fed up! :0(

dont know whats going wrong but im calorie counting (and within target most days), water drinking, exercising at the gym for an hour 3-4 times a week and walking everywhere but still no weight lost and no inches gone!
prob feeling sorry for myself but do you ever wonder why you are doing it? been with mfp since january and feeling proper disheartened! argggh! makes me want to reach for the galaxy and say pants to being thin!


  • bzmom
    bzmom Posts: 1,332 Member
    I cant see your diary but can it be sodium I know sodium plays a huge role in my weightloss when I try to weigh in.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    since you don't have a lot to lose you will lose slowly. Try changing your goal to lose 0.5lbs/week, and make sure you eat your exercise calories. This may sound strange but the closer you are to your goal weight the closer you should eat to your maintenance calories to ensure what you do lose is fat and not muscle. You may need to eat more. Try this for 3-4 weeks, then step back on the scale and see how it is working.
  • Luisabbz
    Luisabbz Posts: 4 Member
    Iwould give it some more time you won't see results in one week it usually takes me about a month to really see a difference. Don't be discouraged.
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    since you don't have a lot to lose you will lose slowly. Try changing your goal to lose 0.5lbs/week, and make sure you eat your exercise calories. This may sound strange but the closer you are to your goal weight the closer you should eat to your maintenance calories to ensure what you do lose is fat and not muscle. You may need to eat more. Try this for 3-4 weeks, then step back on the scale and see how it is working.

  • pammilou
    pammilou Posts: 96 Member
    I totally understand! I wish I had advice to offer, but I'm in the same boat. It's frustrating. But if you're like me, it will do NOTHING for a long time, then several pounds will come off suddenly, then back to nothing for a while. Try to remember this though, if you do nothing, you definitely aren't going to succeed. If you keep working at it, you very well might! I am actually getting a BodyBugg, it'll be here tomorrow, so I can start seeing PRECISELY how much I'm burning vs. eating. I'm tired of trying to guess if I should be eating more or less then spending weeks waiting to see if my change worked or not. If you want to add me, I'm going to try to be consistent about updating how it works out.

    I've never understood the salt thing. I know your body retains water when you have more sodium, but if you lay off the salt, then you lose water, not fat. It may equal pounds on the scale, but I really want to lose permanent fat and add muscle so it stays gone. I need to watch salt more closely for health reasons, but I've cut it back considerably before and it didn't do a thing for me pound wise.
  • dmmsquared
    Sodium was huge for me too. You don't realize just how much is in just about everything we eat. Turn on sodium tracking in your diary and you will be amazed.

    Also, remember, it's not just the amount of calories you eat, but also what those calories consist of. Without being able to see your diary, I can't provide any specific suggestions, but try to stay away from packaged, processed, and fast foods and stick with fresh/frozen fruits/veggies, good proteins, and whole grains.
  • Picky_nikki
    Picky_nikki Posts: 405 Member
    Try using a HRM to track your calorie burn... I find MFP sometimes over estimates your exercise calories you can eat back.. and if you are eating them all back you will NOT lose if you were completely over estimating your burn!!
  • nikki2609
    nikki2609 Posts: 128
    thanks everyone,

    BZmom : my salt intake is target goal 2500 and today i finished at 1500.
    luisabbz: been on the plan now for 8 weeks, lost 3lb in the 1st 2 weeks then put it back on?!

    never know whether gym equipment and mfp is accurate with regards to calories used so i tend to eat back half just incase theyve over estimated! think its just my time for a moan, thanks for listening x
  • emptysgirl
    emptysgirl Posts: 4 Member
    My Mother was in the same boat - been at it for almost a month with no weight loss.... she walks EVERY day, and was keeping her calories within goal. Then I reminded her to eat at least 5 to 6 smaller meals each day rather than the 3 meals people normally eat (learned this while I had gestational diabetes). She gave it a try and a few weeks later is seeing results. She only had like 12 pounds to lose to be at her goal weight and is about half - way there now. Just don't give in and give up!! Keep at it and you will succeed!!! And remember the weigh didn't just show up one morning - it won't go away in one day!
  • dmmsquared
    I've never understood the salt thing. I know your body retains water when you have more sodium, but if you lay off the salt, then you lose water, not fat. It may equal pounds on the scale, but I really want to lose permanent fat and add muscle so it stays gone. I need to watch salt more closely for health reasons, but I've cut it back considerably before and it didn't do a thing for me pound wise.

    When I was diagnosed with pre-hypertension, I thought just laying off the salt shaker would be good too... Boy was I wrong. There is sodium in everything - and sometimes LOTS of it. When I turned on sodium tracking in MFP, I was shocked. Yes, cutting down will make you lose some water weight, but it also allows the body to function properly which will assist in weight loss in the long run.

    Please check out this article:

    I now am trying to consume only 1,500 mg sodium per day (I changed my MFP diary to that) as per the recommendations for people with high blood pressure and I've seen some definite benefits, not only with my weight loss, but also in my blood pressure and my general health.