Sweet Fix!

Hi Everyone!

So I LOOOOOOVE sweets and I don't think it would be out of the question to say that I am addicted to them! Cupcakes, cookies, brownies, chocolate, candy, EASTER candy, I love it all.

I make good choices for my main meals--breakfast, lunch and dinner--but I DON'T know how to give up the sweets in between! When I am at the office I can't resist the candy jar and the vending machine; and when I am at home I cannot resist those brownies mom just made. I don't know how to stop. I constantly crave sweet... and it's obvious that giving into this craving is not helping me maintain my goal of losing weight and toning up before my wedding.

I need something that will satisfy the craving but NOT add to my body!

So I want to know: what is your *HEALTHY* sweet fix; and can you give me any helpful advice?


  • jconnon
    jconnon Posts: 427 Member
    I can relate but my weakness is icecream. A serving is 1/2 cup? Not in my world :smile:
  • WTFitness
    WTFitness Posts: 77 Member
    Fruits are sweet and obviously healthier options! Apples, strawberries, blueberries, mangoes, etc.
  • lotrisneat
    lotrisneat Posts: 36 Member
    Sugar free, fat free pudding.
    Sugar free Jello.
    No Sugar Added fudge pops
    Skinny Cow ice cream treats
    100 Calorie snack packs

    If you just really need the treats, just plan them into your calorie allowance. Leave ~100 calories at the end of the day so you can indulge in something small. Those 100 calorie snack packs come in tons of different varieties, and you won't overindulge.
  • cristie86
    Ha ha ha! Oh my God! I thought I was the only one going through this issue. I have candy EVERYWHERE in my house. Even the linen closet (don't ask) And I was looking through my food journal and I eat healthy (enough) for the main meals but then you see the M&Ms, brownies, swiss cake rolls and so one.. I really don't know how to quit but I know I have to. A friend of mine in the military once told me that if I kept enough fruits and water around that it'll help curve my cravings (not the case) after about a month, I was back to my old ways again. Maybe this will help you better than it did me.

    BTW.. Congrats on the wedding!!
  • Jenna423
    Jenna423 Posts: 178 Member
    Mine also is ice cream! I found a cool whip peanut butter recipe on here that is AWESOME. All you do is get an 8 oz container of cool whip (I got lite) and mix in a couple tablespoons of peanut butter (I probably used more than a couple... I LOVE peanut butter) and then spoon it into mini cupcake papers. Swirl chocolate syrup over the top and freeze for 6-8 hours. They are so much like peanut butter ice cream! Although I will warn you, while they are lower in calories than most sweets, they are addicting! It was hard to stop eating them! :love:
  • amycal
    amycal Posts: 646 Member
    When I first started I did buy some skinny cows and other things but I no longer eat them or any other low fat, low calorie premade "treat" I have never indulged in fat free jello or cool whip - that stuff is not food but a little pot of chemicals that provide no nutrients whatsoever.

    The keys I find are to eat plenty of protein and fiber which help balance your insulin and suppress sweet cravings (I am not particularly good at science but I have read a myriad of expert articles on this subject). Eating artificial sweeteners is not good for you and just puts junk in your body. It also helps create and increase cravings for sweet things. Cinnamon is said to help even out blood sugar and make it easier to resist sweets. I add some to my morning oatmeal.

    Eating real whole foods is the way to go.

    Peanut butter is okay - but buy real peanut butter not anything added (the ingredients list should read peanuts) you can also buy almond butter.

    Eating nuts helps when I crave sweets as does drinking tea. Green tea is said to boost your metabolism and help burn fat.

    I also do indulge in the occasional homemade treat such as birthday cake. I will also get really dark chocolate such as Endangered Species. Dark chocolate which contains plenty of cocoa has antioxidant benefits. Also since it is not overly sweet but rich it does satisfy a chocolate craving.

    Other ideas are greek yogurt - even though most are fairly high in sugar it is also high in protein and not full of junk. My favorite is Chobani blueberry and Fage plain where I add granola (a homemade high quality one) or fruit and perhaps a little honey or agave nectar.

    Check out www.cleaneatingmagazine.com or www.eatingwell.com for baked goods ideas with a better fiber to sugar ration than most prepared foods.

    The bottom line is for optimal health you need to eat food that provides nutrients not just a temporary fix for a sweet tooth.