo calorie as possible, but I EAT.

    Hope this is helpful to you. Good Luck. Just keep it clean and have fun! It will work! :smile:
  • iWala2
    iWala2 Posts: 4
    GUYS Thaaaaaaaaaaaaaankkkssss A LOT !! :heart:
    .. i'll try this low-fat food way !!
    just another question how many Open-days should i have in a month ?