Hello! Mom of 2 trying to get her old body back!

Hello everyone, I just joined (about two minutes ago) I didn't know there was a great site like this to help me keep track of everything, this looks easy I hope this really helps.
Like I said before, I'm a mom of to great boys, 2 and 8 mos. I'm trying to gain some self confindece, get in shape, lose this muffin top, eat better, and feel healthy.
Open to receiving encouragement, giving help and advice, hearing great success stories!


Ady from Chicago


  • AmberLiscous
    AmberLiscous Posts: 644 Member
    HI...you will love this site :smile:
  • Leannek74
    Leannek74 Posts: 374 Member
    Hi, mom of 2 too! I joined and lost about 50 pounds from this time last year (I was 8 months pregnant!). This is a great site... I had the same pre baby weight goal and now sit proudly 10 pounds UNDER that!! Good luck!!! :smile:
  • dntsharp
    dntsharp Posts: 6 Member
    Hi welcome! I joined awhile ago but lost my way, now I am back and ready to go! lol You will love this site! It really helps keep things in perspective and has wonderful people on it.
  • gumby101ca
    gumby101ca Posts: 539 Member
    welcome to the site, there is a ton of support here, and lots of info to read up on.
    feel free to add me as a buddy if you want
  • SweetP88
    SweetP88 Posts: 79
    You can do it!! Track every thing you eat and it will work out great....it is really just simple math...calories in/calories out!! Just by following MFP and exercising for an hour six times a week I have lost 26.2 lbs in 9 weeks!! Crazy I know...everyone keeps asking me what my secret is and what I am "taking".....I love telling them "nothing but a healthy diet and exercise"!! Keep focused, find a friend to do this journey with and realize that YOU are worth it!!
  • anunez07
    anunez07 Posts: 7
    Thank you all for your warm welcomes! I already see what I diference I can make just by accurately knowing what my calorie intake is. This is amazing and so easy to enter!
    Thank you all for your support.

    I do have to add... I took my "before" pics (lol shy) and I am pretty much dissapointed, I hate what I saw. I truly need to change to feel better. Sigh.....