Recipe sharing :)

Bobcgirl8 Posts: 30 Member
edited September 24 in Food and Nutrition
Does anyone know how friends can access other friends' recipes on MFP? I have several recipes I want to share with a friend, but she doesn't seem to be able to view them. Is there a special setting I need to fix?


  • dracobaby82
    dracobaby82 Posts: 380 Member
    I'd like to know this as well! But usually when I find a good recipe I copy it into Microsoft Works... and send out like that
  • Bobcgirl8
    Bobcgirl8 Posts: 30 Member
    Well I'm simply writing down recipes on here that I've made and want to let her see them so she knows how many calories and such I use when I make it.
  • Bobcgirl8
    Bobcgirl8 Posts: 30 Member
    Well I'm simply writing down recipes on here that I've made and want to let her see them so she knows how many calories and such I use when I make it.
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