Cooking light for the veggie-phobe

xecila Posts: 99
So, my fiance wants to lose weight with me, but here's the trouble: He doesn't want to give up pop, or cheese, and he hates most vegetables. About the only vegetable I can ever get him to eat is brocoli.. and only when it's stewing in cheese.

Obviously, not eating vegetables isn't very good for you.. but any improvement is an improvement. Also.. if I can keep pizza rolls out of my freezer, then -I- wont' be tempted to eat them, either. :wink:


  • koreyo
    koreyo Posts: 1
    At some point he'll need to at least cut back on soda, but I have had a lot of success for my husband and I cooking from the Hungry Girl cookbooks--he loves the recipes, and most are not veggie-centric.
  • eellis2000
    eellis2000 Posts: 465 Member
    i personally don't like veggies either, but i love vegetable beef soup maybe you can sneak some in that way?
  • lclarius
    lclarius Posts: 34 Member
    I have a pretty tasty super easy broccoli recipe that seems to be hit whenever I make it. I use fresh broccoli and cut up the crowns (not stems) and lay them on a tin foil lined pan/cooking sheet. I spray the broccoli with pam olive oil spray and sprinkle - salt, garlic powder, fresh pepper and parmesan cheese (i use the reduced fat kraft kind but whatever you have on hand). I then put it in the oven - usually 400 but if i am cooking something else in the oven I will just throw it in at that temp. I leave the broccoli in the oven until the "flowers" start to get a little browned.

    Thats it, its that easy. You can also do the same thing with brussel sprouts but if he doesnt like veggies he probably wont like that...good luck. I will also just throw some veggies in whatever i am making. Last night we made spaghetti and meatballs with tomato sauce and we diced up a red pepper and threw it in. You could barely notice it.
  • MizBee
    MizBee Posts: 37
    My husband is the same way..... he really likes Brocc and corn, other than that not much else. I have worked hard to kinda meet him in the middle with things. Choosing diet drinks or flavored water instead of reg soda.... instead of fries, opting for roasted potatoes.... Instead of fried chicken... making baked chicken strips.... my husband has lost 20lbs so far and hasnt lifted a finger to exercise... Ive lost almost 15lbs working my buns off, lol. Kinda unfair but it seems to be working none the less. There are certain things he wont budge on so I just have to make arrangements for myself..... like Ill make him fried chicken to put on top of his salad but Ill have fish easy dinner and we both win. I hope this helps.... it is a slow process but he is coming around better than I ever thought. Maybe your fiancée will too. Good luck to you :)
  • xecila
    xecila Posts: 99
    Thanks everyone! I'm definately picking up one of the Hungry Girl cookbooks.. that's his kind of food. :D
  • jr1985
    jr1985 Posts: 1,033 Member
    Try some unique veggies, or veggies cooked different ways, I'm not a huge veggie fan personally either... but I LOVE Eggpland Parmesian (and speghetti sauce counts as 1, some brands 2 servings of veggies as well :) and roasted butternut squash soup... you can also either steam or boil a lot of veggies, puree them and then sneak them into foods... Carrots go great into sweeter things like muffins.