What are the reasons behind a private food diary?



  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    Mine is private simply because it was the default setting. Aside from the occasional glance from boredom, I honestly don't look at other people's diaries unless they want me to look at it. I feel anyone should be able to eat and log whatever the hell they want. It doesn't affect me in any way to see it or not. At the same time, I haven't had any requests to make it public, so again, it will remain at the default setting, until the opportunity presents itself.
  • EmelyJ
    EmelyJ Posts: 208
    I had mines private by mistake. I did not know it was private until I couldn't see the "view" option after every time i completed my food and excerise diary. But I'm always honest on mine, I always estimate my dinner intake, because I cook dinner and I know it's not healthy
    (well, not that it's not healthy, I just cook a lot of Carb type food) and I don't know how to calucate calories, so I always give an estimate. Within my estimate I always make sure to grab smaller portions so I wouldn't go over broad.
  • isabelk
    isabelk Posts: 153 Member
    Mine was private by default until it occurred to me to make it open to friends so my doctor can read it. My hubby's is still private, he won't even let me see it! Some people just need to be honest with themselves and not feel judged (I criticise his diet soda intake). I respect that.
  • I understand what you are saying, but there are people who are extremely critical of other people's food diary and try to push their views (whether it's veganism, clean eating, etc, etc) at someone.

    Plus if I'm holding my own self accountable, why I do need someone else prying into my diary?

    A diary for ME is private.. regardless if it's a food diary or a personal diary.. :flowerforyou:
  • I understand what you are saying, but there are people who are extremely critical of other people's food diary and try to push their views (whether it's veganism, clean eating, etc, etc) at someone.

    Plus if I'm holding my own self accountable, why I do need someone else prying into my diary?

    A diary for ME is private.. regardless if it's a food diary or a personal diary.. :flowerforyou:

    whoops I also meant to type that I agree with the first quote lol :tongue:
  • girl_brett
    girl_brett Posts: 166 Member
    Mine is public, but I will say from that I have gotten some unsolicited advice/opinions! Unless I ask what maybe I could have done differently, I really don't want to hear. But what I find very intresting, is that the person who has done this to me 2 times stated similar reasons as to why they used to have theres private.

    This is my journey and and what I do for me is what I choose. Your journey is your journey! No one should judge anyone for what choices they might have made on a certain day.

    I think it was really put there to help give people ideas if they need them. This is why I left it open, because I realize some people like to see what other people are able to eat and do eat and those things might help them. But it should be for that purpose only not at all to push ideas or judge their diary. We aren't kids, we are old enough to know whether it was bad or not, I don't need you to tell me! (Not you per se) =) I personally don't look at anyone's food diary...it's nto intresting to me!
  • ican♥and♥iwill
    ican♥and♥iwill Posts: 176 Member
    My profile is set completely private, my friends don't even have access. It has nothing to do with me being embarassed by what I ate or what I didn't eat, it has more to do with the fact that this is MY diet and I don't feel like I have to share it with anyone unless I want to.

    If I felt I needed advice on my eating habits, then sure - I'd definitely open it up and seek advice.
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    mine is open to my friends as of monday this week, but before that i was just too self conscious to reveal how badly ive been eating all these years. i wasnt even aware how bad it was until i started tracking it and could see it in front of me in numbers.

    i wanted some time to get used to tracking, and to assess what changes i could make and make a plan to improve without the extra stress of people seeing what i ate. i know im never going to be that perfect eater, but for me, i like to learn new things in the safety of my comfort zone, then branch out once im more confident.

    no one should feel pressure to reveal their diary if their not ready, in my opinion. and regardless if its private or public, your friends can get a general idea of how you're doing and encourage you based on when you post exercise and stay under your calorie goal, etc.
  • jillinthbox
    jillinthbox Posts: 18 Member
    I keep my food diary for me. Period. I am able to share, but simply choose not to (some people value privacy).
  • cnash81
    cnash81 Posts: 30
    My profile is set completely private, my friends don't even have access. It has nothing to do with me being embarassed by what I ate or what I didn't eat, it has more to do with the fact that this is MY diet and I don't feel like I have to share it with anyone unless I want to.

    If I felt I needed advice on my eating habits, then sure - I'd definitely open it up and seek advice.

    My feelings exactly
  • Picky_nikki
    Picky_nikki Posts: 405 Member
    I like mine being open to friends... it is like going to a restaurant with a bunch of women.... you tend not to overindulge, at least in food! lol
    Anyways, I only allow friends to view my diary, as, if a person is not my friend on here, I don't think they should be able to view my diary. I love checking out other peoples diaries. From being able to see what they have been eating when things are working and the lbs are coming off, to new ideas in your food. I am a food/nutrition blog addict so maybe it is just me!

    That being said, I WOULD NOT post my food intake on FB! I find this is a nice anonymous place to be ME. I do not need an old BF, or always skinny friend on FB seeing my weight, or what I am putting in my mouth possibly judging me! Here I am completely honest, and I do not care if you see my slip-ups. It will help me and others if I ask their opinion on what am I doing wrong if I am COMPLETELY honest.
  • shanolap
    shanolap Posts: 1,204 Member
    There was a topic floating around yesterday about someone bashing another girls food diary. This is why i want mine private. I'm not ashamed of what I eat...just too many trolls out there looking for drama

  • kettlewitch
    kettlewitch Posts: 277 Member
    I like to mess about with mine too. Now I'm not planning to only eat a lemon tomorrow, but I put it in and completed it to see if it would say " if every day was like today in 5 weeks you would be dead" it didn't. In fact it only said I'd be an extra 10 lbs lighter than what my sensible one did. Really? Not worth it then :laugh:
  • You know, I disagree that it keeps us more honest. I think if you know people are checking it out and judging you are more likely to "forget" that cookie you tasted. Mine is private because I don't care for random advice, which people have mentioned. Mine is also private from "friends" because I have a lot of randomly selected friends. A few people I know in real life too, but most I don't.

    I guess its the same for me in real life. I'm way more likely to eat too much in public then I am alone at home. I don't want people to jump all over me about eating this instead of that or forgetting to eat this meal.

    Everyone has their own ways of doing things. As long as you keep it up it'll work :)
  • I like to mess about with mine too. Now I'm not planning to only eat a lemon tomorrow, but I put it in and completed it to see if it would say " if every day was like today in 5 weeks you would be dead" it didn't. In fact it only said I'd be an extra 10 lbs lighter than what my sensible one did. Really? Not worth it then :laugh:

    :laugh: lol, I've done this too. Only put in my workout and no food to see what happened. So not worth it
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member

    but some people do not liked to be judged for what they eat and when. Its their own business :]

    That is pretty much it. Mine is closed. I'm not going to lie and say I eat clean all the time but I do not go over and lie about it.

    There are some very pious people on here food wise. Ultimately its calories in versus calories burned and i've seen MFP pals have a little moan that the scale hasn't shifted only for someone to come along and say its because youre eating this that or the other..if its high sodium fair enough but there are always ones that think eating clean is the answer. It is to general health but not to lbs lost.

    I've also seen pals getting questioned and nagged about their water. If the person has eaten a lot of fruit and veg they may not need 8 glasses of water...I don't drink any water and there is no way on this earth that i'm going to explain why not to a possible ms pious pants who believes ONLY WATER counts

    I will freely admit that I eat some crud...i build a chocolate wafer (82 cals) and a packet of quavers (88 cals) in to every days food...I don't always eat them but theyre listed, it keeps me on the straight n narrow knowing i can have it if i want it.

    That is why mine is private

    EDIT. When i first joined MFP it wasnt to add friends or use the forum, I joined for the recipe calculator, the rest was an added bonus that I started using a few weeks later
  • calmmomw3minimeez
    calmmomw3minimeez Posts: 499 Member
    I was with MFP for over a month when I realized that my diary was private by default. I had never even gone into the community because I was just getting the hang of navigating the site.(borderline internet illiterate). Once I finally figured out how to post and got some friends, I went ahead and made my diary open to friends only. I'm not sure if any of my friends looked at it or not, and I have never gone into any of theirs, but I do consider myself a private person. I had a bad last week so I switched back to private - not so much because I was ashamed because I've had several bad weeks while it was open to friends. I just think that the settings are there for us to change it or leave it wherever and whenever we please, and however we travel on our journey is our business. On the other hand we are still free to ask questions and state our opinions and I really appreciate the way everyone responds to the different posts. Personally, my diary is subject to be private one day and open the next. It is all about what that PERSON wants to do...I guess that's why it's called a diary.:ohwell:
  • You know I agree!!
  • WanabeHotMama
    WanabeHotMama Posts: 102 Member
    Thanks everyone! This all helps shed a little light on what others may be thinking/feeling. I appreciate everyone's feedback! Some of you influenced me to make mine viewable to friends only! I hadn't thought of a lot of these scenarios because they haven't been an issue for me (yet) and I can absolutely understand some people being more private than others! :)
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    I'm using my phone primarily to access the site. I'm not sure whether my diary is private or not.

    I think it default to private setting
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