6lbs in 2 weeks...healthy?

so i set a goal to be at 125 for our trip to vegas which is March 17th ... 2 weeks away. and needless to say i have really been hovering around the 130 mark for a while now and cant seem to break into the 120's without taking drastic measures (strict diet and exercise...no wine...no slip ups = drastic) ... does anyone think that 6lbs in 2 weeks is possible...and if that healthy? i would love to get there...but more so i want to be tone. 125 is my fighting weight...but let me tell you its a chore to get there!!!
defintely froggy brain today...just needed to get this on paper i think:)


  • noltes2
    noltes2 Posts: 202 Member
    Maybe for someone who is 300 pounds.... 6 pounds for someone who is already fighting at 130? Heck no! I'm at 156 and on my best week I lose 2 pounds.... that's with working out 2 hours per day, and eating 1200. The only way you might lose 6 pounds is if you did a detox. In which case you very likely could gain some of it back after you regained eating again... Just do you best and every pound is an accomplishment! And 130 I am sure you look beautiful!
  • dschevy348
    In a word - No.

    A more complete answer - While it is certainly possible, and it won't necessarily kill you, it is unhealthy. Anything more than 2 lbs per week is considered by most doctors and nutritionists to be very unhealthy. It throws your body through a loop and wrecks your metabolism, hormonal balances, and even cardiovascular out of sync. I'm afraid to mention ways to do this, but there certainly are many ways to do so.

    If you've been sticking to a routine and still hovering at 130, you've most likely hit a plateau. They happen with all diets and all workouts. You can overcome it by making healthy changes to your routines to get over the hurdle. Remember that the human body is VERY good at adapting to what you subject it to regularly.

    For your workout, here are some possibilities - do your workout routine in reverse order; take no breaks between exercises; jog in place, do jumping jacks, or any other full-body exercises between the exercises in your routine; change routines completely for two weeks; come up with an entirely new workout routine.

    For your diet, it is mostly dependent on what you're already eating now, so other than the generic "eat healthier" advice would require looking at your diet more closely.

  • jdedzant
    jdedzant Posts: 34
    Possible? Yes. Healthy? No. If you are going on a vacation, chances are you won't be eating as healthy as you do at home (that's why it's a vacation! Indulge a little!) But if you do a quick detox beforehand, you'll end up gaining more weight than you would have if you just kept maintaining 130 and working through the plateau. You're body will go into starvation mode and hoard all the extra calories because it isn't sure when it will be getting it's next meal. So you may look good the first few days of your vacation, but then the harm will kick in.

    I recommend just working through the plateau. I don't know what you're diet is now, but I know when I hit plateaus I do about a week of no red meat (stick with white meat chicken and salmon) and actually aim for no meat at all. Bump up the veggies! cookinglight.com has some great vegetarian recipes :)
  • jillMoose
    jillMoose Posts: 45 Member
    can you get one of those products that "cleanses you" before you go??? that way, even if you choose not to lose the weight before you go you still will feel super sliM!
  • unckat09
    unckat09 Posts: 97
    What is your goal? To hit your magical number before the vacation? Or, to visibly appear slimmer? If you are trying to look slimmer, it might be healthier to shoot to lose inches/tone. For example, something like Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred really does tone quickly. Or, just doing some body weight training. While you can't spot reduce fat, you might be able to find a quick toning program.

    (I realize this doesn't exactly answer your question, but I just wanted to throw this idea out there!):smile:
  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member

    If I was more mature, I'd go with unckat's suggestion of toning for those two weeks before you went away to ensure that you're at your best and won't bloat up like a whale your first night in Vegas with the $1 margs (Casino Royale, represent!) and the limitless free beer/drinks for gamblers.

    Since I'm not mature, and I have my own trip to LV pending (not until June though, so I'm still able to maintain my composure), if I had a deadline looming, I'd probably go really low carb for those two weeks to flatten the belly (not too concerned with the scale, more with out I'll look in the pool at the Palms Place) even though I know that I'd gain back every inch lost.

    I'm not saying it's right. In fact, I know it's not, but I'm not going to pretend that I wouldn't do whatever it took to rock a bikini around NHLers and that I'd be prepared to pay the consequences on my return.
  • jchecks
    jchecks Posts: 133
    thanks all! everyone's responses really helped...got my head in a good place!!! at this point i am trying to just eat healthy and not go overboard on anything...and just keep working out! so we'll see!!!

    thanks again!